For those who are unaware, you can download a free copy of the majority of textbooks via the link provided below. I used this and saved money by not having to purchase several textbooks I would have otherwise needed this semester.

I am very undecided about what I should use during nursing school. Ebooks or textbooks? I need to decide soon since school starts October 1st. What are your thoughts or suggestions on this and what are you using?

Free Downloadable Nursing Books

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I HATE, no despise ebooks! I tried to use ebooks for micro & A&P because they were cheaper. But I just couldn't get over the scrolling & scrolling & nothing was easier with the ebooks. But that is my opinion, maybe you would like the ebook. I missed having the physical copy in my hand. I will never use another ebook again!

Ebooks are cheaper, but it depends on how you learn! For me there is no way I could use purely ebooks because I need to actually be holding the book and not looking at a screen to retain information. I don't know why that is, it's just how my brain processes info! If you can learn with ebooks then I say do that option because they are way more cost efficient?

I thought I would hate ebooks, but the ebook version came with most of my books, and I love it. I love that most of my books are inside a barely-two-pound laptop. But, I do feel that my eyes get tired faster.

Not a big fan of ebooks. For casual reading they have been fine for me, but when it comes to intensive reading for school, well they are no-no. My eyes get tired faster, and I feel its hard to work with it. For me there is something about touching and turning pages that is magical. So I prefer the physical textbook4.

I like to have my resources in eBook. I absolutely have to have my textbooks as a physical copy. I stare into those pages for hours. My eyes would fall out of my head if I tried to read a screen for that long. Now a success book, lab book, or another resource? That's really nice to be able to search for the information I'm looking for.

Ebooks suck when you have open book/open note tests, but they don't allow you to have the text open in another window. I end up rewriting the majority of the text in my notes, and spend my test time frantically searching through my notes for that one obscure sentence I probably didn't write down in the first place.

Get the physical book. Aside from what all the posters above mentioned, you can always sell the book when you are done. An even better option is renting it. It is 1/4 of the price, you send it back when the class is over, and most of the time they pay for the shipping both ways. I've rented books from Amazon before vs. from the school and the price is usually lower. Save your money for coffee on finals. :)

I absolutely cannot stand eBooks! They're okay for leisure ready but for studying, oh, heck no. Maybe it's just because I'm old and stuck in my ways but I need paper. I can tab a page, flip through the book, write in it if it's not a rental textbook, etc. I tried to study with an eBook on my Kindle because I had to take an entrance exam for my RN school and the only place I could get a study guide in time to review for the test was by Amazon as an eBook. All the other bookstores would have to order it and I didn't have the time for that. I was cursing the Kindle by the time I was finished reviewing math formulas that I haven't seen since high school 20 years ago...I still passed the entrance exam and was able to enroll right away but the agony of using an electronic book was so painful:madface:

However...the only way you'll truly be able to tell is to try using one...I wouldn't get all e-books until you've tried one. If you don't like it you can just put up with the nuisance for one semester and you'll know your preference. recommendation is get one to try it while using all regular textbooks initially

Idk why I am literally having a crisis but I cannot decide if I should purchase the ebooks or the print books for school. Pros for ebooks would be bringing my tablet or phone with me to work and studying would be more accessible. Print I just feel would be great too. Print is more expensive though.

The Open RN project is led by Chippewa Valley Technical College as part of the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) consortium. OER nursing textbooks and virtual simulations are collaboratively developed by faculty based on the WTCS State Nursing curriculum and the current NCLEX-RN Test Plan. Textbooks undergo national peer review by faculty, deans, industry members, and nursing students to ensure the content is accurate and relevant, written in clear language for pre-licensure nursing students, and based on current, evidence-based practices. All Open RN materials have CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons licensing.

Open RN textbooks are published in Pressbooks where they are free and accessible in online or downloadable formats. The textbooks are also uploaded to LibreTexts where they can easily be "remixed" by faculty and aligned to their curriculum. Affordable print versions are published by XanEdu and available in college bookstores and on Amazon.

A third level of access allows students to independently access free, online, asynchronous, virtual simulations using a hyperlink and any device connected to the internet. No special equipment or software is required to complete these learning activities that encourage the development of clinical judgment and provide immediate formative feedback. These Open RN online virtual simulations are created using H5P software and have CC BY 4.0 licensing. They are incorporated into the Open RN OER textbooks and can also be directly accessed by using the URLs contained in a working document that can accessed by clicking the following button. Media used in many of these virtual simulations has been uploaded to the Open RN YouTube channel with CC BY 4.0 licensing for potential reuse. Media contains nurse handoff reports, patient interaction videos, family member videos, and interprofessional team communication. The most recently developed Open RN virtual simulations contain NCLEX Next Generation-style questions and/or media created by multiple generative artificial intelligence platforms and vetted by subject matter experts.

In addition to NGN case studies available to faculty within the ADAPT platform, individual NGN questions are also linked within the Open RN OER textbooks as formative assessments with immediate feedback provided to students.

The free nursing books in PDF are a support for amateurs and professionals of this subject. Nursing is a discipline that leads to a great professional, ethical and social responsibility worldwide, focused on the health of all people.

This and other signs indicate that nurses can come to sensitize and create awareness in the new generations, in their interaction with new alternatives that give solutions to the problems that impede the quality of medical and community care in general.In nursing it is advisable to have a proper knowledge of each person who is observed for their improvement in most cases, you should consider their behavior and attitude.This is why you will need, besides intellectual knowledge, eloquence, spontaneity and authenticity, this makes you able to generate confidence and tranquility in each patient making him/her feel safe when being treated.

Nutrition for Nurses is structured to support the flexible integration of nutrition content across both system-based and nursing competency-based curricula. It can be used whether nutrition is taught as a standalone course or part of another nursing course. The table of contents for Nutrition for Nurses presents content in 20 chapters, organized into 9 thematic units.

This workbook was established with nurse educators and nursing students in mind to provide knowledge, guidance, and support for integrating SDOH across the nursing education spectrum. Contents from this workbook are applicable to pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs, RN-to-BSN programs, and graduate education. A strategic approach for this workbook was purposefully designed to meet the structure of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Measure Model with a combined focus on the four spheres of care supported by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Our goal with this workbook is to lead educators and students on a directed path of discovering how SDOH is an integral part of nursing practice and how nurses can implement effective interventions to positively impact the health outcomes of individuals, families, communities, and aggregates.

This textbook is an open educational resource with CC-BY licensing developed specifically for prelicensure nursing students. The e-book and downloadable versions are free. Affordable print versions are published in collaboration with XanEdu and available on Amazon and in college bookstores. Content is based on the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Advanced Skills course (543-112) and the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. 1 Content includes advanced skills for registered nurses, such as intravenous infusion, blood product administration, management of central lines and chest tube systems, basic electrocardiogram interpretation, and nasogastric/feeding tube insertion, and builds on basic nursing skills discussed in the Open RN Nursing Skills OER textbook.

Chippewa Valley Technical College is pleased to announce the release of the Nursing Assistant OER textbook with CC BY licensing. This book was developed for use in Nursing Assistant courses with funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). It contains remixed content from Open RN textbooks and other OER sources as well as new content. Chapters contain interactive learning activities and videos of instructor skills demonstrations. 0852c4b9a8

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