Frikk Nesje
Photo credits: Christoffer Regild.
I am the Toulouse School of Economics in October 2024 and will be presenting "Intergenerational discounting and inequality" at the Toulouse School of Economics and the Paris School of Economics.
"Cross-dynastic intergenerational altruism" is forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
I co-organized the thematic session "Welfare criteria for environmental issues" at the EAERE annual conference and the workshop "Frontiers in early-warning-signal research".
"Pricing carbon: Evidence from expert recommendations" is forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
"Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems" has been published in Science.
I am an Assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen currently visiting the Toulouse School of Economics. I became a Distinguished affiliate member of the CESifo Research Network after receiving the Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award. My research and teaching interests are primarily within resource and environmental economics. I am also interested in welfare economics and game theory.
I hold a PhD in economics from the University of Oslo and was previously Research fellow at Heidelberg University. For my PhD dissertation, I received H.M. The King’s Gold Medal and the Best Dissertation Award from the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
I have published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Science, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and Nature Climate Change, presented at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and visited the London School of Economics, Northwestern University and the University of California, Berkeley. My research has influenced public guidance in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, New York State, Norway, the UK and the US, and is also referred to in public documents by the European Union, Denmark, the Dasgupta Review, the FAO, the IPCC, the IPBES, the OECD, the Office for National Statistics, Ontario, Sweden, the UNDP and the UNFCCC.
My CV is available here and I can be reached on