4 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Fiscal Sponsorship Filmmakers

Fiscal sponsorship is a great way independent filmmakers raise funds for their films. Fiscal sponsorship filmmakers are something you should look out for if you are into filmmaking and intend to raise funds. It is also an excellent method you can utilize to raise funds for production, pre-production, or post-production.

A fiscal sponsor is a requirement if you are looking out to get donations that are tax-deductible from investors. Choosing a fiscal sponsor can sometimes be a hurdle because of the numerous questions you are faced to answer. Below are questions to guide you on how to make the right choice.

#1. Do They Give Explicit Guidelines And Sample Agreements?

It is generally said that when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. When specific instructions and guidelines are not clearly stated out there may be an outbreak of chaos. In partnership, there should be clear cut terms and guidelines on what is expected of both parties.

Is your fiscal sponsorship filmmakers transparent when it comes to relating with their clients? Spell out possible terms and conditions with a written document to back it up.

#2. What Fees Do They Charge?

Your fiscal sponsors may want to include sponsorship fees, application fees, administration fees, maintenance fees, and any extra services you may need. When taking note of these fees, review if the payment equates with the service rendered.

Some fiscal sponsorship filmmakers who collect higher fees may also render services like technical support, mentorship and serve as an intermediary between you and your donors. They could also have a good number of staff whose sole description is to be in charge of a particular function to ensure productivity.

Your fiscal sponsor may be taxed to do a lot of paperwork because of funds coming in. Some could come from federal funders, online donations, organisations willing to sponsor and much more. The higher the increase in service the higher the fees involved in a fiscal sponsor.

#3. What is Their Track Record?

Ask important questions before going into partnership with a fiscal sponsor even if it is documentary fiscal sponsorship. Make a research about their prestige in the film industry and seek to know the benefits you stand to enjoy. These questions are vital especially if you are seeking a long term partnership.

#4. Is There an Opting Out Option?

Seek to know what the opting-out process would involve if by any chance you want out. Are there additional fees for annulling the contract? Is there a certain amount of time for notice to be given?

Your legal documents should also contain the risk and procedures involved in hauling the partnership sponsorship. Never walk based on assumptions when it comes to fiscal sponsorship, it could be bad for business.


Now you know what you should look out for when considering a fiscal sponsor. Make palpable use of the tip above to answer your questions. Of utmost priority choose a fiscal sponsor who you can genuinely trust and is interested in the growth of your filmmaking business.