I have been trying ArchLinux, all seems mostly fine but for one annoying problem with pacman: When downloading large files (abt. 2Mb +) it always stops at 99% complete and seems to freeze. If I stop it with Ctrl-C and restart, it completes the installation OK.

I have upgraded pacman to the latest available but the problem persists. Any ideas please? This is humpering installation and upgrading since I have to attend the process to complete it and for a -Syu its just far too much a waist of time.

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I have been a Gentoo user for sometime but I don't have this problem with their ftp installer (emerge). It seems to me that the download is actually completed since restarting pacman results in the package being installed with no further connection to the ftp server. Perhaps something goes wrong with disconnection after the download is complete?

Next time you run pacman try to add the option -v (verbose)

This should give you more messages and maybe some hint on the problem.

I am not sure if it give you information during the download.

My thanks to everyone for their input, I have now reformatted the HD since I will later do a fresh install (I experimented a lot with the original so am not sure I have not broken anything). Hope pacman works better then, I like AL since it resembles Gentoo except its binary based. Feels also at least as fast, but without the compilation overheads!

When downloading files over FTP, there are actually 2 socket connection, the first one is the control session and it is where you login, select the file, etc. When a download begins, a new data session is started, and the control session is kind of ignored until the data session finishes. If a download takes longer than 5 minutes, my router closes the control session because it has been idle for too long. When the data session finishes, and the control session had been cancelled, pacman (and other ftp client apps) dont know what to do.

That does it for me. Although it does still get stuck on downloads that take longer than 5 mintes, it automatically restarts itself after 30 seconds and is able to continue on. The biggest problem I have with this is that wget is so much more uglier to look at that the vanila pacman download.

I have a stable and fast internet connection. When I upgrade the system using pacman -Syu, it downloads the package files with higher size first and smallest last in descending order. So huge file size like MBs are downloaded with good speed but later on small size files in KB are downloaded very slow. The main issue is the number of such small size files in KB are in 100s and though my internet speed is good, it downloads very slowly as it has to fetch each file from the server and as a result, if I have 200 such files to be downloaded it takes at least 400-800 seconds which in total size could be around 50MBs which if was a single file could have been downloaded within 5-10 seconds.

Check whether your /etc/pacman.conf has a line that specifies Architecture = auto. If yes, try using reflector to generate the mirrorlist. If you are not able to install reflector using pacman -S, download it manually from and install the same using pacman -U. Then do as specified in

mmm... but Internet works good doesn't it? If so, double check your router/modem for any firewall. It happened to me that the shitty firewall of my cheap router (sitecom wl-332) was blocking powerpill/pacman+reflector from downloading....

Sorry, I had forgotten to come back and post my solution. 

After I installed a DE with my horrible speeds, I tried activating networkmanager but it wouldn't connect.

It worked after I unplugged a bluetooth usb (I didn't install any bluetooth packages yet though).

Then I updated everything with pacman and the speeds were much better.

The latest pacman version is 6.0. The major change for this release is the implementation of parallel downloads. Yes, this feature downloads multiple files at the same time!

The install of steam I have runs ok but it will not update. I am guessing that the Arch version of steam has not been updated with the pacman 6 stuff. I will give it a couple of days and try again. Hopefully it will sort itself out.

Of I know your problem. The multilib repo is disabled in pacman.conf. You must of let it overwrite your config file. That's why stream won't update and you are getting all of the lib32 packages not found.

The pacman package manager is one of the major distinguishing features of Arch Linux. It combines a simple binary package format with an easy-to-use build system. The goal of pacman is to make it possible to easily manage packages, whether they are from the official repositories or the user's own builds.

Pacman queries the local package database with the -Q flag, the sync database with the -S flag and the files database with the -F flag. See pacman -Q --help, pacman -S --help and pacman -F --help for the respective suboptions of each flag.

The pacman databases are normally located at /var/lib/pacman/sync. For each repository specified in /etc/pacman.conf, there will be a corresponding database file located there. Database files are gzipped tar archives containing one directory for each package, for example for the which package:

Pacman also has some built-in options to clean the cache and the leftover database files from repositories which are no longer listed in the configuration file /etc/pacman.conf. However pacman does not offer the possibility to keep a number of past versions and is therefore more aggressive than paccache default options.

Pacman's settings are located in /etc/pacman.conf: this is the place where the user configures the program to work in the desired manner. In-depth information about the configuration file can be found in pacman.conf(5).

Pacman 6.0 introduced the option to download packages in parallel. ParallelDownloads under [options] needs to be set to a positive integer in /etc/pacman.conf to use this feature (e.g., 5). Packages will otherwise be downloaded sequentially if this option is unset.

Pacman can run pre- and post-transaction hooks from the /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/ directory; more directories can be specified with the HookDir option in pacman.conf, which defaults to /etc/pacman.d/hooks. Hook file names must be suffixed with .hook. Pacman hooks are not interactive.

Pacman hooks are used, for example, in combination with systemd-sysusers and systemd-tmpfiles to automatically create system users and files during the installation of packages. For example, tomcat8 specifies that it wants a system user called tomcat8 and certain directories owned by this user. The pacman hooks systemd-sysusers.hook and systemd-tmpfiles.hook invoke systemd-sysusers and systemd-tmpfiles when pacman determines that tomcat8 contains files specifying users and tmp files.

Besides the special [options] section, each other [section] in pacman.conf defines a package repository to be used. A repository is a logical collection of packages, which are physically stored on one or more servers: for this reason each server is called a mirror for the repository.

Each repository section allows defining the list of its mirrors directly or in a dedicated external file through the Include directive; for example, the mirrors for the official repositories are included from /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. See the Mirrors article for mirror configuration.

Pacman supports package signatures, which add an extra layer of security to the packages. The default configuration, SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional, enables signature verification for all the packages on a global level. This can be overridden by per-repository SigLevel lines. For more details on package signing and signature verification, take a look at pacman-key.

The problem is usually trivial to solve (although to be sure, you should try to find out how these files got there in the first place). A safe way is to first check if another package owns the file (pacman -Qo /path/to/file). If the file is owned by another package, file a bug report. If the file is not owned by another package, rename the file which "exists in filesystem" and re-issue the update command. If all goes well, the file may then be removed.

If you had installed a program manually without using pacman, for example through make install, you have to remove/uninstall this program with all of its files. See also Pacman tips#Identify files not owned by any package.

Every installed package provides a /var/lib/pacman/local/package-version/files file that contains metadata about this package. If this file gets corrupted, is empty or goes missing, it results in file exists in filesystem errors when trying to update the package. Such an error usually concerns only one package. Instead of manually renaming and later removing all the files that belong to the package in question, you may explicitly run pacman -S --overwrite glob package to force pacman to overwrite files that match glob.

That same error may also appear if archlinux-keyring is out-of-date, preventing pacman from verifying signatures. See Pacman/Package signing#Upgrade system regularly for the fix and how to avoid it in the future.

When pacman is about to alter the package database, for example installing a package, it creates a lock file at /var/lib/pacman/db.lck. This prevents another instance of pacman from trying to alter the package database at the same time. 0852c4b9a8

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