
Matilda - 2010 December 2 - Evening - Stratford, UK - Tracked (MP3) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Kerry Ingram (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Michael Rouse (Doctor), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist/Rudolpho?), Emily Shaw (Acrobat), Marc Antolin (Henchman), Nick Searle (Henchman), Robert Madge (Reginald), Verity Bentham (Cook), Emily-Jane Boyle (Swing), Michael Kent (Swing).

Matilda - 2012 April 1 - Evening - West End - Tracked (MP3) - cynicale's master.

CAST: Kerry Ingram (Matilda), Alastair Parker (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Melanie la Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Zachary Harris (Bruce), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Matthew Malthouse (u/s Rudolpho), Marc Antolin (u/s Escapologist).

Matilda - 2013 March 15 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood).

NOTES: Preview

Matilda - 2013 September 3 - Evening - Broadway - Tracked (MP3) - ZaltyTeardrops's master.

CAST: Oona Laurence (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Chris Hooch (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Sawyer Nunes (u/s Bruce).

Matilda - 2013 September 4 - Evening - West End - Untracked (MP3) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Georgia Pemberton (Matilda), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Lisa Davina Phillips (Mrs Phelps), Robbie Warke (Bruce), Emily Robins (Lavender), Marcus Billany (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Sonny Kirby (Eric), Talia Palamathanan (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice).

NOTES: Georgia's first perfomance

Matilda - 2013 September 21 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Chris Hooch (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood).

Matilda - 2013 September 22 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Milly Shapiro (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Chris Hooch (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood).

Matilda - 2013 October 10 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Cristina Fray (Matilda), Daniel Dowling (Bruce), Ella Tweed (Lavender), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Ellie Botterill (Amanda), Freddie Haggerty (Eric), Tallulah Treadway (Alice), Sophie Naglik (Hortensia), Kai Brosnan (Tommy).

NOTES: The fire alarm goes off for a few seconds during the spelling test scene.

Matilda - 2013 October 23 - Evening - Broadway - Tracked (M4A) - harrywormwood's master.

CAST: Sophia Gennusa (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Chris Hooch (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), John Arthur Greene (u/s Mr Wormwood), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Erica Simone Barnett (u/s Amanda), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Thayne Jasperson (u/s Doctor), Richard H Blake (Entertainer), Richard H Blake (Sergei), Marcus D'Angelo (u/s Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Taylor Trensch (Michael).

Matilda - 2013 December 13 - Evening - Broadway - Tracked (M4A) - harrywormwood's master.

CAST: Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Jennifer Bowles (u/s Miss Honey), Ben Thompson (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs Phelps), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Celia Mei Rubin (u/s Acrobat), John Arthur Greene (u/s Escapologist), John Arthur Greene (u/s Doctor), Richard H Blake (Entertainer), Richard H Blake (Sergei), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Analise Scarpaci (u/s Hortensia), Sawyer Nunes (u/s Tommy), Taylor Trensch (Michael).

Matilda - 2014 April 10 - Evening - Broadway - Tracked (MP3) - ZaltyTeardrops's master.

CAST: Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Ben Thompson (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Nadine Isenegger (u/s Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Sean Montgomery (u/s Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy (u/s Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo (alt Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Betsy Struxness, Travis Waldschmidt, Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Heather Tepe (u/s Acrobat), Colin Israel (u/s Escapologist), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Scott Difford (u/s Entertainer).

NOTES: "Sean’s first time on as Mr. Wormwood, Colin's first time on as the Escapologist. A crazy show. Jen was listed as Miss Honey, but there was an announcement right before the show that Nadine was on instead, so Heather was jumping back and forth between Jen and Marisa's tracks, Marisa was in her track for "Miracle," there were only three judges during "Loud," so some of the timing got pretty messed up at the end there."

Matilda - 2014 May 15 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Paige Brady (Matilda), Betsy Struxness (u/s Mrs. Wormwood), Colin Israel (u/s Escapologist), Heather Tepe (swing u/s Betsy Struxness’s track), Scott Difford (swing u/s Colin Israel’s track), Sofia Roma Rubino (swing u/s Lavender), Marcus D’Angelo (swing u/s Eric).

NOTES: "Recorded from front side orchestra, very near the stage and a large speaker. Paige’s microphone didn’t come on for the first line of Quiet but because I was so close you can still hear it."

Matilda - 2014 May 22 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Paige Brady (Matilda), Garett Hawe (u/s Michael**), Travis Waldschmidt (u/s Rudolpho**), Scott Difford (swing u/s Taylor Trensch’s ensemble track**), Colin Israel (swing u/s Philip Spaeth’s ensemble track**), Sofia Roma Rubino (swing u/s Lavender), Marcus D’Angelo (swing u/s Eric), Geoff Packard (Escapologist).

NOTES: "The baby cry sound effect went off at the very beginning of Miracle, and there were a couple of tiny line flubs. Again, Paige’s mic didn’t come on for the first line or so of Quiet, but it is still audible since we were sitting pretty close in the orchestra." ... "**Several ensemble tracks were split at this performance: Garett Hawe and Scott Difford each did parts of Garett’s usual track and parts of Taylor Trensch’s ensemble track, while Travis Waldschmidt and Colin Israel did the same with Travis’s and Philip Spaeth’s usual tracks."

Matilda - 2014 June 8 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Jennifer Bowles (u/s Miss Honey), Celia Mei Rubin (u/s Acrobat), Sawyer Nunes (swing u/s Bruce), Natalie Venetia Belcon (t/r Mrs. Phelps).

NOTES: Taylor Trensch's and Sawyer Nunes' last performance.

Matilda - 2014 July 2 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Chris Sieber (Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Timothy Tv Cao (u/s Tommy), et al.

Matilda - 2014 July 5 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Ripley Sobo (Matilda), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Chris Sieber (Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Marcus D’Angelo (u/s Eric).

Matilda - 2014 August 13 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (MP3) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), William Price (Bruce), Evie Sneath (Lavender), Sam Varley (Nigel), Kira Caple (Amanda), Ashton Henry-Reid (Eric), Ilana Blu Kneafsey (Alice), Claudia-Rose Carlier (Hortensia), Sebastian Croft (Tommy), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist, u/s Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Tommy Sherlock (Doctor), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael Wormwood), Joshua Lay (Rudolpho), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Lara Denning (Acrobat), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Lisa Davina Phillips (Mrs Phelps).

Matilda - 2014 October 29 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (MP3) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Fina Strazza (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei, u/s Escapologist), Scott Difford (u/s Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Nadine Isenegger (u/s Acrobat), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino (u/s Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (u/s Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Timothy TV Cao (u/s Tommy), Heather Tepe (u/s), Matt Meigs, Cassie Silva, Clay Thomson, Travis Waldschmidt.

NOTES: BC/EFA speech by Christopher Sieber and Lesli Margherita. Matt Meigs’ first performance.

Matilda - 2015 January 13 - Evening - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ben Thompson (t/r Escapologist), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Analise Scarpaci (u/s Hortensia), Chris Sumpter​ (Tommy), Alex Brightman (Michael).

Matilda - 2015 February 1 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (WAV) - Autistic Jellicle Cat's master.

CAST: Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Matt Meigs (u/s Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Ben Thompson (t/r The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat, Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Sean Montgomery (Sergei), Marisa Kennedy, Colin Israel (u/s Matt Meigs), Cassie Silva, Travis Waldschmidt, Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Analise Scarpaci (u/s Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy).

NOTES: “Autism-Friendly Performance. Jonah Halperin's last as Nigel. The master can be heard singing loudly and reciting lines along with the show.”

Matilda - 2015 April 11 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (MP3) - iklachomzwaartekracht's master.

CAST: Unknown cast.

NOTES: "Matilda most likely Lottie Sicilia based on comparing recordings."

Matilda - 2015 April 19 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Tommy Sherlock (u/s Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael), Harry Tunningley (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Alice), Imogen Kingsley-Smith (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Frances Dee (u/s Acrobat), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Nicholas Duncan (u/s Doctor), Will Kenning (Entertainer), Lucy Jane Adcock (Cook).

NOTES: "Lottie and Harry’s final performances. Great audience! Lots of cheers, laughs and claps throughout the show; an especially excellent performance by all. Special props go to the kid a few rows behind me who, when Nigel spelt ‘cat’ as ‘c-a-f’, responded with a rather confused “No?!”. Aw."

Matilda - 2015 May 17 - Matinee - New Haven, CT - Untracked (MP3) - Lozard's master.

CAST: Mabel Tyler (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Michael Fatica, John Michael Fiumara, Shonica Gooden, Stephanie Martignetti, Darius Wright, Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr. Wormwood), Danny Tieger (Michael Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho), Luke Kolbe Mannikus (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza Amistad (Amanda), Artistotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor), Jaquez Andre Sims (Entertainer), Ian Michael Stuart (Sergei).

Matilda - 2015 June 17 - Evening - Los Angeles, CA - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Mia Sinclair Jenness (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr. Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Justin Packard (Escape Artist), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Danny Tieger (Michael), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor/Sergei), Luke Kolbe Mannikus (s/b Bruce), Kaci Walfall (Lavender), Serena Quadrato (s/b Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy), Brittany Conigatti (Vanessa), Michael Fatica, John Michael Fiumara, Shonica Gooden, Stephanie Martignetti, Darius Wright.


Matilda - 2015 July 21 - Evening - San Francisco, CA - Untracked (M4A) - tryingtotellyouiloveyou's master.

CAST: Mabel Tyler (Matilda)

Matilda - 2015 September 20 - Matinee - Broadway - Tracked (M4A) - playbill-love's master.

CAST: Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Amy Spanger (Mrs Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr Wormwood).

Matilda - 2015 September 26 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (MP3) - iklachomzwaartekracht's master.

CAST: Evie Hone (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Jason Rennie (Bruce), Hannah Hague (Lavender), Thomas Berry (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Thomas Berry (Eric), Carla Dixon (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Charlie Barnard (Tommy).

Matilda - 2015 October 18 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Lizzie Wells (Matilda), Harrison Vaughan (Bruce), Demi Olawoyin (Lavender), Jacob Smith (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Max Reader (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Dayna Dixon (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Olly Dobson (Michael), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Demi Goodman (Cook), Tom Muggeridge, Matthew Serafini, Laura Tyrer.

NOTES: "Incredible show! There were a few kids around me who talked or shouted every now and then, but it wasn’t too bad. Lizzie stumbled over a couple of her words, but she was overall an amazing little performer."

Matilda - 2015 December 10 - Evening - Schenectady, NY - Untracked (MP3) - ourtremblinkind's master.

CAST: Gabrielle Gutierrez (Matilda), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr. Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Danny Tieger (Michael Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Jennifer Blood (Miss. Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss. Trunchbull), Evan Gray (Bruce), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Charlie Kersh (Lavender), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Jordan Hall (Tommy).

NOTES: “Funny moment in Revolting Children, the line "It's not insulting!" is not said.”

Matilda - 2016 January 6 - Evening - Washington, DC - Untracked (MP3) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Gabrielle Gutierrez (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Justin Packard (Escape Artist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale (Acrobat), Danny Tieger (Michael), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Darius Wright (u/s Doctor/Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce), Charlie Kersh/Madison Smith (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Heidi Friese (u/s Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Jordan Hall (Tommy), Ensemble: Esther Antoine, Tony d'Alelio, Kim Sava, Stephen Diaz, Michael D. Jablonski.

NOTES: Gabby’s second to last show. Madison was Lavender from School Song to the end of the first classroom scene.

Matilda - 2016 February 18 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Evie Hone (Matilda), Harrison Vaughan (Bruce), Demi Olawoyin (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Katie Kenrick (u/s Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Dayna Dixon (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Rachel Moran (u/s Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Lisa Davina Phillip (t/r Mrs Phelps), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Olly Dobson (Michael), Demi Goodman (Cook), Robbie Boyle, Matthew Serafini, Laura Tyrer.

NOTES: Technically recorded for me by my friend who attended the show, but she isn’t a trader. Evie fumbles a line in the Naughty reprise.

Matilda - 2016 April 7 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Taha Elamin (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Elliot Harper (u/s Mr Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran (u/s The Acrobat), Will Hawksworth (Doctor, u/s Escapologist), Biancha Szynal (u/s Cook), Tom Muggeridge (u/s Entertainer), Laura Tyrer, Matthew Serafini, Jonathon Cordin, Robbie Boyle.

NOTES: "Unfortunately the beginning of Act One was overridden, and so ‘Miracle’ starts four minutes-ish in."

Matilda - 2016 June 21 - Evening - Boston, MA - Untracked (M4A) - revolting-times's master.

CAST: Sarah McKinley Austin (Matilda), Justin Packard (Doctor/Escape Artist), Kim Sava (u/s Mrs. Wormwood), Brandon McGibbon (Mr. Wormwood), Darren Burkett (Michael Wormwood), Keisha T. Fraser (Mrs. Phelps), Paula Brancati (Miss Honey), Natalie Wisdom (u/s Acrobat), Dan Chameroy (Miss Trunchbull), Stephen Diaz (Rudolpho), Eric Craig (Sergei), Jacqueline Burtney, Cameron Burke, Anthony MacPherson, Gray Monckza, and Lauren Padolina (Ensemble), Aiden Bushey (Bruce), Riley O’Donnell (Lavender), *Will Coombs (Nigel), Isabella Stuebing (Amanda), Tanner Quirk (Eric), Molly Richardson (Alice), Kendyl Ito (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (u/s Tommy).

NOTES: "Aiden Glenn is listed in the program as playing Nigel, however a pre-show announcement was made that Will would be playing Nigel that night."

Matilda - 2016 June 28 - Evening - West End - Tracked (MP3) - frei-und-schwerelos's master.

CAST: Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Laura Tyrer (u/s Mrs Wormwood), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Will Hawksworth (Docter/ u/s Escapologist), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Rachel Moran (u/s Acrobat), Demi Goodman (Cook), Jonathan Cordin, Tom Muggeridge, Matthew Serafini, Biancha Szynal, Owen Bagnall (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Jamie Wilding (Nigel), Ellie- Rose Eames (Amanda), Harrison Wilding (Eric), Carla Dixon (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Leo Ayres (Tommy).

Matilda - 2016 July 15 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Clara Read (Matilda), Owen Bagnall (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy), Tom Muggeridge (u/s Entertainer), Olly Dobson (Michael), Laura Tyrer (u/s Mrs Wormwood), Elliot Harper (u/s Mr Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Biancha Szynal (u/s Acrobat), Will Hawksworth (u/s Escapologist), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman (Cook), Jonathan Cordin, Matthew Serafini, Biancha Szynal, Robbie Boyle.

Matilda - 2016 July 16 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Evie Hone (Matilda), Taha Elamin (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Elliot Harper (Escapologist / u/s Entertainer), Olly Dobson (Michael), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Biancha Szynal (u/s Acrobat), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman (Cook), Tom Muggeridge, Laura Tyrer, Matthew Serafini, Robbie Boyle.

NOTES: "I believe Ellie Dadd may have been ill for this performance, her voice was quite croaky and the poor girl really seemed to struggle getting her words out, particularly during When I Grow Up and the Spelling scene."

Matilda - 2016 July 26 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Owen Bagnall (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Elliot Harper (Escapologist / u/s Entertainer), Jonathon Cordin (u/s Michael), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Rachel Moran (u/s Acrobat), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman (Cook), Tom Muggeridge, Matthew Serafini, Robbie Boyle.

Matilda - 2016 August 7 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Evie Hone (Matilda), Oliver Llewelyn-Williams (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Eric), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Olly Dobson (Michael), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Rachel Moran (u/s Acrobat), Will Hawksworth (Doctor, u/s Escapologist), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Tom Muggeridge (u/s Party Entertainer), Demi Goodman (Cook), Robbie Boyle, Jonathon Cordin, Matthew Serafini, Laura Tyrer.

Matilda - 2016 August 14 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Josh Shadbolt (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy), Tom Muggeridge (u/s Entertainer), Olly Dobson (Michael), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Elliot Harper (u/s Mr Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Will Hawksworth (Doctor, u/s Escapologist), Oliver Brooks (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Biancha Szynal (u/s Cook), Jonathan Cordin, Matthew Serafini, Rachel Moran, Robbie Boyle.

Matilda - 2016 September 11 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Evie Hone (Matilda), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran (u/s Acrobat), Demi Goodman (Cook), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer/Sergei), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Laura Tyrer, Tom Muggeridge, Matthew Serafini, Josh Shadbold (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)

NOTES: Final performance for Evie Hone, Josh Shadbolt, Charlotte Scott, Rachel Moran, Demi Goodman, John Brannoch, Will Hawksworth, and Olly Dobson.

Matilda - 2016 September 24 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (M4A) - tinyrevolt's master.

CAST: Abbie Vena (Matilda), Oliver Brooks (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Daniel Hope (Michael Wormwood), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Elliot Harper (Escapologist, u/s Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Maria Graciano (Cook), Max Brophy (Bruce), Olivia Calladine-Smith (Lavender), Sam Jennings (Nigel), Lydia Coghlan (Amanda), Nicholas Antoniou-Tibbitts (Eric), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Hortensia), Miles Harcombe (Tommy).

NOTES: Abbie Vena’s second performance

Matilda - 2017 January 1 - Matinee - Broadway - Untracked (M4A) - Unknown's master.

CAST: Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), John Sanders (Mr Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs Phelps), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), ​Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Michael Fatica (Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Sergei), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (Tommy), Joseph Medeiros (Michael).

NOTES: Final matinee

Matilda - 2017 March 4 - Evening - Perth, Australia - Untracked (MP3) - becomemythial's master.

CAST: Eva Murawski (Matilda), Marika Aubrey (Mrs Wormwood), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr Wormwood), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Cle Morgan (Mrs Phelps), Ethan Beer (Bruce).

Matilda - 2019 February 28 - Evening - Singapore - Untracked (MP3) - Apr1na14's master.

CAST: Morgan Santo (Matilda), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Ryan De Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Stephen Jubber (Mr. Wormwood), Claire Taylor (Mrs. Wormwood), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood).

Matilda - 2019 March 17 - Matinee - Singapore - Untracked (MP3) - Apr1na14's master.

CAST: Sofia Poston (Matilda), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Ryan De Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Stephen Jubber (Mr. Wormwood), Claire Taylor (Mrs. Wormwood), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood).

Matilda - 2021 September 29 - Matinee - West End - Untracked (M4A) - forfivemoreminutes's master.

CAST: Zoe Simon (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs Phelps), Matt Krzan (Rudolpho), Louie Gray (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Kaspar Cahill-Ritter (Nigel), Gracie Hodson-Prior (Amanda), Tom Bonomini (Eric), Beth Gilmour (Alice), Rosie Gell-Marquez (Hortensia), Ben Lee (Tommy), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Kane Oliver Parry (Escapologist/Doctor), Ryan Pidgen (Entertainer), Liberty Buckland (Cook), Georgia Carling (Henchwoman), Roger Dipper (Henchman), Ben Kerr (Henchman), Bryan Mottram (Henchman).

NOTES: "Zoe was outstanding as Matilda! She fumbled a line in one of the stories, but did a great job to recover. There were a fair few children at the performance that may be heard talking/rustling food, but nothing majorly distracting. Includes Cast Board."

Matilda - 2022 January 13 - Evening - West End - Tracked (M4A) - hadesishere's master.

CAST: Alyssa D’Souza (Matilda), Kieron Bell (Bruce), Bren Reily (Lavendar), Alex Stockton (Nigel), Niamh Ritchie (Amanda), Chance Ouaye (Hortensia), Darcy Kelly (Alice), Thommy Bailey Vine (Eric), Hari Aggarwal (Tommy), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Sebastian Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Annette Mclaughin (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Krzan (Rudolpho), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs Phelps), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Ryan Pidgen (Children's entertainer/Sergei), Dawn Williams (s/w The Acrobat), Kane Oliver Pary (The Escapologist), Georgia Carling (Henchman), Michael Gardiner (s/w Henchman), Bryan Mottram (Henchman), James Revell (s/w Henchman), Liberty Buckland (Cook).

NOTES: "As far as I know, first known audio of Alyssa as Matilda. Recorded from the front stalls, some noise from the audience can be heard at points but generally nothing too distracting. Includes a video of the encore and bows. Tracked by MozartWasCrazy."

Matilda - 2022 March 19 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - forfivemoreminutes's master.

CAST: Imogen Cole (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Georgia Carling (u/s Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Liberty Buckland (u/s Mrs Phelps), Matt Krzan (Rudolpho), Kieron Bell (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Kaspar Cahill-Ritter (Nigel), Gracie Hodson-Prior (Amanda), Tom Bonomini (Eric), Beth Gilmour (Alice), Rosie Gell-Marquez (Hortensia), Ben Lee (Tommy), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Kane Oliver Parry (Escapologist/Doctor), Ryan Pidgen (Entertainer), Dawn Williams (s/w Cook), Roger Dipper (Henchman), Ben Kerr (Henchman), Bryan Mottram (Henchman), James Revell (s/w Henchman).

NOTES: “I believe this was the final show for Imogen and the majority of the children's ensemble. Lack of female cast meant there were 4 male Henchmen and no Henchwomen. Includes Cast Board.”

Matilda - 2022 July 13 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - forfivemoreminutes's master.

CAST: Isla Gie (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs Wormwood), Roger Dipper (u/s Mr Wormwood), Tom Mather (u/s Michael Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs Phelps), James Revell (u/s Rudolpho), Jacob Savva (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Jayden Seder (Nigel), Niamh Richie (Amanda), Ethan Sokontwe (Eric), Darcy Kelly (Alice), Rosie Gell-Marquez (Hortensia), Drew Edwards (Tommy), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Kane Oliver Parry (Escapologist/Doctor), Ben Kerr (u/s Entertainer), Dawn Williams (s/w Cook), Georgia Carling (Henchwoman), Katrina Dix (s/w Henchwoman), Bryan Mottram (Henchman).

NOTES: "A lot of school kids in the audience so some chatter/rustling may be heard. Includes cast board and bows."

NFT // Matilda - 2022 July 16 - Evening - West End - Untracked (WAV) - MatildaIsTheBest's master.

CAST: Maisie Mardle (Matilda), Kylan Denis (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Jayden Seder (Nigel), Niamh Ritchie (Amanda), Ethan Sokontwe (Eric), Darcy Kelly (Alice), Rosie Gell-Marquez (Hortensia), Drew Edwards (Tommy), Ben Kerr (Entertainer), Kane Oliver Parry (Doctor), Georgia Carling (U/S) (Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Matt Krzan (Rudolpho), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo ( Mrs Phelps), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Kane Oliver Parry (Escapologist), Ryan Pidgen (U/S) (Miss Trunchbull), Liberty Buckland (Cook), Rodge Dipper (Henchman/Woman), Ben Kerr (Henchman/Woman), Bryan Mottram (Henchman/Woman), Dawn Williams (Henchman/Woman).

NOTES: "First Full Audio recording of Maisie Mardle as Matilda! Only to be traded through the Master MatildaIsTheBest"

Matilda - 2022 August 4 - Evening - West End - Tracked (MP3) - SaltyTeardrops's master.

CAST: Isla Gie (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thomas (Miss Honey), Sebastien Torkia (Mr. Wormwood), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs. Phelps), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Kane Oliver Parry (Doctor/The Escapologist), Gemma Scholes (The Acrobat), Matt Krzan (Rudolpho), Aydin Ahmed (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Alexander Fitzgerald (Nigel), Niamh Ritchie (Amanda), Ethan Sokontwe (Eric), Darcy Kelly (Alice), Rosie Gell-Marquez (Hortensia), Kate Kenrick (u/s Tommy), Ensemble: Liberty Buckland, Roger Dipper, Tom Mather (s/w), Bryan Mottram, Ryan Pidgen, Dawn Williams (s/w).

NOTES: "Recorded from the front of the stalls. There is quite frequent seat squeaking from the little girl in front of me, but it doesn't affect the audio too much. Luckily you can't hear me crying!"

Matilda - 2022 November 8 - Evening - West End - Untracked (M4A) - forfivemoreminutes's master.

CAST: Victoria Alsina (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Byrne (Miss Honey), Amy Ellen Richardson (Mrs Wormwood), Rakesh Boury (Mr Wormwood), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs Phelps), Felipe Bejarano (Rudolpho), Riotafari Gardner (Bruce), Jasmine Nyenya (Lavender), Brodie Edwards (Nigel), Mia Atkinson (Amanda), Jack Philpott (Eric), Florence Burt (Alice), Miley Kayongo (Hortensia), Riley Plummer (Tommy), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Alistair So (Escapologist/Doctor), Oliver Bingham (u/s Entertainer), Alistair So (u/s Sergei), Thea Bunting (s/w Cook), Angeline Bell (Henchwoman), Michael Gardiner (Henchman), Ben Kerr (Henchman), Sam Lathwood (s/w Henchman).

NOTES: "Usual amount of kids show chatter. A few small flubs from Victoria. Includes cast board and bows but does not include Telly."