Pinterest Power Packed Traffic

Get Tens of Thousands And Hundreds of Thousands of views to offers or products as an Affiliate or Vendors Every Day,Week or Month Without a Website and Without Paying for Ads.

This requires:

No experience

No creating of websites

No list buiding

No paying for ad

For years I've tested hundreds of different ideas for promoting affiliate links. Most have been horrible flops (which is why I know what doesn't work!) while others have become consistently reliable tools in my affiliate marketing tool box.

Sometimes I set myself a challenge by striving for the seemingly impossible such as....

"Can I find an easy way to do affiliate marketing without building a website, without an email list and without paying for traffic?"

It's the whole "building a website" process that can really slow us down AND it costs money.

You have to get a domain name (money), you have to set up a hosting account (usually costs money), you have to figure out how to get WordPress on the site, you might have to deal with getting hacked if you don't add sufficient security to your website, you have to choose a theme (sometimes costs money), you have to configure the WordPress theme, you have to write content (or outsource the writing - which costs money), share that content on social media sites and hope that Google will eventually send you some traffic.

Now, I'm not knocking that process - it's one of the core methods of affiliate marketing that I use myself.

However, not everyone has the patience, knowledge, or time to even try - hence, the challenge to find another way. I want everyone who wants to make money as an affiliate marketer (YOU!) to find a way that works for them.

If you could cut out all of that time and money and just start throwing affiliate links on some other site that already has traffic it would be such a huge relief and a great savings of both time and money!

And Pinterest is just the place to do this!

Pinterest has a massive, active set of members. Pinterest allows affiliate links. People BUY things they see on Pinterest. You can get a lot of attention on Pinterest in a very short amount of time. Best of all - you get to skip Google entirely.

I've done it and I can show you how to do the same!

It's going to take some time on your part but it's the EASIEST kind of work imagineable. All you have to do is find and share the right kinds of things on Pinterest in the right way.

That's what you're going to learn in this package. You CAN NOT just start pinning things randomly to Pinterest and make this work...especially since Pinterest has made a TON of changes in the past few months.

Instead, you've got to follow a very strategic plan.

But can product pins (especially affiliate link pins) get attention on Pinterest? YOU BET!

Below is a pin from two and a half years ago that has had plenty of attention. That pin has been seen 2308 times, 1730 people have clicked on it to take a closer look (Closeups), 231 people clicked the link to visit the retailer's site (Clicks) and 347 people repinned the image to one of their own boads on Pinterest (Saves).

My strategy does tell you how to find the right niche, the audience for that niche, and the products you should show to that niche.

And Pinterest has a very hungry audience of buyers for a HUGE number of niches! I've shown you that people click on product pins. Build your Pinterest profile the way I'm going to show you how to do, get your affiliate links out there, get enough clicks on your affiliate links using the methods I'm going to show you and sales do happen.

I produce some of the most detailed, tested, how-to guides on affiliate marketing you'll find. If you've ever purchased an ebook and been left scratching your head because important steps left you hanging, you're going to be extremely pleased with the thouroughness of my guides.

This product contains both ebooks and videos training that has all the current tricks and strategies to get tons of TRAFFIC And Sales On Pinterest,

You are going to discover how to set up your pinterest profile the right way in order to attract tons of audience

How to make you pin and make it stand out from all the millions on Pinterest

How to create a video pin for more traffic magnets

How to impress Pinterest and its members by being a go-to source for FRESH pins in your niche

The kinds of products you should be pinning with affiliate links and why

The changes you should make to EVERY affiliate link pin so that it really stands out and gets the maximum views and clicks

The best method for gaining QUALITY followers in your niche when you don't have a website (not even paid tools can get you this quality of followers)

How your Pinterest boards should be set up and the step you can't skip if you want lots of views

What to pin and WHEN to pin

The ideal number of pins you should add to your profile every day (go over this number and you're actually wasting time and hurting your results)

How to analyze individual pin data to help you pin better and better every week

Why should you follow my strategy?

I have over seven years of experience as a full time affiliate marketer and have designed this course to help you avoid the pitfalls I've run into along the way.

Purchase this today and let me help you overcome any obstacles that have been standing in your way of becoming a successful affiliate marketer!

Buy and you'll get an immediate download of your purchase.