Cleaning free space presents another challenge. Since FAT and NTFSprovide no means for an application to directly address free space,SDelete has one of two options. The first is that it can, like it doesfor compressed, sparse and encrypted files, open the disk for raw accessand overwrite the free space. This approach suffers from a big problem:even if SDelete were coded to be fully capable of calculating the freespace portions of NTFS and FAT drives (something that's not trivial), itwould run the risk of collision with active file operations taking placeon the system. For example, say SDelete determines that a cluster isfree, and just at that moment the file system driver (FAT, NTFS) decidesto allocate the cluster for a file that another application ismodifying. The file system driver writes the new data to the cluster,and then SDelete comes along and overwrites the freshly written data:the file's new data is gone. The problem is even worse if the cluster isallocated for file system metadata since SDelete will corrupt the filesystem's on-disk structures.

The reason that SDelete does not securely delete file names whencleaning disk free space is that deleting them would require directmanipulation of directory structures. Directory structures can have freespace containing deleted file names, but the free directory space is notavailable for allocation to other files. Hence, SDelete has no way ofallocating this free space so that it can securely overwrite it.

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MediaVPs should be installed in a new 'MediaVPs_38X' directory under the main FreeSpace directory (\freespace2\MediaVPs_38X) This preserves the possibility to play with either with retail FreeSpace 2 vp files if this is desired (for example in multiplayer) and using the retail FreeSpace 2 executive files and requires minimal extra time to set up. (See step six for further details).

Depending on how you installed the game, the cutscenes might not be in the proper location. If you bought your copy of FS2 from Good Old Games, the cutscenes (ten .mve files) are somewhere in \freespace2\data2\ or \freespace2\data3\ . You can get them working by moving them to \freespace2\data\movies\ . Create the directory if it does not exist. You can also download either the original MVE cutscenes or OGG-encoded versions from If you have the game CDs/DVD, you can copy the cutscenes from them to the FreeSpace2/data/movies/ folder. The OGG cutscenes are smaller but might not perform as well on older hardware that could run the MVEs without problem. Now you should have the full gamut of updated and retail content installed! ff782bc1db

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