Know All About Friendly Mutton Chops Beard!

The most known variability from the “Imperial beard family” is the “Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style”. Unlike the regular Mutton Chops Beard Style from the “Sideburn Beard family”, Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style is named as “friendly” as these meet with a mustache.

Nevertheless, like the regular Mutton Chops Beard style, they feature a thicker growth down your jawline. The Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style recollect old representations of the 19th Century royalty and statesmen.

What Is Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style?

There is not a vast variance between the traditional mutton chops beard style and the Friendly mutton chops beard style apart from one significant portion of your mustache or upper lip facial hair.

While conventional mutton chops beard style does not comprise of a mustache, the friendly mutton chops beard styles are extended sideburns that join with your mustache.

To really be measured as a friendly mutton chops beard, they must join with your mustache/upper lip facial hair. Once your mustache and sideburns are connected, shave off the lowest part of your sideburns at the angles of the mouth.

How To Trim or Shave Friendly Mutton Chops Beard

As soon as you have the full beard in your face, shave all your facial hair from your neck and chin. To shave off the facial hair from your chin for friendly mutton chops beard style, make an imaginary perpendicular line down separately from each of the corners the mouth. However, leave your sideburns and mustache alone.

You will want the lowest edge of mutton chops to break right at the jawline, thus be certain you shave off your neck hair right up to your jaw.

Following, cautiously shape the parts around the mouth as well as just above & below where your mustache and sideburns meet. Here is a quicker look at the process of friendly mutton chop beard style:

You will have to use an excellence beard trimmer to trim the upper edge of your friendly mutton chops beard style. This one is the furthermost noticeable area of your facial hair, thus be certain to shave it as neat as possible.

After that, the latter 2 steps to style your friendly mutton chops beard are to trim your mustache and beard to a similar length, as well as then just let it just grow.


Whereas friendly mutton chops beard style looks good at moderate and short lengths, but how long you want to grow them is entirely up to you.