Yahoo! Answers was a community-driven question-and-answer (Q&A) website or knowledge market owned by Yahoo! where users would ask questions and answer those submitted by others, and upvote them to increase their visibility. Questions were organised into categories with multiple sub-categories under each to cover every topic users may ask questions on, such as beauty, business, finance, cars, electronics, entertainment, games, gardening, science, news, politics, parenting, pregnancy, and travel. The number of poorly formed questions and inaccurate answers made the site a target of ridicule.[2][3]

On April 5, 2021, an announcement was made that Yahoo! Answers would be shutting down on May 4, 2021,[4][5][6] with questions and answers no longer being postable after April 20, 2021, and questions and answers stored on the site being deleted after June 30, 2021. On May 4, 2021, the site ceased operations and redirected to a Yahoo Help page[5][a] until July, after which it redirected to the main Yahoo page. Yahoo gave reduced usage of the site as the reason for shutting down, saying "it has become less popular over the years."[5][6] The archivist group Archive Team and others worked to archive the site to preserve in the Internet Archive.[25] The group was able to archive 4.75 TB of data during the "read only" period, but not the full site.[26][27] The same day the site shut down, the wider Yahoo brand was sold to Apollo Global Management.[28]

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Yahoo! Answers allowed any questions that did not violate Yahoo! Answers community guidelines.[30] To encourage good answers, helpful participants were occasionally featured on the Yahoo! Answers Blog. Though the service itself was free, the contents of the answers were owned by the respective users; Yahoo! maintains a non-exclusive and royalty-free worldwide right to publish the information.[31] Chat was explicitly forbidden in the Community Guidelines, although categories like Politics and Religion & Spirituality were mostly opinion.[32] Users could also choose to reveal their Yahoo! Messenger ID on their Answers profile page.

Questions were initially open to answers for four days, and the question's asker could choose to pick a best answer for the question after a minimum of one hour. However, comments and answers could still be posted after this time.[33] To ask a question, one had to have a Yahoo! account with a positive score balance of five points or more.

Before April 20, 2012, users levels 5 and above could give an unlimited number of questions, answers, and comments. Yahoo! Answers established an upper limit to curb spam and unproductive answers.[37] Before April 2014 users were also able to vote for a best answer if the asker did not choose one, but this was discontinued.

The point system ostensibly encouraged users to answer as many questions as they possibly could, up to their daily limit. Once a user achieved and maintained a certain minimum number of such contributions (See Note*, further ...), they could receive an orange "badge" under the name of their avatar, naming the user a Top Contributor (TC). Users could lose this badge if they did not maintain their level of participation.[38] Once a user became a "Top Contributor" in any category, the badge appeared in all answers, questions, and comments by the user, regardless of category. A user could be a Top Contributor in a maximum of three categories.[38] The list of Top contributors was updated every Monday.[38] Although Yahoo! Answers staff kept secret the conditions of becoming a TC, many theories existed among users, for example:

"Internet language" including incorrect spelling and improper grammar also contributed to Yahoo! Answers' reputation of being a source of entertainment rather than a fact-based question and answer platform,[43][44] and for the reliability, validity, and relevance of its answers. A 2008 study found that Yahoo! Answers was "not optimal" for questions requiring factual answers and that the quality decreased as the number of users increased.[45] One journalist observed that the structure of Yahoo! Answers, particularly the persistence of inaccuracies, the inability to correct those inaccuracies, and a point structure that rewards participation more than accuracy, all indicated that the site was oriented towards encouraging use of the site and not towards offering accurate answers to questions.[46] The number of poorly formed questions and inaccurate answers made the site a target of ridicule.[2][3] Likewise, posts on many Internet forums and Yahoo! Answers itself indicated that Yahoo! Answers attracted a large number of trolls.

The site did not have a system that filtered the correct answers from the incorrect answers.[47] At one time, the community could vote for the best answer among the posted answers; but that option was disabled in March 2014.[48] For most of the life of Yahoo! Answers, once the "best answer" was chosen, there was no way to add more answers nor to improve or challenge the best answer chosen by the question asker; there was a display of thumbs down or thumbs up for each answer, but viewers could not vote. In April 2014, this was changed to allow for additional answers after a best answer was chosen, but the best answer could never be changed. Also, while "best answers" could be briefly commented upon, the comment was not visible by default and was hence hardly read.[citation needed] Even the user who posts the question wasn't notified, before or after the best answer was picked, about a comment on the question or on the best answer. If the best answer chosen was wrong or contained problematic information, the only chance to give a better (or correct) answer would be the next time the same question was asked.

When Yahoo launched its question-and-answer platform in 2005, becoming a mainstay of internet comedy wasn't part of the plan. The company billed the service as "a place where people can ask each other questions on any topic, and get answers by sharing facts, opinions and personal experiences." Even so, Yahoo Answers didn't exist for its own sake -- it was created to help bolster Yahoo Search results.

It can be easy to forget how influential Yahoo once was. It was a big company with social communities, email, directories and, of course, the biggest search engine in the world. In 2005, however it was facing fierce competition. The hope was that Yahoo Answers could make the company's search engine better by offering users millions of crowdsourced answers to any question they might have.

It's one aspect of the service that survived to the end. Browsing Yahoo Answers' categories in its final days still surfaced plenty of standard questions seeking answers ("Can u write on money," or "How do I get a grease stain out of concrete"), but you could also find the same discussions you'd expect on Reddit. These range from new parents asking in the parenting forum what people thought of the name of their child, or political partisans debating the latest headlines in the politics and news sections.

The Yahoo! Answers topic classification dataset is constructed using 10 largest main categories. Each class contains 140,000 training samples and 6,000 testing samples. Therefore, the total number of training samples is 1,400,000 and testing samples 60,000 in this dataset. From all the answers and other meta-information, we only used the best answer content and the main category information.

You got lucky! My friend just got scammed this same way. It was from some joker who wanted to "purchase" her camera. She agreed on an amount and she got the same message from paypal.paymentlife at yahoo . com saying that the $700 had been sent but was being held until she sent proof of the shipping details. Look at the email address.... No paypal correspondence is going to come from a YAHOO account. This is from some jerk who is simply sending emails and saying that he's got a payment for you and will release it once you've sent the item. Unluckily for my friend, she sent the item and low and behold, the guy then tells her that he needs her to send him money. That's when she realized that it was a scam. The cops will do nothing about this and short of making a small claims court case, there is nothing she can do either.

I hope it's not too soon, but today I bring you Yahoo! Answers IV. I want to scoop all of these people up and take them home with me. I think my favorite part of this one is that people actually tried to give real answers for question 6. Also, I am officially awarding Ninjai from question 1 the "Tellin' It Like It Is" Award. Congratulations, Ninjai. Join the list of mind-speakers proudly.

Question 1: Am I too old to have children? My husband and I will both be celebrating our 90th birthdays next summer. We are thinking about adopting a baby because everyone needs a home. Is this crazy? My husband has a hard time remembering things, but I'm in pretty good shape and can usually drive a car and we both know how to play a mean game of canasta!

1. No offense, but you probably dont have long to live. Ten years, and you will probably be dead. That doesnt help the child at all. ~Ninjai

2. I find looking after my daughter very tiring and I'm only 42, I wouldn't consider having another baby now, let alone in another fifty years. Raising kids is very demanding and takes a lot of energy. I can't help wondering if you're really someone who's a trolling teen, you can't be serious with a question like this. ~Semtex

3. Mabey not the best as your old and you say he forgets thin easily would hate to forget the bag on the way to church and your not as quick on your feet as you once were mabey not a baby but mabey a teen who can help you as well :) ~Jayla

4. Not to be rude or anything, but shouldn't you adopt? I mean there is lots of kids needing to have a home. There are too many kids in this world as it is, and I don't plan on having any myself... Which doesn't mean that I won't ever have sex... ~Gillian

5. Yes. You are. ~Tay

Question 2: How can I get my cat back into the public pool? Last week the lifeguard at the local public pool I've been taking my cat, Trixy, to told us that she can't come back ever again. I knew they were going to be prejudiced against her so I've always tried to hide in the back when we've gone. Is there some way I can dress her up to look like a baby to get her back in?

1. U should leave Ur cat at home before they tell YOU not to come back. ~Jewelz

2. That poor cat probably hates the public pool! Why would you bring her there in the first place! ~Andel

Question 3: How can I get my cat to start breathing again? My cat stopped breathing on Tuesday and now it's Thursday and I'm starting to get a little worried. I know that when cats sleep they can hold their breath for a long time but this seems like it's been too long. Should I be doing something?

1. It's been 2 days. The cat is dead. ~Brotherhood

2. I regret to inform you that your cat is dead. ~Linds

3. If she really stopped breathing she'd be dead. Go see a vet. ~Courtney

4. Carefully cut into it's abdomen and eat its gall bladder. Should be perfectly fine afterwards. ~John

5. Who told you that cats hold their breath when they sleep? They were lying to you...

I regret to inform you that your cat died... ~Josie

Question 4: How much tv is too much for my cat? My cat, Trixy, has been watching a lot of tv lately and I'm really worried that it might be rotting her mind. Sometimes I come home and she's watching really violent shows. But I'm afraid to tell her to stop because she has a temper. Any advice?

1. Cats do not have the 'intellect' to understand what they see on TV. The radiation from the screen may do more damage then the programing will ever do to Trixy's brain. She likes the flashing lights and the sound. ~Quagmire Jones

2. Um.....if you're a troll, this is hysterical. But TV won't hurt the cat if you're being serious. Cats sleep 18 hours a day, so if (s)he wasn't watching TV, she'd be sleeping anyway. Cats don't have the capacity to tell the difference between a violent show on TV or a court case show, etc. so that isn't an issue either. ~Creepy

3. Go with it. Don't confront her. I unhooked the cable box once and mine punished me by ordering all sorts of crazy crap through my ebay account. ~Simon

Question 5: Is it safe to tongue-bath my cat? My cat Trixy is getting old and she is having a hard time bathing herself now. I want to be a good friend to her but I don't want to put my own health at risk. Could I get a cat disease if I keep tongue bathing her?

1. Seriously???!! OK.......YES, you could get a disease if you tongue bathe your cat....& you'd ingest cat hair! If you really "care" about your Trixy then gently brush/comb her. ~T

2. Yes. It's safe and fun for everyone! Just brush your teeth first. ~Pat

Question 6: What is the name of that movie? It's that one with the guy from all those action movies and he is outside during the day on one part of the movie and this woman talks to him (or it might have been a man) about something he did that upset her (or him). The only other thing I can remember is that the credits were all at the end and ran while the theme song of the movie played. I've been wanting to watch it but I can't, for the life of me, remember the name of the movie. HELP!?

1. Wow really? You have to give me more than that to be able to help. That sounds like 10000 other movies. The Bourne Identity? ~Chris

2. Ok, let me get this straight. There is a movie with a guy, who has been in other movies, and at one point he talks to a woman and at one point in the movie he is outside during the daytime. Also, the credits and theme song run at the end of the film (one of the few time I suppose the film makers have chosen to do this). Got it."Last Action Hero". great film, thanks for reminding me of it. ~Wushuboy

3. You are going to need to have some more detail so I can help you! Transporter perhaps?? With Jason Strahman??? I think his name is. ~Nikki

4. i dunno but if it has a typical action guy then i'd google either Jason Statham or Bruce Willis or people like that. ~Liss

5. Die Hard? ~?

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