My other child is an extrovert who wants to invite the whole grade, so a small celebration experience would never be her style. Hence, the aforementioned gymnastics parties. But for some kids, experiences are a perfect way to celebrate.

If we want our kids to dress themselves and care for their clothes (an important skill I would think), then we need to design a closet they are able to make their own choices in. Clutter creates chaos. Calm fosters independence.

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As kids grow, the tendency to seek out sweet continues. We know that when you eat something sweet, you crave more of it. Research is starting to show that sugar is addictive. When you eat a little sugar, you crave more. You also may develop an increased tolerance to it. Not to mention that my 3-year-old turns into a wild animal when given sugar.

Side note: I am always befuddled by the parents who give children a load of candy on an airplane or on a road trip. Are they beckoning punishment? Is it really fair to be irritated when the kids act like wild animals?

Clean up was fairly simple. I just let the leftover wax harden again in the container and set it aside for us to melt and use next time! Then we cleaned up the newspapers covering counters and put away our supplies.

Yeahhhh! You did it! They turned out so great!!!! I am inspired to think I could do this craft inside my apt as it has always been a kind of outdoor activity for us! Try to find a local beekeeper and get your wax that way maybe! Might be kind of fun to have the kids learn about the wax and see it in its raw form! Thanks for sharing as always! (we have begun reading the Little House series! One chapter a night. It has been one of the most special reading rituals we have had as a family!)

I love the photo of the boy holding the finished candles. My kids love doing different kinds of crafts and making candles seems like a fun idea. We will be sure to find a kit candle making kit so that we have all the appropriate supplies.

Hi, thanks for all the tips on how to accomplish this. I am trying to gauge how much wax I need to purchase for 20 candles (two candles each for 10 kids.) How much did you use and how many candles did it yield? I am wondering if I should order 2lbs or 3lbs or even more. Thank you!

During a moment of sadness last week, my lively and joyful toddler voluntarily sat with me on the couch, holding hands and snuggling for a good hour. This brought comfort and happiness to the situation. At that moment, I realized sometimes our kids need us, sometimes we need them, and sometimes we need each other at the same time. Kids need us. From the moment they enter the world, infants express their needs through tiny (or loud) cries. Toddlers need lots of cuddling as their brains try to comprehend black, white, and all the colors of the expanding world around...

I also worried about how I would teach my daughter math and science or other subjects that don't come easily to either of us. So far, this hasn't been a problem, but if it becomes one, my plan is to hire a tutor or send her to classes or co-ops to learn material I feel less confident teaching. Some school districts also permit part-time enrollment for homeschoolers, or allow kids to attend "specials" such as art, music, or gym, and even play on the sports teams of their local school. As homeschooling becomes more prevalent, laws are evolving and school systems becoming more flexible and welcoming.

De-schooling didn't mean getting rid of rules altogether, though: I learned that despite my bohemian fantasies, routines are important for kids (and for the sanity of the homeschooling parent). As a homeschooler, of course, my schedule won't look like a school schedule. It has to be flexible to accommodate the dinner that needs to go in the oven and the errands I need to run and the baby's diaper that needs changing and the freelance story I have due in the morning. Not to mention the tantrum my daughter throws when I try to make her do math.

Unit studies build an entire curriculum of math, language arts, and science around a single topic. There are unit studies available for purchase on everything from ancient Egypt to Little House on the Prairie. Five in a Row is a wildly popular curriculum for younger kids; it builds a unit study around a favorite children's book each week.

With all those competing philosophies and curricula, one of the biggest challenges I faced as a new homeschooler was narrowing my goals to what I could actually accomplish, realistically, in a day. I had big dreams of teaching Latin and French in addition to the core subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic, plus art and music lessons and extracurricular sports and clubs. I felt there was so much wasted time at school, and that we would use all the extra time to expand and enrich her education. But kids need down time, too.

One of the most common questions I get as a homeschooling parent is, "How will your children learn to make friends, respect authority, and get along with all kinds of people?" Helpful grandmothers who find me in the grocery store with my kids on a Tuesday at 10 am tell me that children need school in order to learn how to be a functional member of society. But consider this: other than school, your child will never again be confined to an environment exclusively populated by people his or her own age. NEVER. Why are we so hung up on socializing our children only with their peers?

And in any case, there are so many clubs, classes, lessons, and field trips for homeschooled kids that they can socialize as often as they care to, with as many different kinds of people as I can imagine. Most of the homeschoolers I know complain that they're never at home.

Another question I get is, "How do you grade your kids on reading, walking in the woods, and cooking dinner?" The answer is: I don't. My state doesn't require me to report my curriculum, turn in grades, or test my children, so I don't. Some states require testing and reporting, and if we move again we may have to adjust our record-keeping habits, which are admittedly bare-bones. But this laissez-faire approach works for me so far. When you are teaching a child one on one, it becomes readily apparent even without testing where she is excelling and where she needs more work. But for those who are concerned about how their children stack up to their peers, educational testing is usually available through the local school system or through private companies like Sylvan.

When other parents send their kids off to kindergarten and I see their lives returning to the land of adults for several hours a day, I have yet another reason to question my decision to educate my own children. To avoid burnout and resentment, I must take regular time for myself to just be a grownup. It also helps to have a supportive partner who helps bear the burden, or is at least an enthusiastic cheerleader of my choice to homeschool.

Opponents say that if you pay kids for work done at home you undermine their intrinsic motivation to contribute to a family and risk creating little monsters who refuse to help do anything unless they get an immediate reward.

However, we still expect our kids to help out with other tasks when needed. At our family meeting where we proposed our new chore system to our kids, we explained to them that there were some jobs that would not be part of the chore system, but they were still expected to do. Emptying the dishwasher and helping set/clean up the table fit in this category.

Foodlets is about cooking only one dinner. About simple swaps to make any recipe healthier. About transforming "grown up" food into kid-friendly fare. And most of all, about the actually enjoying meals as a family.These are our hits and misses (you know, you've tried to make dinner before) and there's nothing I'd rather share with you. Except this: if I can do it, you can too. Let's feed some kids....Contact me by email >>Read more about this crazy idea >>Subscribe to Our NewsletterEnter your email address

I then ask a second question: How would you respond to yourself if you lost or broke something special? I invite kids to consider the difference between their responses to the two questions. Feel free to consider these questions yourself.

When we practice self-compassion, we treat ourselves with the same kindness that we would offer a friend when things go wrong. This includes soothing ourselves when we struggle and motivating ourselves with kindness. Whereas a habit of self-criticism increases anxiety and depression, adolescents who practice self-compassion become less anxious and depressed. Self-compassion helps kids cope better with challenges and experience more well-being and self-esteem.

The way we talk to kids makes a big difference in how kids talk to themselves. When kids have repeated experiences of being validated and cared for, the external support can become internalized as an inner self-compassionate voice. Research suggests that when parents are supportive and empathic, their kids learn to respond to themselves with kindness. Meanwhile, parents who are critical of their children are more likely to have kids who are self-critical.

See? Pinterest would laugh at all of that, but I think it looks awesome, and the best part was how you actually PLAY this specific game. Roll a die, move your spaces and ask a question of the person on which you land (your own name is a CHOICE space). The night we all played as a family, I learned a whole lot about everybody, including what my kids would do if they were invisible, their favorite songs (and colors and foods and teachers and friends), and what they love best about daddy. (Then, I asked daddy what he loves best about mommy just to watch him squirm.) Have fun with it! My crew is kind of addicted.

Nicki and Nate Brunner are a married duo of Minnesotan adventure-seekers,dream-chasers, and child-wranglers. As parents of three cool and energetic kids, their goal with MinneMama Adventures is to discover and share the joys and challenges of daily outings, spontaneous getaways, and well-planned vacations as a family in a humorous, honest and authentic way. 0852c4b9a8

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