Now I get this message:It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service is being discontinued. For all future markets and equities data research, please refer to

This is a newbie question in R. I am downloading yahoo finance monthly stock price data using R where the ticker names are read from a text file. I am using a loop to read the ticker names to download the data and putting them in a list. My problem is some ticker names may not be correct thus my code stops when it encounters this case. I want the following.

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Hi @EUwasea unfortunally not, just if the API exist you can use it but unfortunally I don't find API to get attachments from yahoo emails. So what you can do is forward the email to an Outlook account and then you can get the attachments.

The dataset contains 87,361 questions and their corresponding answers. Each question contains its best answer along with additional other answers submitted by users. Only the best answer was reviewed in determining the quality of the question-answer pair.

The data fields correspond to dictionaries containing the information. These dictionaries comprise the following: 


 question The string representing the question. 

 answer A string representing the best answer to the question. 

 nbestanswers One or more strings representing other submitted answers to the question. 

 main_category A string representing the Yahoo category for the submitted question. 

 id The unique Yahoo ID string the question. 

obj['question'] The question string obj['answer'] The highest voted answer string obj['nbestanswers'] A list of strings representing other submitted answers for the question obj['main_category'] A string representing the submitted question obj['id'] A unique Yahoo's ID string for the question

You can make Yahoo Search your mobile device's default search or bookmark it for quick access, with the following steps. Download the Yahoo Search App for an even simpler way to get answers on the Web.

The answers to your questions will depend on whether you want to keep copies of your e-mails on the Yahoo server as well as your computer. I will give you instructions depending on your answer to this.

Abstract:Online social spaces, where users can exchange information, opinions and resources, have achieved wide popularity and are gaining attention in many research fields, including education. Their actual potential support to learning, however, still requires investigation, especially because portals can widely differ as concerns purpose and internal structure. This paper aims to contribute in this respect, by concentrating on question answering, a kind of social space not yet widely discussed in education. We analyzed a small corpus of posts from the Languages section of Yahoo! Answers Italy, checking if the questions reveal some inclination to learning or just the desire to obtain a service and if the answers provided by the community members can be considered as reliable sources of knowledge. Our analysis highlights the presence of a variety of question/answer types, from mere information exchange or help for task completion, up to language-related questions prompting valuable short lessons. The quality of answers may widely vary as concerns pertinence, correctness and richness of supporting elements. We found a high number of purely task-oriented questions and answers, but also a higher number of learning-oriented questions and correct, informative answers. This suggests that this kind of social space actually has valuable potential for informal learning.Keywords: question answering; Yahoo! Answers; informal learning; language learning; online social space; peer learning; online communities

Yahoo Answers first launched in June 2005. The site often provided internet comedy gold and was a source of funny memes due to the poorly-worded questions and flat-out wrong answers. Probably the best example is the 2006 post from user kavya asking "how is babby formed? How girl get pragnent?"

I just got off the phone with Verizon support. They told me to take the 'yahoo' out of the server names and just make them 'incoming(or'. They gave me several port numbers to try. Nothing worked and they claim I just have to accept this till Yahoo and Verizon completely separate.

Simply taking Yahoo out of the server name doesn't actually change the account. You don't have to wait for the separation of Yahoo and Verizon. You can migrate your email off the yahoo partnering and back on to the Verizon servers. If you decide this, you will lose anything saved on the Verizon-yahoo webmail. Anything you have already downloaded to your outlook will stay in your outlook. If you want to do the migration, please send me a private message so I can enable the switching on my end.

You have just unassociated your free yahoo account with your Verizon Yahoo email service. With the yahoo account associated, it upgrades the free yahoo account to a premium one. The process you went through didn't actually unlink your entire Verizon email service from the yahoo mail service. To do this please ...

Yahoo Answers has always been the go-to place for a lot of people seeking answers to extremely common (or outrageous) questions. The problem? Yahoo Answers never had an official mobile presence. But today, Yahoo is taking its Answers endeavors to the iPhone, ensuring those on the go get a taste of everything.

Apart from just viewing answers, you can help build the community by answering the unanswered. But that's not all, you'll be matched with new questions as well with complete option to craft new ones with rich media.

There's also a feature where you can track your answers with utmost ease so you do not miss anything while you're away. All in all, there's a lot to keep you busy and I'm certain majority of the users out there will love this app from Yahoo.

"Where should I go when I have questions in the future?" is one of the questions Yahoo posed and answered in its FAQ about the shutdown. The FAQ suggested visiting Yahoo Search "for answers and information from the web" or the Yahoo COVID page for "specific info and resources around the Coronavirus pandemic."

The Yahoo! Answers topic classification dataset is constructed using 10 largest main categories. Each class contains 140,000 training samples and 6,000 testing samples. Therefore, the total number of training samples is 1,400,000 and testing samples 60,000 in this dataset. From all the answers and other meta-information, we only used the best answer content and the main category information.

I have google set as my default search engine and no matter what i do, as soon as i enter a subject in the address bar, it gets redirect to yahoo search engine which i don't like. I have tried doing all kinds of research to remove it and nothing seems to work. Also, I am not sure if these two viruses are related but Mackeeper also starting popping up all the time around the same time this started to happen. It opens up about 5 tabs on its own sometimes and i don't know how to fix that either. I am pretty sure that this is some sort of virus. If someone knows of the same problem and has gotten rid of it, please help!

None of the answers solve my problem. I have installed the Apple support recommended Malwear, I on have one extension on my Safari and my search engine says google and always has said Google. I am still invaded by Yahoo

I think it is quite recent. I know that yahoo finance downloader stuffs are usually not lasting very long as yahoo changes the interfaces regularly, and thus without correct maintenance these tools stop working quickly. But this one is not that old so you might give it a shot

Yahoo! used symfony to redevelop another project. This time symfony was used as part of the foundation for Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is the largest collection of human knowledge on the Web with more than 135 million users and 515 million answers worldwide. Yahoo! Answers is the 2nd ranked education & reference site on the web and is available in 26 markets and 12 languages.

Yahoo! used symfony to redevelop another project. This time symfony was used as part of the foundation for Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is the largest collection of human knowledge on the Web with more than 135 million users and 515 million answers worldwide. Yahoo! Answers is the 2nd ranked education & reference site on the web and is available in 26 markets and 12 languages. \n\nWhy did Yahoo! choose symfony for another large web application project?\n\nPhilosophy\n\nFull-stack framework for building complex web applicationsAdopt best ideas from anywhere, using existing code if available (Mojavi, Prado, Rails, Django)\n\nDesign\n\nClean separation between Model, View, and Controller Controller using modules and actionsViews using templates in straight PHP with helpersEasy to reuse view modules to compose a page (Layouts, Components, Partials, Slots)\n\nConfigurability \/ Flexibility\n\nFeatures we do not want are easily disabledUse of factories for easy customization\n\nDocumentation \/ Support Community\n\nThe Definitive Guide to symfony (free online)Excellent tutorials and example applications - AskeetActive community with wiki, mailing lists, forums, irc channel\n\nOnce again symfony fits the requirements of an enterprise web application. Dustin Whittle of Yahoo! presented a case study on redeveloping Y! Answers. The focus was how to work with open source tools to create a complete framework (PHP, JS, CSS) for the enterprise. He used his experience redeveloping Yahoo! Answers with symfony and Yahoo! User Interface libraries as a case study. Download the presentation from slideshare. \n\n \n","datePublished":"2008-05-08T07:59:37+02:00","dateModified":"2011-03-04T15:08:04+01:00","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Dustin Whittle"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Symfony","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"\/images\/logos\/sf-positive.svg"}}} A Week of Symfony  Cloud  Community  Conferences  Diversity  Living on the edge  Releases  Security Advisories  Symfony Insight  Twig  SensioLabs Blog   Archives Blog Posts RSS Blog Comments RSS Show your Sylius expertise 0852c4b9a8

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