Our ever-growing library of patterns has been specially curated to use the beautiful, natural-fiber yarns we stock from leading brands such as Noro. DROPS, Rowan, Rico Design, Malabrigo, and Manos del Uruguay.

To get the most out of your browsing experience, use the filters to target or refine your search, be it by brand, gender, yarn weight, yarn color, skill level, or project type. We even have up-to-date collection of free pdf patterns.

Free Knitting Patterns To Download Online

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The patterns we supply specify the yarn ranges we stock, except for a few, such as Laine Magazine and Pom Pom Quarterly. In case you're unaware, we specialize in providing knitters and crocheters with high-quality yarns comprising at least 50% natural fibers that have been ethically and responsibly sourced by our suppliers.

If you discover a yarn on our website you're desperate to work with, scroll to the bottom of that yarn's page to see the patterns we supply using that particular range. Don't allow color clip your wings - try a different shade to the one specified in the pattern for a more individual piece.

Due to problems with your email provider, you might not receive a delivery e-mail from us. In this case, we recommend contacting us for assistance. Claims for non-delivery must be submitted within 7 days of placing the order. Otherwise, the knitting pattern will be considered received and downloaded.

You may have problems downloading the knitting pattern. Claims regarding such issues must be submitted within 7 days. If you do not contact us during this period, you agree that we may construe silence as a successful download of the knitting pattern with no further right of refund.

Although all knitting patterns are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. You should contact us about any errors that you find. We keep the right to rectify the error within 72 hours. If we fail to correct it within 72 hours from the date of the initial complaint, the refund will be issued to the customer in full without any compensation. Alternatively, at the customer\u2019s choice, the knitting pattern can be exchanged for a product of around the same value.

Many knitting patterns were given away free, while wool was also sent to schools so that children could knit gloves, scarves and balaclava helmets for the forces. Wool was also supplied to organisations such as the Women's Institutes of England and Wales, who made over 22 million knitted garments for the Red Cross (an average of 67 garments per member). Parcels of their knitwear were sent to prisoners of war, as well as to troops.

The original 1940s patterns, available to download below, show the wide range of items knitted during the War: a fatigue cap that could double as a scarf, a balaclava helmet and a waistcoat for men, as well as knitted turbans, a When You're 'Off Duty' jumper (its title hinting at the change in women's roles at this time), and gloves for women. They also show the many specialised patterns developed in response to the specific needs of the time. For example, the gloves have long wristbands for extra warmth, while the balaclava helmet has earflaps "to enable good hearing during telephone calls".

The first thing you need to do is write out your knitting pattern. Your pattern can be as simple or complicated as you wish. There is a market for every sort of knitting design, from easy beginner headbands to enormous, intricate afghans.

It is best to type up your pattern as a word document, add any supporting photos and convert it into a PDF file. Converting to PDF is a simple process and can be done either via your computer or by using an online website such as here at Adobe Acrobat.

Etsy is a brilliant place to sell your own knitting patterns. Some designers have made an absolute massive success doing this. Check out The Velvet Acorn and Shifio Patterns, for example. Two very different designers, both with huge amounts of sales from selling their own patterns for their knitting designs.

When customers buy knitting patterns from Etsy, they receive an email directly from Etsy with a link directly to the download page. They then simply click to download the design, with no further work required from you.

If you list on Ravelry, you will be given the option to copy your designs over to Lovecrafts. To sell your knitting patterns on Lovecrafts you need an account there, and having an account will give you access to their designer area.

Lovecrafts works best for pattern selling when your designs are made from yarn that they sell on their website. When someone buys a certain yarn they will asked whether or not they wish to view knitting patterns using that yarn. If your design is appealing, you could well sell numerous copies.

You can sell your own knitting patterns at no cost to yourself on Amazon. You can sell individual patterns on Kindle format and collections of patterns as paperback books. Paperbacks are printed off on demand by Amazon and you receive whatever profit is left after the printing costs are subtracted.

However you choose to sell your knitting patterns, we think that using the medium of online digital patterns is definitely easier and more in demand than printing out paper copies and taking them to the post office.

My daughter was recently gifted several boxes full of vintage knitting patterns. Whilst some people may have seen these simply as old, worthless patterns, anyone who is into knitting will however immediately recognise them as absolute treasure.

Whilst my daughter is not a knitter, she has one as a mother and asked me for some advice about where the best place to sell this awesome collection of vintage knitting patterns may be (she is a student and needs the money!).

Selling your vintage knitting patterns online is going to open up a much larger market than if you decided to sell them locally (more about that later). The obvious online markets for vintage knitting patterns are Etsy and Ebay. However, there are some other ways to sell vintage knitting patterns online. Read on to find out more.

Now if you check out the vintage knitting patterns for sale on Etsy, you will notice that people are selling regular paper patterns and also PDF instant download files. Basically, this means that sellers have scanned their vintage knitting patterns and you can purchase these and download them straight away onto your device.

Theoretically then, you could scan a vintage knitting pattern and sell it over and over again. This is obviousl a lot more lucrative financially than selling your actual paper knitting patterns just once and then its gone forever.

Another issue about selling your vintage knitting patterns on Etsy is that fees are quite high. I think this quite a recent issue. I myself sell knitting patterns on Etsy (my own designs, not vintage patterns) and I have to say that the fees are really wiping out profits. I probably need to put my prices up. In some countries though, VAT is added onto the price of digital files so if you decide to sell your vintage knitting patterns in digital form, you need to consider that this will raise your price at point of sale. So it could be that asking too high a price might put off potential customers.

Anyway, Etsy still remains an excellent place to sell your vintage knitting patterns. This is a quality selling platform and one that attracts customers who are searching for vintage and unique products. I would personally only sell original, paper, vintage knitting patterns here because of copyright issues, however I know from selling my own patterns how easy and convenient it is to both buy and sell digital files on Etsy.

How much you can get for your vintage (or in fact any) knitting patterns on Ebay depends on the actual pattern, and whether or not you auction them off or sell them as buy it now items. The most I received for a single pattern was 32 pounds in an auction. This was for an old Spiderman sweater knitting pattern. I guess it sold for quite a bit of money as Spiderman knitting patterns are pretty rare to find.

I would say that Ebay has a bigger footfall in terms of potential customers than on Etsy, however Ebay buyers are often really looking for bargains. This means that you may not be able to ask as much for your vintage knitting patterns. Unless, as previously written, you have an awesome and unusual pattern and have a bit of luck in an action.

I have knitting patterns from the 1930s up to the 1990s,I have wartime patterns for the Services, and several doll patterns. Sadly none of my children knit or are interested. I have bad arthritis and my knitting days are over. I would like to sell some of them if possible.

For many years now I dreamed of designing knitwear. I would sketch ideas onto post-it-notes at work or draw in a notebook. I thought about someday selling my own patterns but never took the initiative to do it. I think this stemmed from not knowing where to even begin. Then a friend urged me to just start and I decided that it was time to stop dreaming and give it a try. 0852c4b9a8

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