Dawn Redwood

The best photo of the dawn redwood is this one from park visitor, Anna May. She captured the Shinn House, the magnolia, and the dawn redwood in its leafless state. And with a rainbow!

This is not one of our very historic trees. It was planted in 1963. However, it is always of interest to the public, because it loses its leaves every year and people are worried that it has died.

The dawn redwood  (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is a living fossil. It was only known in the fossil record up until it was found in China in the 1940s! 

"It now survives only in wet lower slopes and montane river and stream valleys in the border region of Hubei and Hunan provinces and Chongqing municipality in south-central China, notably in Lichuan county in Hubei." (Read more in wiki about its interesting dscovery.

The dawn redwood is a beautiful tree. However it is not drought tolerant. Its native habitat is wet! See SelecTree.

It was planted in 1963.

The tree in 2018.