
A Free Introductory Textbook with Linked Videos

Richard Friberg, Stockholm School of Economics

I, Richard Friberg, have been teaching microeconomics for more than 20 years at the Stockholm School of Economics. Based on my experience on what works well pedagogically I'm writing a textbook suited for introductory or intermediate level courses in microeconomics. A key feature is that many of the figures and tables contain links to explanatory step-by-step Youtube recordings. Comments invited at richard.friberg@hhs.se and if you use the book in your teaching it'd be great if you could let me know.

Download the book here

Videos are linked from within the book and available here.

Links to my published research and other information is found on my personal homepage

Resources for instructors: A set of exercises for the book are found here  and answers are available here.  Slides for each chapter (as of yet only first few chapters) are downloadable by following the link in the menu top left on this page).

Other resoucres: Marko Terviö of Aalto University also has a set of exercises that are in a similar spirit and may be useful for instructors seeking inspiration or students extra practice. Clearly numbering for those exercises are unrelated to numbering in my book. Solutions are here.