The Object.freeze() static method freezes an object. Freezing an object prevents extensions and makes existing properties non-writable and non-configurable. A frozen object can no longer be changed: new properties cannot be added, existing properties cannot be removed, their enumerability, configurability, writability, or value cannot be changed, and the object's prototype cannot be re-assigned. freeze() returns the same object that was passed in.

Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength, buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for attempting to freeze these properties.

Freeze Download


The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations.

To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you know the object contains no cycles in the reference graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze() recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.

\n Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength,\n buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of\n an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for\n attempting to freeze these properties.\n

\n The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the\n immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property\n addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on\n object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those\n objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value\n re-assignment operations.\n

\n To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property\n (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you\n know the object contains no cycles in the reference\n graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to\n deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path\n (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze()\n recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a\n risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.\n

We have a Freeze set to maintain the view of a certain columns that are referred to throughout the day. However, the freeze doesn't actually work as expected, as almost every time I go into our sheet the pane has been moved either direction which defeats the purpose of keeping certain columns visible at all times.

@Loann McGee @Shawn_Durfee I'm having the same issue! I've actually watched it change the freeze while I'm in the sheet. We believe it happens when there's more than one user in the sheet but neither user is actually changing the view. I'm going to log a help ticket to see if we can get it resolved. We have to unfreeze and freeze multiple times a day. It's driving us crazy!

This has been driving me crazy for a long time and I would love to have this fixed so that the freeze column doesn't move. I'd also like to be able to lock it down for the sheets I own so that no one else can move it either. It's painful to have to move the frozen column line multiple times a day.

People freeze columns so that they are always in view. When they disappear from view when the freeze point moves on its own, it is not only frustrating, it is really confusing as a sheet user. Freezing columns is a really important basic spreadsheet function. Is this being addressed by Smartsheet at all?

BBC Global News, the commercial, international arm of the BBC, has, like other publishers, weathered sudden double-digit percentage drops in digital ad revenue over the last six months from coronavirus-induced spending freezes.

Running CVAD 1912 PVS on our VMware 6.5 environment. All of our Citrix servers are running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter. We currently have about 6 VDA servers that users log into for work. Randomly each week, one of those servers will freeze/crash. When I try to access it from the VM console, I can't do anything. Users report that their sessions are frozen as well. The only thing to do is to do a hard reset on the VM. Once it reboots, it's okay again until the next time. I don't see anything in the Event logs that suggest what the culprit is. I am currently working with Citrix support to try and diagnose the issue. They are looking at memory dumps. We are using Trend Micro Apex One as our antivirus, and Citrix Support suggested we put in place the proper exclusions. However, it's still freezing with the exclusions in place. Once the server freezes, eventually you'll see an error log show up on the Delivery Controller that the Broker Agent lost contact with the server. Yesterday, a user first called that they seemed stuck. At first, I checked the VM console and saw that I could still log into it. So I thought the server was okay still. I tried to shadow the user and it timed out. Shortly after, we received other calls from users that they couldn't move either. I noticed they were all on the same server. When I went back to the VM console, it was frozen. Anyone experience anything like this before?

Thanks for the response. Yeah, this has been a frustrating one to deal with. I am currently testing the VDAs with Trend Micro Apex One uninstalled and using a different AV solution, making sure the Citrix exclusions are still in place. Now it's just wait and see if things improve or not. Sometimes it would go almost two weeks before a freeze, so we'll see. I'll follow up down the road with whatever happens.

Thanks for the response. We are using ESXi 6.5. The VMs are all Windows Server 2019 Datacenter. I don't recall actually trying to ping the frozen server from an external device when it freezes. However, I did try an experiment once where I had a script that was logging pings to a text file on the server itself. It would ping the server itself, it would ping our gateway, and it would ping an external IP, like The next time that server froze, I checked the text file and noticed that 2 minutes before the server froze, it starts logging a "General failure" error.

We are also using Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, and 1912 CU1. I've gone from Trend Micro to Defender, to Kaspersky. All three have froze on us. One thing I started noticing was that it MAY have something to do with shadowing. It first started on my radar when I tried to shadow a user. When I was connecting to them, it froze the server. We then had that user log onto a different server and tried to shadow them again. Once again, it froze. However, when we tried a 3rd time, it didn't freeze.

I mentioned this theory to the Citrix Support guy I'm currently working with, and he wanted to do a Wireshark trace session and see if I can duplicate the freeze. We picked out one of the VDAs we were going to do the trace on. Turned on Promiscuous Mode on the vSwitch it's using. Then we installed Wireshark on another VM that is on the same ESX host, using the same vSwitch, and started a packet trace. I then found a user on that server and started a shadow session with them. I just had them print a PDF in their email. Then I requested control and printed another PDF from their email and ended the shadow session. About 30 minutes later, that server froze! I then stopped the packet trace and uploaded it to Citrix Support. They are now going to analyze it and get back to me.

My friends,

I believe I found the issue causing freeze-ups in the Canon R3!!!

Recall the following:

1) I experienced freeze-ups with my Canon R3 the first week I received it.

2) Canon CPS took the camera in for repair, replicated the issue, reinstalled the firmware, reset it to factory settings, tested it, found no more freeze-ups, declared it fixed and returned it to me.

3) I restored my settings manually and the freeze-ups still occurred.

4) Canon replaced my original R3 with a brand new R3

5) I updated my firmware to V1.1.1 and restored my settings from a CSD file this time, and the freeze-ups still occurred.

6) In all cases my freeze-ups were such that the buttons and dials would not respond (including power switch), yet touch functions still functioned including the smart controller. It would also freeze-up, at times, while asleep and could not be awakened. Of course, since the screen was black (asleep), no touch function could work. The only way to restore the camera was to pull the battery and then reboot the camera.

I have since, of course, contacted Canon and am awaiting a response, as Canon's engineering department seems to be in a denial mode, despite a Canon repair technician in Virginia having replicated the freeze-up issue when it first went in for repair.

I advised Canon that while I await their response, I was going to, one by one, change my settings to default and see if any particular setting eliminated the freeze-ups.

My first setting change was to restore the aperture and speed change dial settings to default, as I had them reversed. No change. I still had freeze-ups, so I restored my setting.

Next, I reasoned that, since the freeze-up even occurred while the camera was asleep, the only function I had changed that would involve activity during the sleep mode would be the GPS setting, which I had set to Mode 2. I disabled the GPS altogether. Since I have done so, I have left the camera on 24x7. Not once has it failed to awaken from sleep mode nor has it frozen at all while awake and being used. I have been testing for a solid week now (on 24x7) and I'm optimistic that this is the cause of the freeze-ups, as before I could rarely go a day without a freeze-up. ff782bc1db

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