In utero gene therapy (IUGT) to the fetal hematopoietic compartment could be used to treat congenital blood disorders such as -thalassemia. A humanised mouse model of -thalassemia was used, in which heterozygous animals are anaemic with splenomegaly and extramedullary hematopoiesis. Intrahepatic in utero injections of a  globin-expressing lentiviral vector (GLOBE), were performed in fetuses at E13.5 of gestation. We analysed animals at 12 and 32 weeks of age, for vector copy number in bone marrow, peripheral blood liver and spleen and we performed integration site analysis. Compared to noninjected heterozygous animals IUGT normalised blood haemoglobin levels and spleen weight. Integration site analysis showed polyclonality. The left ventricular ejection fraction measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in treated heterozygous animals was similar to that of normal non--thalassemic mice but significantly higher than untreated heterozygous thalassemia mice suggesting that IUGT ameliorated poor cardiac function. GLOBE LV-mediated IUGT normalised the haematological and anatomical phenotype in a heterozygous humanised model of -thalassemia.

The Vector Map (VMAP), also called Vector Smart Map, is a vector-based collection of geographic information system (GIS) data about Earth at various levels of detail. Level 0 (low resolution) coverage is global and entirely in the public domain. Level 1 (global coverage at medium resolution) is only partly in the public domain.

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The Maps JavaScript API offers two different implementations of the map: rasterand vector. The raster map is loaded by default, and loads the map as a grid ofpixel-based raster image tiles, which are generated by Google Maps Platformserver-side, then served to your web app. The vector map is a composed ofvector-based tiles, which are drawn at load time on the client-side usingWebGL, a web technology that allows the browser to access the GPU on the user'sdevice to render 2D and 3D graphics.

The vector map is the same Google map your users are familiar with using, andoffers a number of advantages over the default raster tile map, most notablythe sharpness of vector-based images, and the addition of 3D buildings at closezoom levels. The vector map also supports some new features, such as theability to add 3D content with WebGL Overlay View, programmatic tilt andheading control, enhanced camera control, and fractional zoom for smootherzooming.

Vector maps support fractional zoom, which lets you zoom using fractionalvalues instead of integers. While both raster and vector maps support fractionalzoom, fractional zoom is on by default for vector maps, and off by default forraster maps. Use the isFractionalZoomEnabled map option to turn fractionalzoom on and off.

Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.

Later Mapbox standardised the Mapbox vector tile format which had a lot of benefits over the older raster tiles.While a raster tile could be styled to look however you want on the server, a vector tile could be styled on the client-side. That meant the same tile could power a hundred different map styles, even dynamically on the client-side. In addition, vector data makes things like animating between zoom levels look great. Generally, a huge step forward.

Hi All,

I try to create similar earth as attached image.

I have illustrator vector world map. I inserted it to Blender as SVG and then converted to mesh. Could you please suggest me how can wrap mesh around the sphere.

Thanks in advance.

If you want to specify a single raycast direction in World coordinates, the Location / Translation component of the Object Info is irrelevant, and so is the Position of the vertexes you're projecting from. It looks like you just need to transform your chosen direction vector by the Object Info's Rotation and Scale, and plug that into the Raycast node:

A basemap style is a set of visual properties that define how the geographic features and labels from the basemap styles service are displayed. The format of a basemap style conforms to the Mapbox Style Specification for vector tile layers. The basemap styles service supports default basemap styles and custom basemap styles. Default basemap styles are predefined styles, also known as themes, that are included with the service such as streets, navigation, light gray, and imagery.

A custom basemap style is a unique basemap style that you can create for the basemap styles service. A custom basemap style is derived from a default basemap style and is created with the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor. The editor allows you to customize the style properties of geographic features and labels such as visibility, fill colors, outline colors, fonts, and glyphs. The format of a custom basemap style conforms to the Mapbox Style Specification for vector tile layers.

When you are finished editing the new basemap style, you need to save the style with the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor. The new style is saved in ArcGIS as a vector tile layer (item) in the portal you are signed in to. From the item page, you can display the style with Map Viewer or Scene Viewer. You can also use this page to set the sharing level, view the style, update the JSON, or get the URL endpoint.

Each layer in the style contains the visual properties for the features in the vector tile layer such as land areas, oceans, lakes, parks, streets, and place labels. Some of the key properties are id, type, and paint. The paint property contains the values used by a client application to display the layer, including the color and color ranges.

Vector tiles make huge maps fast while offering full design flexibility. The vector tile format is the vector data equivalent of raster image tiles for web mapping, with the strengths of tiling: optimized for caching, scaling, and serving map imagery rapidly.

Size and speed. Vector tiles are really small, enabling global high resolution maps, fast map loads, and efficient caching. The Mapbox cartographers responsible for Mapbox-provided vector tilesets worked to balance between level of detail and performance.

Vector tiles are an open standard under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License. We support vector tiles across our products and there is a large list of vector tile implementation by other vendors.


 No changes here since version 2.1. Blank world map available in vector and raster formats. National borders are not indicated. Major lakes not included.

 JPG Preview: World Map (Blank) (1,026KB)

Come learn how and why NASA satellite data is being used to predict the onset of water-related and vector-borne diseases as well as to inform operational users so they can respond to outbreaks. During this telecon, we will have NASA scientists share research that is being done to learn more about malaria transmission in the western Amazon basin as well as cholera outbreaks in various locations. Learn about a current NASA DEVELOP program which is focused on western Europe, and find out how citizen scientists around the world are getting into the action by using their smart phones to collect and share data about potential mosquito breeding sites. We will share several great resources and one of the newest NASA videos which focus on this topic.

This article introduces interactive video maps for the web. The main component of video maps is a video stream that is areally georeferenced to a spatial reference system in the same way rectified raster orthoimages are georeferenced. The areal georeference allows for interactivity that goes beyond the play, pause, and stop functionality of video player software. We highlight two types of functionality, allowing the user to (1) combine the video stream layer with other raster and vector map layers and (2) adjust the projection of the map in real time. We exemplify video maps by A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2, an interactive video map that visualizes the results of a high-resolution NASA computer model of global atmospheric carbon dioxide distribution. The map shows how carbon dioxide travels around the globe over the course of one year. We use a combination of WebGL, a programming interface to the hardware-accelerated graphics pipeline, and HTML5 video for adding an areally georeferenced video layer to other map layers, and for the on the fly projection of the video stream in the web browser.

N2 - This article introduces interactive video maps for the web. The main component of video maps is a video stream that is areally georeferenced to a spatial reference system in the same way rectified raster orthoimages are georeferenced. The areal georeference allows for interactivity that goes beyond the play, pause, and stop functionality of video player software. We highlight two types of functionality, allowing the user to (1) combine the video stream layer with other raster and vector map layers and (2) adjust the projection of the map in real time. We exemplify video maps by A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2, an interactive video map that visualizes the results of a high-resolution NASA computer model of global atmospheric carbon dioxide distribution. The map shows how carbon dioxide travels around the globe over the course of one year. We use a combination of WebGL, a programming interface to the hardware-accelerated graphics pipeline, and HTML5 video for adding an areally georeferenced video layer to other map layers, and for the on the fly projection of the video stream in the web browser.

AB - This article introduces interactive video maps for the web. The main component of video maps is a video stream that is areally georeferenced to a spatial reference system in the same way rectified raster orthoimages are georeferenced. The areal georeference allows for interactivity that goes beyond the play, pause, and stop functionality of video player software. We highlight two types of functionality, allowing the user to (1) combine the video stream layer with other raster and vector map layers and (2) adjust the projection of the map in real time. We exemplify video maps by A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2, an interactive video map that visualizes the results of a high-resolution NASA computer model of global atmospheric carbon dioxide distribution. The map shows how carbon dioxide travels around the globe over the course of one year. We use a combination of WebGL, a programming interface to the hardware-accelerated graphics pipeline, and HTML5 video for adding an areally georeferenced video layer to other map layers, and for the on the fly projection of the video stream in the web browser. 0852c4b9a8

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