Just a heads up for the win 7 games 4 win 10 team. Microsoft update KB5005539 stops the win 7 games working on windows 10!! The update arrived on my computer on the 5th of October 2021. I removed the update and can now play the win 7 games (WOOHOOOOO).

 Keep up the good work.

There is now a complete set of solutions to the first1,000,000deals (except for 11982 of course) on a new site based in Latvia,run by a gentleman named Yuri Bortnik (he replied right away when Iasked about the site). The solutions all appear to bequite short, and the interface is very clean -- two clicks get you anysolution up to 32000, and higher deal numbers can simply be entered ina search box. Yuri says that the "solutions aregenerated by computer. But a special human-friendly algorithm makesthese solutions very sequential, logical and short ofcourse." His longest solution is 53 moves, for deal 29596. Solutionsare available in standard notation, or in a moredetailed descriptive form. A very impressive job and awell-designed site. He has also added some stats on the first64,000 deals, including a list of 0- and 4-freecell deals.

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* Why am I finding deal number xxxxxdifficultwhen it isn't on any of the lists?

Since a large number of people start at deal number 1 and work theirway up in sequence, most of the lists of "difficult-to-solve" deals arebottom-heavy, with lots of low-numbered deals. One of the few listswhich covers the whole range of 32000 is from Dave Ring's InternetFreeCell Project, but blocks of 100 were assigned randomly, and a dealmay not have been reported as difficult there because the solver whogot that block was an expert solver, or just didn't bother to reportwhich deals he/she found difficult. So a deal may be very difficulteven if it doesn't appear on any of the usual lists. Another point isthat difficulty is somewhat subjective -- two solvers will notnecessarily find the same deals hard. Most lists are compiled by oneperson or group, and most of those people/groups haven't tried everydeal. There are some obvious things (depth of aces) to look for, butthe best way I've found so far to objectively measure difficulty is todetermine how many freecells are needed to solve a particular deal (FreeCell Pro is equipped to do this). FC 11982requires five freecells to solve (i.e. it is impossible with thestandard four freecells); only about one deal in 150 is difficultenough to require the standard four (most of these appear quitedifficult to human solvers, so it seems like a reasonable measure).Surprisingly, it's only a little harder to solve manydeals with three freecells rather than four, and FCPro lets you dothis. Most deals (about 79%) require two freecells orfewer; any deal requiring at least three freecells is well aboveaverage in difficulty.

* Has anyone found a solution forFreecell xxxxx? It seems awfully difficult because of theremote positions of the aces.

The depth of aces is a very weak measure of difficulty. 14652 (one ofthe deals this question was asked about), despite 16 cards covering theaces, is only a little above average in difficulty, though it's prettyhard to solve with two freecells. The average deal has slightly morethan 11 cards (576/52 = 11.077) covering the aces (possibly includingother aces). Although the impossible 11982 has 22 cards covering theaces (close to the maximum 24), probably the hardest of the 31,999solvable deals, 1941, has only 14, less than some of the zero-freecelldeals. 617, which is nowhere near as hard as its reputation (and mucheasier than 1941), has 20, the same number as 164, which is azero-freecell deal. The 69 zero-freecell deals average 8.51 cardscovering the aces, only a few positions shallower than average. 52583 has all four aces available immediately, but requires the averagetwo freecells to solve.

Pretty Good Solitaire includes agame called Challenge FreeCell, in which all of thetwos and aces are automatically dealt to the tops of the columns (twosin the four leftmost columns, aces in the rightmost -- I would havedone it the other way around). This makes the deals slightly harder tosolve, but almost all of them are still solvable. Danny A. Jones ran ananalysis in which he modified the million XP deals in the same manner.Only 14 deals out of a million are impossible (45813, 46589, 54150,108905, 465251, 479573, 501129, 510749,514842, 541924, 685515, 798261, 845934, and 855773.His solver found 846878 intractable. When he reversed the positions ofthe aces and twos (aces in columns 1-4), 19 deals were unsolvable(including some of the same deals as before, indicated in boldface) and3 intractable (including 855773 which is impossible the other way).PGS's Super Challenge FreeCell combines thismodified deal with KingOnly rules (only kingsmay be played in empty columns -- see the questionbelow about variants); most of the deals are still solvable. Dannyran 40,000 deals, finding 56 impossible and 28 intractable. Evenwith two or three freecells, Challenge FreeCell is only slightly harderthan regular deals. With three freecells, Danny A. Jones' solver foundonly 250 impossible deals (with 3 intractable) with the twos and acesin the first eight positions. With two freecells, there are atleast 24,161 solvable deals. With one freecell, however,his solver found only 3,785 solvable deals, and there are only fourChallenge-modified deals (7079, 17873, 20393, and 20918) solvable withzero freecells.

* I have a streak of xxxx wins in a row and have wonxx% of the deals I have played. How does that compare to other players?

Since the statistics in Microsoft FreeCell can be easily altered, andyou can escape from lost deals without recording them, there seemslittle point in collecting records on the honor system. (Unless youerase statistics and start over, your overall winning percentage may bea better indication of how quickly you became good at FreeCell ratherthan how good you are now. The more deals you play, the more slowlyyour overall win rate will change. Once you have played thousands ofdeals, it takes much longer to push your average up very much.) Ifyou're really interested in comparing yourself to other players, try NetCELL,an on-line (Java) version of FC with has lots of features in additionto keeping records of streaks, win percentage, and average time. A fewyears ago, NetCELL moved to a newserver,and now holds free on-line tournaments daily (with a prizetournament each weekend). Using NetCELL for comparison, I would saythat you need to be winning 98% of FC deals on the first try to beconsidered a top-notch player. 90% is a reasonable level for a goodplayer. More than 100 streaks of over 1000 have been recorded onNetCELL,but I would consider anything over 100 excellent in any standardversion of FreeCell. My own best streak of 119straight made it up to 91st place on the list of longest active streaksin December of 2012. Note that NetCELL does not allow undos, sogetting long streaks is harder than in standard MS FreeCell, where youcan fix a one-move mistake.

The all-time record on NetCELL is 20,000 (still active as ofDecember 19th, 2013) by a player calledPudongPete, who had earlierposted the then-second-longest streak (now third) of 14,137 under thename QingpuKid. Theprevious record on NetCELL was 19,793, set by Bob K., a retiredchemist in the Atlanta area (under the name rgk5). Hepreviously had a record of 12,856 (now fourth-best) under the namergk1, which hadshattered the old record of 5301 by a player going by the nameMichelangelo. Bob startedplaying around 1996, and has also had tenother streaks of over 2000 wins. He did not record the deal which endedhis streak of 12,856, but says that the loss was due to a simplemistake -- putting a red three on its homecell instead of on a blackfour, and having nowhere to put a black 2 which was in afreecell. A streak of over 1000 is needed tomake the top 100 all-time. 

* Are all of the solutions in the catalog correct?

Adrian Ettlinger ran the entire catalog through FCPro's replayfunction, and all of the errors it found have been corrected. Thereshould be no incorrect solutions. We frequently get claims of errors,but none of these has turned out to be correct except for one report ofa solution which was missing a couple of moves at the end.

* Why won't you post every newsolution submitted?

Because there isn't room for solutions to all 32,000 deals. Most ofthem aren't interesting anyway: with reasonable experience almostanyone can solve about half of the deals on the first try. Actually wearen't currently soliciting anysubmissions of newsolutions, and have removed some of the easier deals (like most ofthose from 11 to 52, leaving 1-10 for beginners). Mainly the catalog isintended to contain solutions to very hard deals, although solutions toa few deals using zero and one freecells are included, as well ascuriosities like 52-card flourishes. For quite a while we didn't addany new solutions, then started adding solutions to dealsrequested more than once. Now we are adding no new deals, sincethere are complete catalogs of all 32,000 deals (and at least one catalog of the first million,as described above). The catalog on our site is now basically ahistorical artifact.

* Why won't you post improved (shorter) solutions in thecatalog?

There are several reasons. First of all, it would mean extra work forme, and wouldn't do much for anyone except the person sending in theimproved solution, who would get to see his/her name there. (For somereason, 617 is the champion here too -- I have received quite a fewsubmissions shorter than the catalog solution, but I have even shorterones in my files, with as few as 44 moves, which I never bothered topublish). But the catalog was never supposed to be a competition; themain purpose is to give solutions to hard deals so that people who arestumped by a particular deal can look up a solution. For that purpose,any decent solution will do. Another point is that minimum-lengthsolutions are likely to be tricky rather than elegant -- solidtechnique will usually not help you find shorter solutions; playingaround and cutting corners may. One of the reasons I stopped playingChampionshipFreeCell (a competitive version no longer available) is that if someonewas the first to post a 2-freecellsolution to a particular deal, and someone else posted a shortersolution, the original poster lost all credit whatsoever for havingposted it -- so there was little incentive (from a competitive point ofview) to investigate and find the minimum number of freecells needed tosolve a particular deal for which no solution had been posted -- it wasbetter to steal deals from someone else, especially if they were aheadof you in the rankings. Championship FreeCell also counted everyindividual card move in determining shortest solutions, whichdiscouraged long sequence moves and further encouraged loose play suchas moving every possible card to the foundations.

Until recently, little was known about the shortest solutions fordeals. Danny A. Jones has used his various solvers to look for veryshort and minimal-length solutions for deals. With his standard Pri-DFS(prioritized depth-first search) solver, he originally found that allof the first million deals (except of course for the eight impossibledeals) can be solved in 64 moves or fewer, using autoplay and supermoves as defined in MS FreeCell andFreeCell Pro. With his BFS (breadth-first search) and recursive-searchPri-DFS solvers, he later reduced this to only four deals for which hehas not been able to find a solution of 50 moves or less; the longestis 57148 at 54 moves, followed by 739671 at 53 moves, and 255317 and526267 at 51 moves each. When he extended his search to 25 milliondeals, all solvable deals could be solved in 66 moves or fewer.Solution length does not automatically correlate with difficulty (1941has a fairly short solution), but most of the deals with the longestsolutions are quite hard. For most deals, the solutions from hisrecursive solver are often considerably shorter than this at the priceof memory and execution time. Danny was thinking at one point ofcreating a web site to post short solutions for FreeCell deals. ff782bc1db

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