From Micrometres to Megaparsecs


From Micrometres to Megaparsecs

When: 21 - 23 March 2018

Where: Murray Lecture Theatre Complex, Building 58, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton


Details of social event following conference dinner have been updated.

Student attendees may find the following blog article (from one of our invited speakers) useful for this and future conferences:

Abstract book and Programme now available.


This conference aims to bring together GRADnet students from all areas of astronomy research. From micrometeorites at Kent, to cosmological surveys at Portsmouth, the GRADnet astronomy departments cover all sizes and scales of the Universe. The attendees will gain knowledge of a wide range of research techniques applied to the various size scales, and see where such techniques may cross over and enhance their own research. For example: how the physics of planetary system formation can scale up to galactic formation. The format of the conference will encourage diversity among contributed talks and posters. PGRs will have to opportunity to network, present and receive feedback on their work.

This conference will feature seven sessions spanning a range of astronomical scales, including a joint session on dark matter with the parallel High Energy Physics conference .

Successful applicants will be notified by early January, who must then register for the conference via this link:

The conference is funded by SEPnet - the South East Physics Network of universities. SEPnet will fully reimburse travel expenses for attendees from SEPnet (or similarly located) institutions to and from Southampton, and provide accommodation for both days. Lunch, coffee and a conference dinner is also provided.