Are you interested in measuring your French language proficiency? Try our online French test today.


This French language test is ideal to assess your level and help you find the French language course abroad right for you.


The test is completely free, it consists of 40 multiple-choice questions ranging from grammar to vocabulary.


The duration of the test is approximately 20 minutes. Once completed you will receive an immediate result and you will also be able to review your answers.


We hope you enjoy our online French test. 

Good luck! Bonne chance !

Please note that this online French test is not a placement test for a French language course booked with us, but it can give you however an idea of your current level of French and then you choose the appropriate language course and the duration at your current level.

French Language Proficiency Test

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The CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) was created after more than twenty years of research as a standard way of describing language proficiency so people across Europe would have a common way of indicating someone's language level. It has become the standard throughout Europe and is beginning to be used globally.

The advantage of these tests over school exams is that, as well as being recognised globally (including France and Canada), they reflect the breadth and depth of your French proficiency in practical day-to-day usage, much more effectively.

Applicants who submit their application by November 1 (University-level MDCM/MDCM-PhD) or by March 1 (CEGEP-level Med-P) who do not meet one of the exemptions listed above must submit a valid French-language proficiency test score. A list of accepted tests is found below.

Candidates applying in the Rural and Small Populations, Indigenous or Black Student Application Pathways are invited to contact the Undergraduate Medical Admissions Office: [at] to learn about options for support or accommodations in meeting the language proficiency requirement.

To offer helpful suggestions for language learning resources, use this Resource list to explore the various language courses at McGill or elsewhere, as well as resources you can use on your own!


Since fall 2021, proof of English-language proficiency is only required for candidates educated exclusively outside of Canada in non-English speaking countries, as per the McGill-wide policy for English proficiency.

Before starting the course, take the placement tests which will determine which level to start at. It is important to note that language learning is not a completely linear process so although you may have knowledge across more than one level, it is best to make sure you are confident in the lower level before moving up to the next one. At the end of each placement test, you will be advised which level is recommended for you.

Organizations, government agencies, and individuals seek to develop world language proficiency to communicate, reach new clients, and further academic and career aspirations. According to an ACTFL report titled "Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers," 58% of employers in the United States say their line of work requires employees to use world language skills to communicate with people inside and outside their company. French is one of these essential languages, with 14% of employers reporting a domestic use and 29% citing an international need.

The same report revealed that French ranks third in the list of most in-demand world languages in the United States, behind Spanish and Chinese. Of employers citing a need for employees with skills in a second language, 22% are looking for employees with French language proficiency. And as demand increases, shortages become inevitable. ACTFL's report states that 17% of United States employers are experiencing a shortage of skilled French communicators.

The market is ripe for people who can competently converse in French. French proficiency tests demonstrate that a candidate is ready for one of these professional roles. Discover information about ACTFL's French language proficiency tests, delivered exclusively by LTI, below.

The Writing Proficiency Test measures the candidate's ability to write functionally in a given language, including French. It assesses test-taker's ability to write spontaneously without having access to any editing tools or the opportunity to make revisions.

The LPT has different test forms, each of which measures a specific proficiency range to ensure the test is economical in terms of time and effort. Depending on the selected proficiency range, the LPT should take 50 to 125 minutes to finish. Candidates can choose for their test to be rated using the ACTFL proficiency scale, the ILR scale, or the CEFR scale. Like the WPT, the LPT can also count toward college credit at higher learning institutions.

Reading French is a critical part of global communication skills. This skill is what the ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test aims to assess. The RPT consists of texts at specific levels of proficiency in a range of informal and formal texts on general, social, academic, and professional topics, with each reading followed by three multiple-choice questions. The test-taker reads the presented tasks and questions without access to grammar references, dictionaries, or other outside resources. They must show the ability to read spontaneously at the test's French reading skill level.

The RPT can be rated using the ACTFL proficiency scale, the CEFR scale, or the ILR scale at the test-taker's request. Most tests take around 50 to 125 minutes to complete. And like the tests mentioned above, the French RPT can also count toward college credits.

Speaking is fundamental to communication. And with the demand for French as high as it is in the United States workforce, potential employees should seek to demonstrate their speaking proficiency with an online certificate in the French language.

The ACTFL OPI French test is a live interview in French conducted over the phone between an ACTFL-certified Tester and the test candidate. The Tester asks the candidate relevant questions to align with their interests and proficiency level. The test resembles an everyday conversation between two people, but the Tester follows a strict set of protocols to ensure objective and accurate results.

The interview itself takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete. OPI test results using the ACTFL proficiency scale, the ILR scale, or the CEFR scale. And like other ACTFL tests, the OPI can count toward college credit.

The French OPIc takes 20 to 40 minutes to complete. It's a popular option as a pre-employment French proficiency test. And again, earning a certificate in French language online can count toward college credit at higher learning institutions.

LTI also delivers the ACTFL Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency in Languages and the ACTFL Proficiency Placement Test in French. Both these tests focus on different language assessment needs.

The reading and listening sections of the test assess the test-taker's language ability across various proficiency levels. The goal is to help higher learning institutions assess a student's proficiency level so they can enter the correct French language class level. Tasks include reading text or listening to audio passages and selecting the correct answer from a list of multiple choices. Questions cover a broad range of topics for adults, from economics and business to current events and politics.

The CEFR scale is a popular framework for assessing language proficiency, used in Europe and worldwide. One of the most notable characteristics of the CEFR scale is its action-oriented approach to assessing communication skills. It emphasizes using can-do descriptors when describing communication.

Many test-takers request that their assessments be rated according to the CEFR scale when evaluating their French proficiency levels because of its transparency, making it a reputable choice for scoring proficiency tests. Organizations and institutions of education or employment can easily compare their candidates' language proficiency levels as a result. And with the CEFR scale's emphasis on cultural context, test-takers can be confident in their use of French across various real-world scenarios.

The third framework for rating ACTFL world language tests is the ILR scale. The ILR scale came into existence in 1955 due to the United States government's need to better communicate with other nations. Since government agencies lacked a reliable method of verifying their employees' language skills, agencies needed an objective way to determine candidates' world language proficiency. The ILR scale was the answer to this need.

The ILR remains an unfunded government organization that facilitates communication across branches to share and advance knowledge about language use, learning, and testing. The ILR scale consists of six levels to measure language ability, ranging from from 0 to 5, which represent no practical proficiency to native or bilingual proficiency. Each of the levels (except 5) has a "plus" level for even more precise measurement of a test-taker's abilities.

Multiple branches of government recognize and access test ratings on the ILR scale. This complete acceptance makes pre-employment ACTFL French language tests delivered by LTI a wise choice for individuals and organizations in need of proficient French communicators.

People from all walks of life can benefit from ACTFL language proficiency tests to advance their career or educational objectives. As seen in the above-cited ACTFL report, employers are actively looking to fill a shortage of candidates who can communicate in French. French speakers can step into these roles by demonstrating their proficiency with one of the ACTFL French language tests provided exclusively by LTI. 006ab0faaa

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