September 15th, 2023 Global Strike

Join us September 15th, 2023 at 12 noon, as we march from 

         the Veterans Memorial Theater (203 E 14th St, Davis, CA 95616) down to Central Park (5th St & B St, 401 C St, Davis, CA 95616).

What's This All About?

You've heard it all before. The earth is dying. If you don't already know, we've got you covered with the crisis information below. But for the rest of you, we'll spare you the grousome facts you've already heard a hundred times. This time we are here to push for our government and its leaders to end the era of fossil fuels. We need an immediate transition to a more renewable system. In this case we are demanding President Biden to declare a state of climate emergency. This will bring immense awareness to the crisis, and will be great stepping stone into a cleaner future. Secondly we demand that Governor Newsom ends fossil fuel permits immediately. As 100 scientists fighting for public safety already have.

This Global Climate Strike is to get our government to stop funding fossil fuels and start aiding with in the help of the climate crisis.

March 3, 2023 Strike


Global Climate Strike, September 15th, 2023. The march is scheduled to start at 12PM, and will likely last until 3:30 PM at Central Park, although you are free to leave whenever you would like!


Watch young people in the community share their minds including:

-Desmond Beach

-Nico Novick 

-Eliot Larson

Speaker at the March 3rd, 2023 Global Strike
Protest Signs from the March 3rd, 2023 Strike


From chanting, to singing, to a "die in", and an "ACTION TABLE", join us as we encourage local and international leaders to step up in the fight against Climate Change.

Discussion With Local Leaders

Lets have an open dialog about how we can be more sustainable in our lives and our communities. 

September 15th Poster 

Why March

We are those who are already feeling the effects of climate change. Here in Davis we have witnessed ash fall from the sky as temperatures reach the highest they ever have... just like the year before. Things wont get better unless we fight. We have no choice

This time we are marching for 2 reasons. We insist Biden declares a climate emergency and demand that Newsom ends fossil fuel permits immediately.

Furthermore, according to Queer Youth Assemble

"Walkouts allow students to engage in political action. Youth cannot vote and do not have much economic sway, but walking out, especially out of school, can be very powerful (Queer Youth Assemble Pg 4)."

"Walkouts are impactful. They let many people who recognize an issue come together and express their thoughts and emotions, raising awareness among other students, staff, and their wider community (Queer Youth Assemble Pg 4)."

"Walkouts can get media attention. If you are able to get many people to walk out with you, local media and newspapers may get involved, and can help spread your message and raise awareness of your issue at an even broader scale (Queer Youth Assemble Pg 4)."

Information on the Climate Crisis + Resources 

There are so many articles and websites that provide fantastic information, but sometimes there are just too many. Instead we will sum up the main problems at hand and at the end will provide you with a few sources if you want to delve deeper.

Our world is warming.  The oceans are rising, fires and other natural disasters are becoming more and more frequent. The main cause of all this is our dependency on fossil fuels. While reducing ones own carbon footprint is great, we can't do enought without the worlds powers standing up and changing their ways aswell. We can't wait any longer, by 2050, there could be over 1 billion refugees trying to excape the effects of climate change. Thousands of species will be extinct by the end of the century. Uncluding many forms of coral that so many of you love to scuba or snorkel around. Here is a list of those that could possibly go extinct in california. Overall we are in a very tight situation to say the least. With 2050 coming up, and our global CO2 not yet decling, we must keep pushing for a more renewable future, not only for ourselves, but the next generation that will be born into the world we leave for them.

A perfect source for those less informed: Basics of Climate Change

Here is a fanstastic post, that has many more sources in the article: The Climate Crisis – A Race We Can Win

Another great resource for those who are ready for a rabbit hole links and information: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report 

For those that did not want the rabbit hole of links, here is the most valuable one: AR Synthesis Report

Here's how you can help reduce your own carbon footprint: 35 Way To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


Everyone is welcome! Please bring friends and family along 


Multiple ways to be involved: 

Leaving early or midway or not participating/Joining at Central Park

Some ways you can self-accommodate at the protest:

**What ever it is you need to do to best accommodate your needs that may not be on this list, feel free! The most important thing about this walkout is that you feel safe and are able to contribute in any ways that you can. Feel free to reach out to us if we can do something to personally help this space be more inclusive for you, and we would love to! ** 

General Guidelines


Covid Safety: 

*We are still in a global pandemic, and are currently having a surge please consider others saftey*

Action Items

Posters will be provided. All you need to do is show up with friends and water!

 We can't wait to see you there! Get civically engaged friends!