French Bulldog Health Issues: Reasons, Symptoms, and Tips to Prevent

Are you a pet lover, and have you fallen in love with that cute wrinkled face, small snout, and expressive eyes? Yes, we are talking about French Bulldogs, one of the most beloved dog breeds in the USA. 

However, for many pet owners, especially those new ones, find raising a healthy Bulldog challenging as they are prone to certain health issues? 

So if you are planning to adopt one, it is very essential to understand these health concerns and how to manage them properly.

In this article, one of the expert bulldog breeders in town, BlueHaven French Bulldogs, will guide you through common French Bulldog health issues, identify the symptoms, and share proven methods to help you keep your pup healthy and happy. 

Understanding Why French Bulldog Health Issues Are So Common

There are various causes that significantly affect their health; however, according to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, “the distinct pettiet body shape of French Bulldogs contributes to many of their health problems.” 

There are some more dates that have been found in this study, as follows:


How to Deal With Common French Bulldog Health Issues

Here is a quick guide on common Buldog health issues and what an owner should do.

1.Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

French Bulldogs have short, flat faces and shortened noses and skulls, which can lead to breathing problems known as brachycephalic syndrome.

Another reason is their narrow nostrils, elongated soft palates, and compact tracheas.

According to the study, around 45% of French bulldogs suffer from this medical condition. 

2. Heat Stroke

Another very common French Bulldog health issue is heat stroke. Dogs do not sweat like humans, as Bulldogs have tiny bodies and narrow nostrils that make it difficult to cool down easily. This may increase the risk of heat stroke in warm weather.

3. Skin Allergies

The adorable wrinkled face of French Bulldogs is the main culprit behind skin allergies. Under their folded skin, dirt and debris easily accumulate, become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi, and cause skin issues.  

Additionally, French Bulldogs have very dry skin. This is another cause of skin allergies. According to a report, around 17.9% of Bulldogs suffer from skin problems.

4. Cherry eye

Cherry eye is another very common health issue (2.6%) that French bulldogs are prone to. In this condition, the dog’s tear gland from the third eyelid slips out of place and sticks out from the eye. You’ll see a pink or red lump in the corner of your dog’s eye. 

You must include a regular eye checkup schedule to keep their eyes healthy from not only this issue but other common problems like chronic dry eye, entropion, and cataracts.

5. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is another very common in French Bulldogs. In this condition, the cushioning part of the discs between the spine's bones becomes worn, damaged, or shifts into the spinal canal. This is a very painful condition and can cause neurological problems in dogs. 

Research shows French Bulldogs are among the top five breeds most affected by IVDD, likely due to their weight and short legs, which put extra strain on their discs.

Regular health checkups and maintaining proper body weight can lower the risk. However, if you noticed any symptoms like abnormal, unsteady walking 

crying out in pain or loss of bladder or bowel control, seek immediate professional help.


So, here we are. If you want to learn more about French Bulldog health issues, do not hesitate to contact BlueHaven French Bulldogs

Our experts are dedicated to assisting all Bulldog lovers and committed to delivering happy and healthy Bulldog puppies to every client. Visit us today!