People often distinguish between an acquaintance and a friend, holding that the former should be used primarily to refer to someone with whom one is not especially close. Many of the earliest uses of acquaintance were in fact in reference to a person with whom one was very close, but the word is now generally reserved for those who are known only slightly.

I went to college in NYC so my perspective on friendship there is a bit different. Our favorite activity during the day (this was the 1970s) was sitting in a coffee shop ordering successive cheap food and just yakking. Or we walked up Madison Ave on our way to the Met, looking in windows, back when it wasn't all chain and designer stores. In late middle age I have a lot of friends, but even pre-Covid most of them live elsewhere, and the ones nearby have a predilection for "doing" and "activities" and not hanging out. I've welcomed Covid as meaning, well, we can't do that, we have to sit on the front porch with blankets piled up and just talk.

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My oldest friend from childhood and I were apart for 20+ years and then in our 40s she rather miraculously and accidentally wound up moving to the same town where I live now. We would sit and talk for hours in my living room or hers, and it was such a gift to be with someone who knew me (and her) in such depth. She had to move again to take care of her very elderly mother, and do I ever miss that idle hanging out, talking about what we were reading, watching, cooking, thinking, wishing, hoping, listening to, wearing, people around us, etc. etc.

This is what you do with the Errand Friend: errands and the rest of your life. You probably have different routines with your errand friends, but here is a short list of things I have done with mine: waited in the lobby during a dental cleaning; picked up dry cleaning; helped address wedding thank-you notes; made an elaborate dessert for a Mother\u2019s Day celebration I wasn\u2019t actually attending; folded laundry; got the oil on the car changed; tagged along on preschool pickup; deposited checks at an ATM; picked up a gift certificate for someone\u2019s coworker.

Peak Errand Friendship time is probably college, when you develop very close friendships with people who are in close proximity to you all the time, but don\u2019t have a ton of obligations to keep you from accompanying someone on their errands. I cannot count the number of times one of my friends said \u201CI need to go get something at the SUB\u201D (student union building) and I said \u201Coh I\u2019ll come.\u201D Did I need to make a ten minute walk across campus? Of course not! But why not check your campus mail and buy a Laffy Taffy for 10 cents at the bookstore? WHY NOT?

Errand friendship requires time but no planning. You just join someone on their life trajectory for awhile. You might get something done along the way, but the focus isn\u2019t your own productivity.

I think this sort of friendship is often gendered: women stereotypically do a lot of errands and housework; women love to just hang out and chat. But men do this too, they just do it with sports in the background. Those hangouts are somewhat more appointment based, but when there\u2019s three football games on over the course of a day, you can kinda just agree to show up. Same with playing golf: oh, you wanna just spend like four hours walking and talking??? You know what? Men also love to hang out and talk. Intimacy is for everyone.

When I lived in New York, I felt helpless to make friends. I hated \u201Cgetting drinks\u201D after work with someone I\u2019d met once. I didn\u2019t want to have to constantly plan my friendships. I loved my work friends but they were my work friends. I missed my Errand Friends, which is another way of saying I missed intimacy.

You can do errands with a boyfriend or girlfriend or partner, but it\u2019s just not the same. The qualities of Errand Friendship are different. They\u2019re softer, somehow, more comfy. And because Errand Friendship is rarely planned, it never feels like an obligation, or something you dream of canceling to free up time to just exhale, because the best Errand Friendship time feels as restorative as time alone.

Before the pandemic, so many of us had transformed our lives into packed calendars capped off by meticulously planned but often incredibly distanced events: girls\u2019 nights, weekend trips, book clubs. The more scheduled you are, the less time you have for the actual restorative parts of being with one another. Because intimacy is built on honesty, but it is also built on time. The busiest times in my life, when I\u2019ve allocated the least time to these friendships, have also felt the least grounded. It\u2019s at once cruel and instructive that the thing that has forced us to actually stop over-scheduling our lives has also made it so difficult to share them with others.

There\u2019s so much I want to do when all of this is over. But one of the things I want to do the most is show up at a friend\u2019s house, drive around doing mundane shit, then go back to their place and do nothing, absolutely nothing at all.

If in an immediate crisis, call 911. If you or a friend need to talk with a counselor for help or need resources available in your area, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (anytime 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255) or use the Get Help Now button on the app.

Yesterday I was tagged in a post by an old high school friend asking me and a few others a very public, direct question about white privilege and racism. I feel compelled not only to publish his query, but also my response to it, as it may be a helpful discourse for more than just a few folks on Facebook.

Pursuant to Michigan law, the chief circuit judge annually reviews the performance record of the friend of the court. The review will be conducted on or about July 1, 2023. This review is limited by law to the following criteria:

Not all pass products come with Buddy or Ski With A Friend Tickets, see list of passes eligible for benefit tickets below. Passes that are not eligible for Ski With A Friend Tickets and Buddy Tickets include: Epic Day Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Pass Products and Epic SchoolKids.

Buddy and Ski With A Friend Tickets are not valid at Perisher, Falls Creek or Hotham in Australia. The Epic Australia Pass does not receive Ski With a Friend Tickets or Buddy Tickets.

Buddy and Ski With A Friend Tickets are both redeemable online, making sharing easy with family and friends. The Season Pass holder must be present at the time of Ski With A Friend Tickets/Buddy ticket pickup. Click here for more details.

Anyone! Pass Holders can purchase discounted tickets for friends and family, they can use them for themselves on days where their pass is restricted due to holidays, or at resorts where their pass does not have access.

The most common reason your friend will get an error when trying to purchase is if the first date of the tickets has already passed. If errors are received, call 970-754-0126 no later than 5 PM MT/PST.

Storage class specifiers are not allowed in friend function declarations. A function that is defined in the friend declaration has external linkage, a function that was previously defined, keeps the linkage it was defined with.

A name first declared in a friend declaration within a class or class template X becomes a member of the innermost enclosing namespace of X, but is not visible for lookup (except argument-dependent lookup that considers X) unless a matching declaration at namespace scope is provided - see namespaces for details.

Both function template and class template declarations may appear with the friend specifier in any non-local class or class template (although only function templates may be defined within the class or class template that is granting friendship). In this case, every specialization of the template becomes a friend, whether it is implicitly instantiated, partially specialized, or explicitly specialized.

A template friend declaration can name a member of a class template A, which can be either a member function or a member type (the type must use elaborated-type-specifier). Such declaration is only well-formed if the last component in its nested-name-specifier (the name to the left of the last ::) is a simple-template-id (template name followed by argument list in angle brackets) that names the class template. The template parameters of such template friend declaration must be deducible from the simple-template-id.

In this case, the member of any specialization of either A or partial specializations of A becomes a friend. This does not involve instantiating the primary template A or partial specializations of A: the only requirements are that the deduction of the template parameters of A from that specialization succeeds, and that substitution of the deduced template arguments into the friend declaration produces a declaration that would be a valid redeclaration of the member of the specialization:

To become a Dementia Friend, you will watch an overview video that will provide you with information about dementia, how to recognize the signs of dementia and simple actions you can take to be a Dementia Friend and to personally contribute to making your community dementia friendly.

The Friend to Friend Specialty Shops at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center are one-stop boutiques specializing in products and services for cancer patients and their families and friends.

Favoring the friend-shoring of supply chains to a large number of trusted countries, so we can continue to securely extend market access, will lower the risks to our economy as well as to our trusted trade partners. We should also consider building a network of plurilateral trade arrangements to incorporate elements of the modern economy that are growing in economic importance, especially digital services. We should harmonize our approaches to protecting the privacy of data. And a modernized trade system will also require the ability to effectively enforce trade policies and practices, both multilateral and bilateral. 006ab0faaa

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