Algebraic Geometry and Singularities

Learning Workshop & Conference

June 20 - June 26, 2022

University of Washington at Seattle

Associated with NSF FRG Grants: #1952366, 1951376, 1952399, 1952522, and 1952531.

This event is supported by the NSF FRG Grant: Algebraic Geometry and Singularities in Positive and Mixed Characteristic

You can find out more about the activities of this FRG grant here:

Lecture series:

  • Kęstutis Česnavičius (Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay): Problems about torsors over regular rings

  • Mircea Mustață (University of Michigan): Hodge filtration on local cohomology and the Du Bois complex

  • Kevin Tucker (University of Illinois Chicago): Recent developments in singularity theory in mixed and positive characteristic algebraic geometry

  • Chenyang Xu (Princeton University): Algebraic K-stability theory of Fano varieties

Conference speakers:

  • Eva Elduque (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

  • Philip Engel (University of Georgia)

  • Lena Ji (University of Michigan)

  • Alicia Lamarche (University of Utah)

  • Joaquín Moraga (Princeton University / UCLA)

  • Sebastián Olano (University of Michigan)

  • Karl Schwede (University of Utah)

  • Burt Totaro (UCLA)


We encourage senior graduate students and postdocs to apply for the learning workshop and the conference.

We have limited funding to support the participants. Please register here.

Update: Due to large number of registrations, we will unlikely be able to accept everyone due to physical and financial constraints. We would like to ask all applicants to fill out this Additional Registration Form if you are planning to attend the conference in-person. (We will live stream all the lectures, so people can also participate remotely.)

The application deadline is April 15, 2022 for in-person attendance.

Wireless access: primary wireless access is available through eduroam.

An alternative wireless username/password will be provided for those who do not have access to eduroam services.

In either case, please follow the University of Washington's Ethics in Computer and Network Use, which can be found at

Additional information on accessing/using the UW's wireless networks can be found at

Food: for a list of nearby eateries please see this page.