December 9, 2020 (138) Year of the Pandemic. In February 2020 we were still able to get a lot of trees out in person at the Fort Pierce farmers market. In April we had to get creative because we still had trees that needed homes during the the covid-19 pandemic lock down. We managed to provide our local neighbors 7 Avocado trees, 4 Sugar Apple trees, 30 Starfruit trees, 1 Sapodilla tree, 35 Barbados cherry trees, 29 ponytail palms, 12 Asian Jasmine bush, pigeon pea seeds, everglades tomato seeds, Sapodilla seeds, sugar apple seeds and approx. 20 loose mangoes. A neighbor Kim Walko shared Aloe plants, Jack fruit seeds and pepper seeds, as well, neighbor Kristy Caldwell shared yellow and purple vines seed pods and melon seeds.. and what is an orchard without a bedazzled rock painted by Traci Lyn. Thank you and wishing all a safe and Happy Holidays!