We have a mobile web based app at my company. Due to the nature of the application we do not want the browser on the users phone to prompt the user to save the passwords on the form a.k.a the autocomplete feature.

We managed to do that for IE and Firefox by setting the autocomplete tag to "off" but that doesnt seem to work for Opera mini (and i am guessing opera in general). I know user's can set it to off in their settings but for security reason we rather have it disabled?

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However, I can certainly see that for specific scenarios, like "send one-time passwords by SMS to the device Opera remembered the regular password on", this sucks. If you have stored password for a high-value site + use SMS one-time passwords as an "out of band" authentication, a lost phone becomes a major risk. The root of this problem is the assumption that an SMS constitutes "three-factor" authentication - if the stored login and the SMS is on the same device it's no longer "three-factor"..

I'm new to the forum (and not very tech savvy) but I've been a vodafone customer for about 13 years. I'm not into swanky android phones, but my phone (nothing flashy at all, just a 'Vodafone chat 655') is good enough for my needs (calls, texts and occasional web browsing) which suits my 10 monthly PAYG bundle for all three. The web browsing (whilst extremely slow, is ok for me, because I'm not into downloading)


As of 3 days ago (06.03.17) the internet (which is 'Opera Mini') no longer works on my device, and whenever I try to connect, I get the following notice:

(Quote) "Dear Customer

The vodafoneopera mini servicewill end on 01.03.2017

To continue surfing the internetplease go to


And get the newestopera miniversion for your phone.

The opera mini software is for free"

Now given that the phone only opperates from OPERA MINI....it's impossible to go to any website on this device. Had vodafone gave me this warning BEFORE the cut off date. I could have done something about such matters. I've contacted the online advisors about this....and they tried the usual "text WEB to 40127" and then when that failed I spent hours of the same advisor giving me (fruitless) instructions on how to change my 'Data Account' settings...to no avail. The advisor asked me to go into my nearest vodafone store...where an 'expert' would sort out my problem whilst I wait.

I went today....and sadly they couldn't sort out anything.

Now I'm aware that my mobile phone (and query) is probably laughable to most high-tech hardcore phone people....but I wish that vodafone would have sent such a warning of it's intent to movie the 'Opera Mini' goalposts (so to speak) when I had the chance to do something about it.....or at very least, not bother topping up this month.

I know that the intention behind actions like this to get customers to buy new phones....but I don't want a new phone....I just want the service that I paid for in my monthly price plan.

Has anyone else had a similar problem with Opera Mini?

Thanks for the quick (and helpful response) Bandofbrothers (much appreciated)

I'll have a look through that list...I'm just not sure if I can transfer the updates from that page on another device and transfer it to my phone?

I managed to get the right answer (UC Browser) by virtue of elimination, not because I actually knew the statistics ?. But what I do know, is that one of the options I have on my phone was not on that list. Yes, this is my semi-fail segue into talking about Opera Mini. Writing is hard ?.

Opera Mini has different modes, which affect data consumption and also rendering. Each of the operating systems uses a version of Opera Mini with a different set of modes. Check out the full table at Opera Browsers, Modes & Engines.

Opera Mini on Android phones also have a High mode option, which runs on Android WebView. WebView is based on Chromium and uses the V8 Javascript engine. By default, if you are connected to Wi-Fi and using this mode, data savings are disabled unless you explicitly turn it on in the Settings.

Opera Mini on iOS phones have 2 additional modes, Normal and Turbo. Both these modes run on WebKit, as is expected for all browsers on iOS. The difference between them is that Turbo is a proxy browser, which works similarly to Mini mode except that the compression is much less aggressive, allowing websites to generally render as expected.

A new piece of malware is trying to take advantage of Opera's popularity as a mobile browser alternative on Android smartphones. Cybercriminals have created a new variant of Opfake that bundles the real Opera Mini version 6.5 so as to further mask what the malware is actually doing (earning its creators money from unsuspecting users by sending international text messages). GFI, which first discovered the malware, is calling this particular threat Trojan.AndroidOS.Generic.A. The package is named "com.surprise.me" while the file name is "opera_mini_65.apk" (both can easily be changed).

As you can see above, two sets of "Permission to Install" pages are displayed during installation. The first (above in the middle), comes from the malware itself: it asks for read and modify rights to all SMS and MMS messages, read rights to all contacts stored on the smartphone, modify or delete rights to the SD card, and so on. The second (above on the right) one appears once users agree to install the first, which is simply the permissions required for the legitimate Opera Mini browser.

This particular threat is interesting because it shows that OpFake is evolving. Instead of trying to mimic a popular app, OpFake now simply installs the real version. As a result, the user is less suspicious that something is wrong. "More than likely, users will not be aware that something might have infiltrated their phones until the bill arrives," a GFI spokesperson said in a statement.

Android lets you download and install apps from anywhere. If you want the official version of an app, however, get it from the official Google Play store. Here is the official Opera Mini link: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.mini.android.

Opera Mini, currently available on six devices, will come preloaded later this year as the primary browser on select devices. Customers with feature phones can find the app in the Media Center/Get It Now or can download it from Verizon Wireless online media store. Customers with Android devices can also download the app from Android Market. There is no subscription fee to access the Opera Mini browser, but data and usage charges may apply during download and use of the application.

About Verizon Wireless 

Verizon Wireless operates the nation's fastest and most advanced 4G network and largest and most reliable 3G network, and serves more than 94 million customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 82,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ) and Vodafone (LSE, NASDAQ: VOD). For more information, visit www.verizonwireless.com. To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at www.verizonwireless.com/multimedia.

About Opera Software 

Opera Software ASA has redefined web browsing for PCs, mobile phones and other networked devices. Opera's cross-platform web-browser technology is renowned for its performance, standards compliance and small size, while giving users a faster, safer and more dynamic online experience. Opera Software is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with offices around the world. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol OPERA. Learn more about Opera at

We are working to make video content available on more phones through Opera Mini. If you have a new Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone, the chance is high that you can take Opera Mini for a spin on m.youtube.com.

Do you want to try a different browser on your Android phone? The folks at Opera Software announced a beta version of the Opera Mini 5 browser that provides a PC-like browsing experience on smartphones and other handheld devices that run on the Android platform.

Many business owners rely on smartphones with Web browsers such as Opera Mini to surf the Internet, retrieve email messages and chat with employees or customers while on the road. Opera Mini supports a wide range of options for connecting to the Internet, and depending on which service provider you use for Web access, some of those options might require the use of a proxy server. Setting up a proxy or connection method in Opera Mini is relatively straightforward and takes just a couple of minutes.

Open a Web browser on a computer and navigate to Opera.com's "Connecting your phone" Web page (link in Resources), where you can select your country and service provider to determine the best proxy or connection settings for your phone.

Samsung has been giving stiff competition to feature, low to mid-budget phone makers in India. In yet another step, the company announced that they have preloaded their feature phones with Opera Mini Mobile browser. India still has alarge number of userswith feature phones and with this move, Samsung ensures swift browsing, even without a smartphone.

Further, one can expect more Samsung models pre-loaded with Opera Mini, to come later this year. Opera Mini has been built for speed and it compresses webpages before sending them to a phone. It is said to consume 90 percent less data and load pages up to 10 times faster. Its essential features like tabs, password manager, Opera Link and Speed Dial further add to the convenience.

Opera Mini has become quite popular over the years and boasts of having over 160 million unique users, each month. In January, its users generated more than 1,832 million MB of data for its operators across the globe. 0852c4b9a8

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