Skincare 101: The Basic Routine To Make Your Skin Glow

In recent years, the term “skincare” has gained a lot of popularity, and it’s now a part of the vocabulary of almost anyone! (especially in younger generations). The term is trendy among beauty influencers who advertise products and create routines to maintain healthy-looking skin. But the truth is that skincare goes beyond just applying certain moisturizing and serums in your night routine to avoid wrinkles; just like brushing your teeth every day, it plays an essential role in your wellness, as it is also intended to treat conditions like psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and acne.

When we talk about skincare, we talk about self-care. There’s a lot of online information on creating a routine to protect your skin. However, the number of available products and terms can also be overwhelming if you are starting to take care of your face. Don’t worry! If you are just beginning your skincare journey and are unsure where to start, we can help. Free Spirit Aesthetic, our medical spa in Alpharetta, GA, has simplified the basics to help you begin.

What do I need to know to start my skincare?

Before creating or following any routine, you must understand your skin type (dry, oily, etc.) and if you have major issues you want to address, like acne or psoriasis. Think about how your skin feels a few hours after taking a shower. If it tends to feel greasy, you probably have oily skin; on the other hand, if it tends to eczema and gets worse in winter months, you’ll need a different approach more focused on dry skin. Understanding your skin type will help you choose the products more accurately for your goals.

The basics of a good and practical skincare routine:

Contrary to what you probably find online, skincare doesn’t have to be complicated if you don’t want it to be! There are three basic steps to any skincare routine: cleansing, moisturizing, and sunscreen.

Your morning routine should start by washing your face with a cleanser, applying your favorite moisturizing (like serums and toners), and applying sunscreen (at least SPF 30). With this, you’ll ensure your skin looks hydrated and is protected against the prejudicial effects of sun rays, like skin aging and skin cancer.

Your night routine will vary a little. For obvious reasons, it doesn’t involve sunscreen, but it will include additional steps. For example, if you wear heavy makeup during the day, you might benefit from double cleansing, using an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based cleanser to ensure perfect results. The following step is to apply your preferred serum or toner and seal this with a moisturizer.

Skincare has countless benefits for your physical and mental health. Besides the medical and cosmetic benefits, some experts say that following a skincare routine helps patients feel more in control and relaxed.

Regularly visiting an esthetician will also help you better understand the right products for your skin and goals. If you are ready to improve your look, don’t hesitate to visit Free Spirit Aesthetic. Our center focuses on offering the best skincare in Alpharetta, GA. If you are interested in our cosmetic services, please visit our website.