Friends of the Sodus Community Library
Friends Leadership:
McKinley Pulver-Ludwig- President
Nancy VanScheffel- Vice President
Betty Bugni- Secretary
Amy Johnson- Treasurer
Shirley Patchett, Judy Day, Elaine Allis- Directors
The Friends of the Sodus Community Library typically meet once per month except during the months of July, August and December. The Friends are meeting in person and also on zoom due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. If you would like to become a member, the form is available at the library or one can be sent to you.
Library Friends groups exist to:
Increase community awareness of the library and stimulate the use of its resources and services
Raise funds for items above and beyond the library's yearly budget
Advocate for the library at all levels of government as well as directly with the citizens of the community
Provide volunteer services to the library
Encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the library
Support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights