Special Maple

There is an old scroll in the archives that is a bill of lading for an order from Japan from 1876.

The Shinns imported many plants from Japan. There were many Japanese plants that were planted in this garden, before it became the modern Japanese garden. We can see peonies and flowering cherries here. Perhaps this maple came from that 1880 order.

unknown date. The tree has a beautiful structure and intense red leaves. 

Notice the Chilean Bellota in the background flexing its muscle-y branches.

Such a sad tale. 

Florence Shinn took care of this old maple for her whole married life. Don Dillon mentioned the 120-year old maple in the garden in 1983 in his remarks at the first dedication. The maple died eleven years later.

The maple was replaced by three 'Garnet' maples that stand in the center of the garden today.  They are beautiful, but only about  38 years old , not 130-years old!

The Merritt College Hands-On Aesthetic Pruning class takes care of the trees in the Japanese Garden. We are grateful for the expert care that they bring to the gardens.

The Friends of Heirloom Flowers takes care of the gardens' everyday needs - weeding, raking, and planting.