The first step to building an email list is to select an email marketing platform. At first, sending basic email campaigns and managing your first contacts may be feasible through platforms like Gmail and Outlook.

But to efficiently manage and organize your growing email list as well as send automated email campaigns, you need a reliable email marketing tool. So, you need a platform that you can grow with and rely on its features to create engaging emails.

Free Email List Download 2022


Choosing to invest in a robust email marketing platform will help you not only save precious time while building your email list from scratch but also capitalize on the full potential of email marketing right from the start.

Moosend is no stranger to that. By registering for a free account you get access to tested and effective subscription forms to boost email signups, as well as advanced segmentation options to maximize the efficiency of your campaigns.

Having chosen an email marketing platform, you need to set up a way to start collecting emails on your website. But before you do that, you need to be able to entice people to sign up, namely, give them a reason to want to give you their email address.

A viral contest is a contest that encourages people to share it in exchange for bonus entries. For example, you may provide 25 bonus entries for each referral that then signs up to the contest. In order to sign up, the person has to enter their email, which makes this a great list building technique.

Another idea regarding how to build your email list is to reach out to your personal contacts. There are likely at least a few people on your contact list that would be interested in signing up. Send an email to let them know that you are creating an email list and explain why it will be beneficial for them to sign up.

Giveaways are yet another powerful tactic that most eCommerce stores leverage nowadays to acquire new email subscribers. The reason behind their efficiency is that news of the giveaway spread fast and you can collect tons of email contacts in a short period of time.

Last but not least, giveaways have the additional benefit of increasing brand awareness. There is no harm in luring in new potential customers while growing your list at the same time.

Depending on the content of the page, a popup triggered when website visitors reach a certain point can be a subtle yet effective way to capture their email address. It all comes down to determining when users are likely to be ready to convert.

Think of it like this. You and the other company employees communicate daily with various other people through email. By having a signup link in your email signature, you give people the chance to explore your company in more depth.

Remember! What matters is not how fast you can build your list but how effectively you acquire new leads to be able to retain them. And if you need a great tool to not only capture but also nurture your audience, you can give Moosend a try!

The term list building refers to the process of collecting email addresses from visitors or users of a website. This is done via lead capture software in order to grow the subscriber database and empower future business communications with prospective or existing clients.

For marketers, email list building is an essential strategy. Statistics show that 59% of consumers state marketing emails either positively or negatively influence their purchasing decisions. 80% of business professionals attest to email marketing increasing customer retention.

Whilst comprehensive email lists cannot be generated overnight, there are equally fast and effective ways to grow email lists that go beyond traditional email sign up forms. Some popular methods include:

Australian company Healthy Chef went a step further by adding a lead capture slide-in bar on their checkout pages. In a nutshell, visitors that did not engage with their previous opt-in forms were presented with an additional prompt at the checkout stage offering a last chance to receive a 10% discount in exchange for their email address.

Embedded signup forms are perhaps the most traditional of strategies for attaining email subscribers. Static embedded forms should be placed on high traffic pages in visible areas, such as headers, footers, sidebars, and splash pages.

To lessen the intrusion, welcome pop-ups should be kept as simple as possible. Most feature a single field asking to enter an email address. Complicated forms with multiple fields and weak copy are less likely to convert.

Gamification in list building is the process of applying interactive elements of game playing to encourage engagement with a lead capture form. Some examples of gamification include quizzes, tests, surveys, spin-to-win (aka wheel of fortune) pop-ups, and scratchcards.

Gamification offers exclusive prizes, like 10-50% discounts or other freebies that shoppers must claim by entering their email address. The value of gamification lies in its ability to appeal to consumer psychology. Customers are motivated by prizes that appear easily attainable. This enthralls visitors who feel they are getting something for nothing, and will therefore eagerly sign up to take advantage.

Likewise, contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes can also be used as a form of gamification in your list building strategy. Brands like to participate in joint-promotions to create a higher value prize and thus enlist more subscribers to their database. In fact, 33% of contest participants are open to receiving further marketing communication about the brand and partners.

One mailing list growth strategy that works well is the use of various notifications. Depending on the type of notification, these can feature as overlays on landing pages, be statically embedded into product pages, or be placed in sliders on page headers.

If for example, a larger audience has submitted their email address to be notified of one type of product over another, retailers will be able to plan to develop and sell items that are similar to the most sought-after type. Utilizing this information is likely to lead to higher revenue as well as customer retention.

A content upgrade, also referred to as a lead magnet, is a gated piece of content a business can offer to their website visitors in exchange for their email address. In eCommerce, this can be everything from exclusive access to members-only sale to actual gated pieces of written content, such as guides, catalogs, and more.

Most online shoppers have come to expect checkouts to take personal information. When making a purchase, all of us feel more secure if we receive a confirmation of our order by text or email, and we feel more assured knowing the business has some way of updating us on the order progress.

As shoppers are already familiar with entering their information in a secure checkout environment, including an option to join an email list is a non-invasive way to encourage mailing list subscriptions. (As per GDPR rules, the check box option cannot be pre-checked however.)

Strategized customer loyalty and referral programs can also help when growing your email list from scratch. Programs that offer rewards can encourage brand new subscribers as well as nudge existing subscribers to upgrade, generating more lifetime value.

Loyalty programs are a great way to build your email list and drive repeat purchases. According to Technology Advice, people are more inclined to shop with stores that offer a loyalty or rewards program.

To make the most of your loyalty program and utilize it as an effective list building tactic, make sure you make it easy to enlist, offer some really noteworthy benefits like access to members-only sales, free gifts, events, content, and more. Also, make sure to personalize the experience once the person has signed up.

When you have established a loyal customer base, the next step is to utilize the power of word of mouth marketing. Give your loyalists and advocates to receive even more benefits by referring their friends to your product or service. After all, data shows that people are more inclined to trust recommendations from friends and family than brand communications.

To summarize, even into 2023, email list building continues to come out top of the most popular and effective marketing strategies. Engaging on a personal level with customers is where email marketing is unrivalled. Curated and highly personalized email lists are guaranteed to drive repeat business for your eCommerce website.

These 8 strategies should hopefully provide you with a great place to start building your email list effectively and provide you with another way to reach your target audience. Lead generation is just the start.

A good email list should also lend itself well to segmentation. These segments can be based on demographics, interests, past purchases, engagement levels, or other criteria. This enables you to send targeted and personalized emails that will resonate with specific segments of your audience.

Mailchimp is another option on the market that offers email tools that range from free to paid enterprise level. This tool comes with readymade email templates, scheduling tools, and email automation options.

Constant Contact is known as an all-in-one digital marketing platform, but it does offer a decent selection of email tools that can help your campaigns stand out and get more signups. This paid service allows users to quickly drag and drop selected images and template features into custom emails, run ahead full speed with readymade email templates, send automated welcome and abandoned cart emails, and analyze results with email tracking.

No matter what type of business you operate, an email list is the most important element of a successful marketing strategy. With that list, you can share your story, promote your business, and showcase your products, all while turning subscribers into paying customers. ff782bc1db

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