For a day now the Gboard keyboard has been unresponsive in the YouTube app, and only the YouTube app. It pops up when I tap a text field but tapping anywhere on it does nothing. No vibration or anything. Same when I rotate the phone. Works normally in any other app. Also works if I go to the YouTube website in chrome.

I may have aready posted here so apoligies if so, admin can remove ??. Android Something called FrozenKeyboard has installed on the startup, is there any download to clear it available and if so, how can I install it ?. The screen minimises if any (or some) of the keyboard characters are pressed (i,oj, k l n&m) at least. Could I use voice commands. Any help appreciated. Cheers. ColinCB.

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Regardless, you won't be able to remove this keyboard until you have installed a keyboard to replace it. I would install Gboard, Google's keyboard that comes default on many Android devices:

Hi Nathan, thanks for coming back on this. No - this isn't any official keyboard but a bit of malware. The only place it shows it's icon face is on startup. It's an Android face, scowling in red, with crossed bones beneath. After a factory reset, is still on the loading list, last line, in colour. I don't know for sure how to get back to the startup sequence, but somehow I need to get to it and delete the malware program (it's really very small) before the startup goes past and it's reinitiated. I think it intercepts the keyboard initialisation and substitues a minimise command for the letters- u,i,o and a couple below on each of the two lines. I'm no programmer and I'm using a spare phone anyway..The infected one is a Lenovo phone via Amazon, about 6 months old. Cheers CCB.

Hi Nathan, no go, If I press the power button screen asks for reboot, etc., but at the 'shut down' command the OK button is not working, only the cancel. I cannot get into Google Play to download a new replacement keyboard (gboard) as advised, when I get to the password 'i' as in Chris**** for my password, the keyboad minimises.... so - still snookered. Thanks for you help Nathan.... may have to scrap the phone yet... CCB.

Hi Nathan, still same - but I have managed to get into 'safe mode' then onto Play Store, but it's asking me for email, if I put in my usual email it will crash at the 'i' for gmail - can I try making a new email address ?, using only keyboard characters from the left of the keyboard??, if I can get into Playstore then can try downloading a new keyboard (gboard ?), then will need to somehow delete the FrozenKeyboard ?? do youo think this is a goer?? Thanks Nathan... Are you in UK ? ccb

Hi Nathan - sorry to take up so much of your time. I had a very old 6-7inch Android (10+y/o) which I had bought a seperate unbranded keyboard of the same size, charged it up and connected it via the micro-USB's plugs but the phone didn't recognise it.. (don't know how it originally connected to the old Android - dead Android - via wifi? has a blue light BUT that was WAY before Bluetooth ).If I could just find a way to direct connect !!

Hi Nathan, update, keyboard works but is a bit hit-n-miss to start, and I have to remember not to finger poke !!. Got into apps., and deleted the FrozenKeyboard icon, but is hasn't changed the minimising - probably malware changed keyboard when it first installed (from a pre-installed or auto-installed app called Marshmallow - some sort of game, has same build nos, etc. don't believe in coincidences) deleted now.. Tried to get Mozilla Firefoxfrom Playstore, but it only downloaded Opera with loads of ads., entered your https and downloaded gboard, took about 25/30 mins, but not shown up in apps list, I can't find it, not in downloads (nothing there either).. Not showing up on settings app. keyboard list, installed keyboard shown as Android Keyboard AOS - and another MTK BT HID (UK) there as well ??. Too risky to change keyboard as may lose input.. G Voice not working. BTW, settings click defaults to messages screen using finger, but it's correct settings via bluetooth keyboard... Any idea how I can find and install gboard, it's here in the Android somewhere, and secondly will the gboard overwrite the malware faulty keyboard setting ?? Thanks again, sorry to be useless. colinCB.

Malwarebytes is on my W10 PC, I can connect the PC to the phone using the miniUSB? . Bluetooth works OK as well - the mini keyboard is fine, but can't carry that about in my pocket !!. So, presumably your tech. guys would connect via USB to a PC and download the info.?. can that be done remotely ?

Correct, no voice, keyboard minimises if any character pressed on the right keyboard side, mainly I,O,K,L, etc... But further on now, found an old bluetooth keyboard, connected OK. Eventually downloaded MalwareBytes software, but file won't work. BTW the malware also affects the Playstore, disallowing some downloads (anti-malware, etc.) so at this moment, need to load the APY sourced file into the android play system (I'm in no way techie).

Just to let you know... Removal of malware on keyboards is one of the most difficult because keyboards code is malware of the very best kind. It hides it self, can open controls, move, shut down, re open, stays on factory reset... It does not need permission for anything and its main purpose is to never die.

Keyboard like Gboard is classified as a Trojan, spyware, malware that is designed to spread and told by Google to ignore. So no antivirus will find it inside the keyboard code because Google says ignore that threat it is the keyboard. I can help you push it out of the keyboard and a small chance it will delete it self..but a good chance that it will then be visible to antivirus software.

After you download the new keyboard you should be able to make it as primary. Then you need to find the other keyboard in apps and download in you settings. If you find it. Open cache and data and delete that then disable and force stop. You will probably have to do this 2-3 times to be able to delete it. Lucky for you that it is not a Google app. It should be easy enough to delete. Then virus scan and hope its done.

it could be that the ribbon cables for the keyboard and touchpad are not attached correctly and move in certain situations, causing them to no longer be fully connected. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to disassemble the keyboard and check the ribbon cable connection.

On the other hand, I could fetch this exception (duplicated many times at the exact time when duplication frozen scenarii appeared) in the EVENT Logs : HotKeyServiceUWP.exe, version :

Ever since updating to iOS 9, the keyboard will intermittently freeze when trying to unlock my iPhone 5. Basically, after sliding to unlock, you can type in 0 to 2 letters before the keyboard is frozen and no longer accepts inputs. What then happens is I hit the Lock phone button again (I have to use assistive touch due to broken power button), and after going through that sequence 1-3 times I can finally type in my entire passcode.

This means it isn't just one "bad" touch screen (mine has absolutely no other issues besides this keyboard thing), is probably not hardware related, and is present in the very latest software. It also means that it was a bug in iOS 9 that *wasn't* fixed by the 9.01 update.

Do you have an Apple Watch? It seems that my keyboard issues go away if I turn off bluetooth, thus breaking the connection to the watch. It seems to be more common when I see the icon on the phone screen for an activity handoff. Thought I'd check if you experience is similar.

I will check the Bluetooth clue, but the thing is ... because the lock screen keyboard is so absolutely crucial, it makes no sense for end users like ourselves to go futzing around trying this or that thing.

Same issue on my 4th Gen iPad since upgrading to iOS9. It never used to have the problem with prior releases of iOS so not a hardware issue. This seems to only be with a full password which requires the keyboard not when just using a PIN (although I have not tested this extensively). The iPad does not freeze, but the keyboard does not respond. It is intermittent and turning the iPad off and back on clears the fault, but means starting again with entering password.

temporary fix without restarting the phone is to open notes app and open an existing notes. this keyboard will go away. If you don't have an existing notes, make sure you hav it for next time until Apple fixes it. you can try an email also I guess,bill I never tried anything else. I believe reset is not the option for everything, there will be workaround definitely for any issue. good luck. Apple needs to say good bye to this JavaScript keyboard, which is so hard to use with iOS devices. luckily I'm typing from 6+ which has arrows.

I've seen this too and every time it happens, when I swipe right (to dismiss the keyboard and go back to the lock screen), I see an app icon in the lower left corner. I turned off "Suggested Apps" but it still seems to be picking up apps from my other devices via Handoff. I may have to try turning off Handoff entirely to see if that helps.

I've had the same problem since I switched jobs and my new employer required an alphanumeric passcode. Since the locking seemed to happen at the same moment suggested apps (such as Podcasts or Spotify in my case) showed up on the lock screen, I've disabled app suggestions and it looks like the keyboard no longer locks up. It's under Settings -> General -> Handoff and App suggestions.

If the keyboard still works, press Alt+F2 and run gnome-terminal (or, if these fail to launch, press Alt+Ctrl+F1 and login with your username and password). From there you can troubleshoot things. I'm not going to get into mouse troubleshooting here, as I haven't researched it. If you just want to try restarting the GUI, run sudo service lightdm restart. This should bring down the GUI, which will then attempt to respawn, bringing you back to the login screen. e24fc04721

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