


It's all about Humans 

and the making of our Environment

I am an environmental archaeologist who studies the human past by combining field archaeology, geoarchaeology, ethnography and social and ecological theory in order to study the often missing small-scale perspective of human-environment relations. 

My research develops new methods to understand how human ecology, technology and social interactions are constructed by - and in turn modify - the physical, the social and the perceptual environment. 

This approach helps to provide a holistic understanding of how animals, plants, terrain, climate and human cognition and culture are all intertwined into one complex story. 


My research examines human-environment interactions from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Iron Age. I focus mainly on the Eastern Mediterranean where I study Palaeolithic caves and open-air sites, the earliest sedentary settlements found in land and under the sea, and Bronze and Iron Age cities.

I study site formation processes, deposition history and stratigraphy in order to provide higher resolution for the type and timing of human behaviour in relations to environmental conditions. In particular, I investigate human use of space, exploitation of natural resources, pyrotechnology and response to environmental changes.


The ultimate goal of my research is to shed light on how we developed our unique social traits, adapted to new environments and changed our landscape. 

I am especially interested in studying cultural transitions and explore the relations between human agency and environmental constrains as a dynamic and multi-directional system.


My work is largely based on multi-proxy microscopic and chemical analyses of earthy materials (sediments, soils and rocks) and human activity residues found in archaeological sites and their surroundings. I study how archaeological sites are formed due to the interplay between natural processes and human activity that deposit different materials in the site.

I specialise in soil micromorphology, infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, elemental analysis (using XRF, ICP-MS and ICP-OES), phytolith analysis and quantification of microscopic activity residues (ash particles, charcoal, bone as well as dung and guano remains).