Garden Group

Our group was set up with the aim to help maintain and improve areas which have been neglected due to the limited budget for parks and green spaces. We work on a variety of tasks such as tidying beds, replanting, trimming back footpaths, controlling weeds, working on the sensory beds and the new wildlife garden situated above the waterwheel pit.

We meet on Tuesday mornings around 9.30 am and have task days  throughout the year. We may consider occasional evening sessions if people are interested.

Anyone can join the group; no experience necessary  contact  -

We also have a WhatsApp group to help keep in touch.


Our first task was to trim back the overgrown dogwood bushes at the back of the stone circle sculpture.

Before and after photos

Volunteers from the Gardening Club doing an excellent job of pruning overgrown trees.

The footpath down by the river near the dipping pond - before

and after the Gardening Group had got to work. 

Our Gardening group cutting back the footpath by the canal feeder near the chimney.  You can now walk along with a pram without trying to avoid the nettles  

Adding logs to the Minibeasts bed.                Revamped green flag bed June 2021