I just had the idea that one could use the sheet metal workbench for creating sewing patterns.

There are some similarities between sewing and creating things from sheet metal (creating a volume from flat material), so this workbench could be helpful.

has anyone ever tried that?

Apart from that, what are your experiences with the sheet metal workbench?

In this Tutorial I have explained How to Model Sheet Metal Part using FreeCAD Sheet Metal Workbench. This tutorial is designed for beginner level FreeCAD user. In this tutorial I have covered basics of Sheet Metal Workbench like sheet metal thickness, Bending Radius, Flange Direction, Multi Transform Pattern etc. I am also providing 2D drawing and source file used in this tutorial so that beginner user can practice themselves and refer my FreeCAD file in case of any doubt.

Freecad Sheet Metal Workbench Download

Download 🔥 https://tlniurl.com/2y3fqt 🔥

Today, manufacturers use modern PLM and PDM systems and store their designs on the network or in the cloud. CAD-files are typically also used to send directly to CAM-systems to create NC-codes, for example for sheet metal laser cutting or sheet metal die bending.

As a consultant, I have been on the lookout for the best CAD software that will fit the needs of my larger clients. But I know that not everyone is looking for the Rolls-Royce of sheet metal design solutions. Sometimes you just want something simple, and ideally free.

FreeCAD is the only truly open-source software that also comes with a sheet metal workbench to design sheet-metal parts. The library is still being developed by enthusiasts all around the world, and therefore it makes a fantastic starting solution.

Onshape saves you time with Parametric Modeling 2.0, a fundamentally better way to model using multipart design, configurations, simultaneous sheet metal tools, standard content, and managed in-context design.

On another note, the software is great for mechanical or technical designs, and the sheet metal functions are well established. It works on both cloud and device. Thus, if you do not have an internet connection you could work on your project as well.

I help sheet metal companies to higher productivity by automating processes. With over 10 years of experience in the metal industry and automation, my customers call me a thoughtful, experienced specialist with in-depth knowledge of the industry.

I erased the tabs and redrew and re-rotated them and now the superfluous lines are gone. Earlier I sent your sheet metal design to shapeways to see if the plastic would be thick enough and to check the color. It will be here Monday. Thank you for all of your help!!


Both Design Tech (@DTatGIS) and cj @ scalar (@ScalarElectric) on twitter advised me that Fusion 360 has a sheet metal feature. After a bit of searching I discovered it was launched in August this year. From the help pages it seems to have all the right capabilities. Thanks Emma Lovelace and Tharin for clarifying that I can sign up for the Start-Up/ Enthusiast licenses.

IFreeCAD comes with a sheet metal workbench which is not as fully featured as you would find in SolidWorks but there are enough tools to get most jobs done. If you are new to CAD then watch a few YouTube videos to get up and running quickly.

I attached the plans I made for CNC laser-cutting the sheet metal. This is a slightly improved version of what I have built in the video. It has bigger oval holes on the long reinforcement plates for easier accessing of the bolts for legs attachment.

Please see the video on our devel server located here ( _parts/machined_parts/videos/sheet_metal_drawing.mp4). It's one of our basic sheet metal pieces for the mini but has most of the processes that we use for other machines components. I've set up an isometric view on the 2nd page showing how to change the viewing angle on specific views, right now this seems to be the best way to do projections that show different angles in FreeCAD. My audio recording doesn't seem to be working in the recording, if that'd be helpful I can try to fix that or record on a different machine.

Next we create a new file for each individual board. In the part workbench we add a cube. This cube gets then dimensions from the spreadsheet in the format filename, hashtag, table name, dot, variable name. This would be for example master#p.material. ff782bc1db

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