Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for [Fruit Crush]

Last Updated: [1st, December, 2023]

Welcome to Fruit Crush by “Moso Gaming”. This policy includes information pertaining to your rights and is supplement to our Terms of Service, which govern your use of the Services. Please note that we may from time to time update this policy by posting a new version. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by posting a notice in the Services prior to the change becoming effective. Your continued use of the Services after the effective date will be subject to the updated policy.

1.     Information Collection

2.     Use of Collected Information

3.     Third-Party Services

4. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Fruit Crush may utilize cookies or similar technologies to enhance the Player experience, analyze usage patterns, and improve the Game's performance. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the Player's device to remember certain information about their preferences and interactions within the Game. Like many websites and applications, this Fruit Crush Site makes use of “cookies" which are saved on the user’s computer. In addition, third party networks serving advertisements on the Fruit Crush Site (the “Advertisers") might use cookies. Cookies are a way of remembering who you are. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer’s hard drive or stored temporarily in your computer’s memory. There are two kinds of cookies: those that are “session" oriented and those that are “persistent". Session cookies delete from your computer when you close your browser. Persistent cookies retain information for later use tomorrow, next week, next month, or whenever they are set to expire. Fruit Crush and its Advertisers may use cookies, or similar technologies to enhance and personalize your experience on the Fruit Crush General Site, including the following: to operate and improve offerings on the Fruit Crush Site; to help authenticate you when you are on the Fruit Crush Site; For information on how cookies are used on the Fruit Crush Kids Site, please see the below Children Users section. Users can refuse the saving of cookies or delete them by adjusting the browser settings on his or her computer. To learn more on how to adjust the settings of your internet browser, we recommend the user visit the website of the browser’s vendor. The user can also decide to remove installed cookies. Users can do so in the following manners: Internet Explorer Delete existing Tracking Technologies through the “Internet Options" sub-option of the “Tools" menu option of your browser or otherwise as directed by your browsers support feature. Disable future Tracking Technologies by using the same browser controls. Additional information on disabling most Tracking Technologies may be available through your browser’s support feature. (See the “help" section of your browser for more information.)Google Chrome Delete existing Tracking Technologies through the “Clear Browsing Data…" sub-option of the “Tools" menu option of your browser or otherwise as directed by your browsers support feature. Disable future Tracking Technologies by using the same browser controls. Additional information on disabling most Tracking Technologies may be available through your browser’s support feature. (See the “help" section of your browser for more information.)Mozilla Firefox Delete existing Tracking Technologies through the “Clear Recent History…" sub-option of the “History" menu option of your browser or otherwise as directed by your browsers support feature. Disable future Tracking Technologies by using the same browser controls. Additional information on disabling most Tracking Technologies may be available through your browser’s support feature. (See the “help" section of your browser for more information.)You may be able to have the device you use to access the Fruit Crush Site warn you each time a cookie or most other Tracking Technologies is being set (other than Flash cookies), or you can choose to turn off such warnings. This is done through your browser on the device you use to access the Website. Additional information on warnings and removal of warnings may be available through your browser’s support feature. Please note that deleting, rejecting, disabling or turning off Tracking Technologies through the above options will not remove Flash cookies. For more information about Flash cookies and how to remove them from your computer, please visit Adobe’s website. Please be aware that certain areas and features of the Fruit Crush Site can only be accessed in conjunction with Tracking Technologies, and that disabling Tracking Technologies might prevent you from accessing such content.

5. Third party games

The relevant provider of such a third party game is responsible for ensuring that any processing of personal data by them in the context of a game complies with applicable data protection laws. Generally, Fruit Crush does not permit third party content providers to collect personal data about Users. However, if any personal data will be collected by a third party content provider, Fruit Crush will contractually require that the processing of personal data by them in the context of a game complies with applicable data protection laws.


6.     In-App Purchases

7.     Security Measures

8.     Individual Rights

·        Fruit Crush makes certain choices available to you when it comes to your personal data. Please review the below information outlining your choices and how to exercise them. We will respond to all requests within a reasonable timeframe. If our full response will ever take more than a month due to complexity or scope, we will notify you of this and keep you updated. We may request more information to confirm your identity before acting on any request. Delete your data: You also hold the right to have your personal data deleted. This is sometimes known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. To request that we delete all personal data about you, please submit a request using the contact information at the end of this section. After you delete your personal data from our services, we may not immediately delete residual copies from our active servers and may not immediately remove data from our backup systems for archiving, prevention of fraud and abuse, analytics, satisfaction of legal obligations, or where we otherwise reasonably believe that we have a legitimate reason to do so. We may also decline to honor this request in certain specific situations, such as if the data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or to exercise/defend a legal claim. Restrict Processing: You have the right to restrict how we process your personal data in certain circumstances. This is an alternative to requesting the deletion of your data. Rather than requesting we delete all of your personal data, you may request that we limit our uses of your personal data to specific purposes. You may wish to request we restrict our processing if you contest the accuracy of your personal data and we are working to verify this information, or if you want us to retain your personal data in connection to a legal claim but cease processing it. Data Portability: You have the right to obtain copies of your information in a structured, commonly used format that you can move your data between our service and the services of others. We may request more information to confirm your identity before providing any personal data. Right to Object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes or when our processing of your data is based on legitimate interests. You may request that we stop processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. This is an absolute right and we cannot refuse this request. Beyond direct marketing, if you wish to exercise this right, you must give specific reasons why you object to our processing of your data, based on your particular situation. Even after receiving such a request, we may continue processing if it is necessary for the exercise/defense of a legal claim or if we can demonstrate a compelling legitimate ground for the processing. If any request made under this section is clearly unfounded or excessive, we may reject the request or require a reasonable fee to honor the request. If we decide to reject your request, we will inform you of the reasons for not taking action and provide information on other possible remedies. If we decide that a reasonable fee is necessary, we will promptly inform you and will comply with the request upon receipt of this fee.

9.     Children's Privacy

·        Age Restriction: Fruit Crush is intended for general audiences and is not directed toward individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years old. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us immediately. We will make efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.


·        Parental Consent: Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to monitor their children's online activities and usage of the Game to ensure compliance with this policy. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided personal information, please contact us to review or delete the information.



·        Educational Institutions: If you are an educational institution or a teacher using the Game with children under 13, it is your responsibility to obtain appropriate consents from parents or guardians before allowing children to access or use the Game.


10. Changes to This Privacy Policy

11. Contact Us