Overall objectives

Visitors of photo exhibition and lecture of Māra Strautmane (in the middle) “Latvians in Sweden: 1944 – 1990, photograph Fricis Forstmanis”, in University of Latvia, March 20, Riga, 2019.

General aims:

  • To strengthen adults key competences and recognition of adult informal and non-formal learning;
  • to disseminate knowledge about the ongoing processes of migration, and integration from past to present and how migration has been experienced in different host countries.

Presentation by Inese Šūpule, Edmunds Šūpulis, the Central library of Rēzekne, April 9, 2019.

The aims of Activities:

  • To develop research network that will carry out the results of comparative studies about migration processes and its consequence;
  • Exchange of knowledge obtained in recent studies among partners;
  • Integration of the target group into the process of life-story research and learning;
  • Organization of a series of guest lectures for dissemination knowledges. about the ongoing processes of migration in the affected countries of participants;

The view of training seminar; 17 participants graduated and received the Certification,University of Latvia, Riga, October 16, 2018.

Objectives for project development:

• knowledge exchange between participating partners;

• integration of target groups into the process of life-story research and learning;

• testing lectures for dissemination of knowledge about the ongoing processes of migration in the affected countries of participants;

• to offer new methods for adult education with the involvement of audience and scholars in the research process.