Cooking Catfish: Baked Catfish Recipe

There are a lot of ways that people can use to prepare catfish fillet for eating. Some people prefer grilling or smoking the meat, some prefer to fry or Saute and others prefer it baked. Only a few people would like to try baking fish because most of the time it comes out all mushy and doesn't taste as good as when it's fried or grilled, but there are various ways in which fish can be baked without ruining the taste or texture and using catfish meat is very efficient since it comes out nice and crisp.

One popular baked catfish recipe which can be found on Land Big Fish uses fresh Parmesan cheese, flour, seasoned salt, black pepper, paprika, eggs, milk, catfish fillets , melted butter, and garlic as primary ingredients for the baked catfish.

You would have to mix the first five ingredients, separately mix the egg and milk, and then dip the catfish fillets in the egg mixture and dredge them in the flour mixture.

After that, you'd have to place the fish in a baking dish and saute garlic for two to three minutes, and then drizzle it over the fish. Then you'd have to sprinkle the fish with paprika and pepper and proceed to bake the fish for forty minutes at 350 degrees. This baked catfish recipe is very delicious and it brings out the crisp goodness of the fresh catfish.

It is important to watch out for the dryness of the fish when preparing a baked catfish recipe. It would be really helpful if you can slather a generous amount of sauce or moisten the fish with a liquid or sauce periodically while cooking. It is also important to keep an eye on the fish because people tend to overlook this part and end up with under cooked or overcooked fish.

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