Fresh install of arch and I'm on i3 then installed firefox. I also installed NetworkManager, ModemManager and enabled/started the services successfully. I can connect to some websites (flawlessly): google,youtube,gmail,archlinux,& more. The error I get on other websites, say reddit, is just the generic can't connect error:

but when I ping in terminal, it's successful and has a response time of ~15ms. I initially thought it was an issue with SSL but decided against it because I setup my date and time when installing, and when I get SSL issues it usually results in some websites loading improperly, and a variety of errors instead of the generic one. Hope somebody can help, I need this to work so I can debug issues by myself, thanks

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Amazon Linux is based on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora so the default installation of nginx doesn't have a sites-avalable or a sites-enabled directory. (As opposed to Debian/Ubuntu) The directory where you usually put your configs is /etc/nginx/conf.d

What is the difference between the sites-available folder and the conf.d folder. Both of those folders were INCLUDED in the default configuration setup for nginx. Tutorials use both. What are they for and what is the best practice?

conf.d does the job, but you have to move something out of the folder, delete it, or make changes to it when you need to disable something. The sites-* folder abstraction makes things a little more organized and allows you to manage them with separate support scripts.

So, from the point of view of NGINX, the only difference would be that files from conf.d get to be processed sooner, and, as such, if you have configurations that silently conflict with each other, then those from conf.d may take precedence over those in sites-enabled.

Typically, the sites-enabled folder is used for virtual host definitions, while conf.d is used for global server configuration. If you're supporting multiple web sites -- i.e., virtual hosts -- then each one gets its own file, so you can enable and disable them very easily by moving files in and out of sites-enabled (or creating and removing symlinks, which is probably a better idea).

So first of all, if you want to use sites-* then there are more lines of code. Creation of sites-* folders and symlinks, and editing of the default nginx.conf (or worse, checking one in that will not be updated when you upgrade your NGINX version).

If you want to keep your confs in git and have a fully reproducible build, then you commit the current state of your confs and let CI/CD do a deployment. This means that if you decided to use sites-* despite requiring more code, then you have to edit the Dockerfile or similar to adjust the symlinks that are created to enable/disable sites.

because you could start a container that uses sites-*, log in to your server, and execute commands on the running container to manage the symlinks. In fact, this is the only way using sites-* makes sense with containerization. But with this workflow, the current state is only kept in the container (not in git, and starting a new container from the image will alter the enabled sites).

My internet connection used to be a direct LAN connection to my provider. Back then, everything would load fine on both Windows and Ubuntu (dual boot). However, a while ago they started needing me to dial using a username and password (over a PPPoE connection). But since then, I haven't been able to browse certain websites on Ubuntu, even though there have been no such issues on Windows. Some example websites are - Ovi's sign in page (although loads fine, and loads fine), Live Mail (works on Chrome(ium) and Opera but not on Firefox (both 3.6 and 4)) and other random websites.

Some of the websites that don't load show timeout messages on Chrome and for some websites, the browser will keep trying to load without an end (I've left it like that even for hours but not noticed anything different happen).

You can use the tsm sites commands to export an existing site for import to a new site (also referred to as site migration), and to import the new site. An unlock command is available in case an error leaves a site locked.

The tsm sites commands will use your local file store to hold the export and import data. If you are running a multinode Tableau cluster, then you must run the tsm sites commands on a Tableau Server that is running the Data Engine process. For information about the Data Engine process and the processes that require it, see Tableau Server Processes.

You love Linux, and you're checking some of the best websites. But you don't know all of them. Perhaps you get your fix here at MakeUseOf, or perhaps you have a list of sites that teach you about Linux but don't tell you much about what is happening day to day.

There are hundreds of Linux sites out there, websites, blogs, communities, and so on. But which ones should you be following? Well, aside from MakeUseOf, you should be looking at these 10 great Linux sites.

One of the great things about It's FOSS is the way it manages to find news that most other sites have completely missed. Couple this with some great presentation, and a passionate community, keeping tabs on the latest news and articles from It's FOSS is highly recommended.

That place might be Reddit (see below) or it might be Ask Ubuntu, one of the biggest Linux question and answer sites out there. The idea is simple: you search for the problem and read the solutions. If nothing matches your own scenario, create an account, ask the question (giving as much relevant information as possible), and wait. Sooner, rather than later, you should have a reply, and be on the way to a solution.

In many ways, its existence underlines the importance of Linux to the internet, server management, and cloud computing. The content can seem a bit dry at first, and it's certainly pitched like an industry publication. But you'll find features and news in Linux Today that are unlikely to feature on other sites. As such, this site is certainly worth a read.

Meanwhile, links through DistroWatch to distro download pages are used to judge how popular each distro is. The Page Hit Ranking table is used by many websites and publications as an indicator of the current shape of Linux. As an example, Linux Mint has sat atop the DistroWatch ranking table for a few years now, matching its dominance over a declining Ubuntu.

You can export from and import to sites that do not use the same user identity store type, but you will need to modify the mapping files used for the import. This step is built into the import process and described in Step 3: Verify that site settings are mapped correctly.

The site import process assigns users to the target site. If the source site is on a Tableau Server instance other than the target site, you must create users on the target server before you can perform the import. If the two sites are on the same Tableau Server instance, the target site has access to the existing users, and you can skip this step.

When a target site has fewer users or schedules than the source site, many-to-one importing is not supported. How you can address this depends on whether the source and target sites are on the same Tableau Server instance.

You must use the tsm sites commands to complete the site migration process. The steps below walk you through exporting information from the source site, mapping site settings, and importing the mapped files to the target site.

I added a file mysite.conf to my apache sites-available folder with the correct settings, then enabled it and reloaded apache, and it isn't working. I want to disable the default site config as defined in 000-default.conf to see if that fixes the problem.

You will need to create your new/additional site(s) in your /etc/apache2/site-available/ directory using a file format similar to You will also want to make sure that /etc/apache2/apache2.conf has Include sites-enabled/ or something similar as one of the last lines.

Many websites related to Linux and open source software have high technical content and often have less attention for the actual use and the things you can do with this operating system. But some of us just have other expectations. As a beginner or every day user in the Linux and Open Source world, you have different information needs than an experienced, highly skilled Linux user or developer. But also Linux users who use their computer for example for content creation, are less interested in the technical backgrounds, and have mostly different needs. In this artcle I give my thoughts on 10 great Linux websites for beginners and everyday users.

When I started with Linux myself, I had a great need to know how other people once found their way in this extensive open source world when they were a beginner, but also what applications other people use and how they use them. This highly supported and simplified the process of making my own choices. For example many people want to know how they simply can set up a photography workflow in Linux, or how they can seriously edit video and which software is most suitable for that. It is not always easy to find the right information that fits your requirements as it is scattered all over the internet. Here are my random thoughts on some great Linux websites for beginners and everyday users that I regularly visit myself:

Hi, my name is John Been. I started this website because I think that many Linux-oriented websites are too technical to be of any interest for novice users or people who just want to be productive with their computer, and that scares off a potentially large group of new people to take the step to Linux. And that is a pity because Linux is a formidable platform and with the right user-centered approach Linux could get a much larger footprint. So this website tries to be different and will be simple and focused on users who just want to be productive with Linux and related software. 0852c4b9a8

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