I have an old ipod nano that I was still using. After updating to the latest itunes, the nano no longer syncs. It was able to sync with a computer running an older version of itunes. Is there a way to get itunes to work with my old ipod?

Hi people! I'm having a similar problem and I would really be thankful for anyone's help. I have music on iTunes library that is from a CD and it's not going only ipod 4 when I sync it. All my software is the latest version of everything. So I don't know what to do. I tried everything I can think of and nothing is working. Can anyone help?

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I had a similar problem, all you can do at present to rectify this is to grab your playlist or new created playlist or song from the main library or playlist and drop it into the ipod tab under devices and it will auto sync the changes or songs. Hope this helps.

There seems to be a problem with the syncing of itunes 11 (mine is 11.0.5) when you just use the normal sync method. the above should work and has worked for me when transfering a playlist straight into the ipod it automatically syncs.

Well, I have a problem. (I have no idea how to add descutions here) But I've been trying to add music to my ipod touch but it just won't and its not Manually Manage music and videos, but it comes up with this message '(music here) was not copied to (my names ipod touch because it cannot be played with this ipod' It does not do that to just one music, but all of them! What the **** is going on?

I did a restore because my ipod would not play music. It would just stay in pause. Now I want to put the music back on it but Sync Music is greyed out and Entire music library and Include Videos is checked. The Sync button is grey but clickable but no music is found. What is going on here?

It appears I'm on windows 8.1 with a 64bit operating system, however when I check most apps and devices they seem to pull out 32bit drivers. (When I tried to install an old version of itunes based on 32bits it failed saying I need to use the 64bit version).

I am trying to update the drivers for the portable device the IPOD but I can't. I also tried under disk drives on the left above and that too failed. I have read forums and forums and navigated youtube but the 'fixes' which are based on newer generations and IPOD phone seems to work. I have installed and re-installed itunes rebooted my PC a 100 times and nothing. Itunes is not seeing the IPOD. It's actually driving me daft. The PC is seeing the IPOD but as read only - it tells me the dick is write protected. Is there a fix ? I would love to get this IPOD going again.

I have tried to sync it too but it says there's no room when there is definitely room, I transfered my songs directly from my Ipod Touch to my computer. I have already tried resetting my ipod and reinstalling Itunes and it still has the same bug.

Every time I try syncing my ipod classic to my itunes library, it either says," starting sync" and then fades quickly and doesn't do anything, or it just doesn't show anything and nothing changes. Please help.

I'm getting sick and tired of the same problem. I have an ipod Classic 6th Gen (120gb) and today tried syncing to itunes 12.0.1 after years of hassle free use. itunes is now crashing, causing errors, partially syncing in both auto and manual transfer settings and is generally dysfunctional.

I've restored the ipod to factory settings (obviously thus wiping my device library), I've uninstalled and reinstalled itunes. I've tried all the various suggestions online. Still I keep coming up with a variety of 'unknown error' messages; 69, 53, 163 etc.

Is there any fix - can taking it in to a store even resolve this? I am loathe to buy a new device when the device is fine and I'm p*ssed off with Apple for releasing a new version of itunes when there are still so many people using older versions of their devices - it comes across as cynical marketeering that requires us all to buy the latest hardware to keep pace with the software....

My God ur a genius. I wish i saw this link before i spoke to those idiots at Apple. I reset the ipod and lost all my music. Everything. I had changed my laptop nd dont have it on my itunes either....But i am glad i found this link. Thanks a million

I recently bought and downloaded a movie onto itunes. I can watch the movie on itunes but it wont sync to my ipod classic. I tried to manually select the movies to sync to my ipod, and when i clicked on other movies the number of gygabites free on the bottom of the screen dropped, but when i clicked the new movie the number dosent change. Whats wrong? please help

I formated ipod using Windows(full format) and even used "HDD low level format tool software" for full format and its formating completely with no problem and then restore ipod... The problem is not solved.

As of December 2nd, my ipod nano (second gen) won't show in itunes. I plugged it into different usb ports and that didn't help. My cord isn't faulty cause my ipod shows it's charging when connected to it. The icon doesn't show at all in Itunes. Itunes acts like it's not even there.

I'm on an Asus running windows. Yes, Itunes is open. I wait a few minutes, but nothing happens. Usually when I'd plug in my ipod, my ipod would go dark and say it's syncing and the icon for it would pop up in itunes but neither of those things are happening.

Hello. I'm using iTunes 10.6 and trying to sync an iPod Classic 120GB with Mac OS X 10.6.8. I keep getting the error "itunes could not copy 3 songs to the ipod because the file could not be converted." All three songs are AAC, 256kbps. I didn't have this problem with these songs a couple days ago until I decided to convert all 256kbps songs to 128kbps to fit on my 120Gb iPod. iTunes, nor my iPod haven't updated during this time. Any suggestions?

I have this same problem, only it affects ALL of my music, or at least the ones that are not already AAC. I burned most of my music from CDs into AIFF format, and if I don't try to convert them they transfer just fine onto my iPod/iPhone--but I can only transfer a very small number of files due to the huge AIFF filesize. If I click the "convert higher bit rate songs to 128kB AAC" option, however, I get a message for nearly ALL of my songs that "itunes could not copy [song] to the ipod because the file could not be converted." 0852c4b9a8

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