Tough leather palms make them perfect for cold-weather tasks at home or digging your car out of a snowbank, while a thin construction with touchscreen functionality, articulated fingers, and a breathable soft-shell back mean it can work as a liner.

Brown, B. (Host). (2020, November 4). Bren on Strong Backs, Soft Fronts, and Wild Hearts. [Audio podcast episode]. In Unlocking Us with Bren Brown. Cadence13. -on-strong-backs-soft-fronts-and-wild-hearts/

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Soft Robotics is an industry-leading technology company that designs and builds automated high-speed picking solutions using proprietary 3D machine vision, artificial intelligence software and IP69K food-grade grippers. Our transformational robotic solutions enable system integrators, OEM machinery builders and food processors to automate some of the most challenging processes found in food production.

And, considering the fact that my favorite food is bread, I'm a little ashamed of myself. No, actually, I'm mortified. Because I haven't posted a bread recipe on the blog in seven months. I've posted other yeast dough recipes on the blog, but I haven't posted bread bread since November, when I shared a recipe for buttery soft pretzels.

The Aposma Mask, a conceptual soft robotic prosthetic, is made to enhance the emotions of the wearer using colorful liquid actuated through internal channels of the mask. The project was created as part of a Masters thesis project by Sirou Peng, Adi Meyer and Silvia Rueda, students at the ...

The content on this site is drawn from projects carried out in a number of research labs. Our aim is to improve and expand the toolkit by welcoming feedback and contributions from the soft robotics community. To read more about the development of the Soft Robotics Toolkit please read some of our publications, detailing the research behind this resource. If you have an interest in advancing the field and engaging with this community, please contact us!

The monetary motivations of capitalism can be a comfortable place to some because it is known. Capitalism is a well-established masculine monoculture of stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression that relies on dependencies and power structures. I lose my autonomy in it as a sensitive introvert. If I could exist in an undefined space instead, I could use the ambiguity to nourish my emotional needs and create soft definitions of what it means to be.

I fund Mail Blog by siphoning money from the man (i.e. the paycheck I get from my corporate job). I redistribute it into the communication commons in a format that costs me one Forever stamp to send, and source supplies from creative reuse shops when possible to keep it affordable. By giving work away for free, my expectations, and the expectations of the readers, can stay soft. It is a fresh start for me to expand and build my definition of what it means to be an artist and where I can be an artist.

Raw data should be supplied in the form of external files and referenced within the SOFT file using the !Sample_supplementary_file attribute. Supplementary files should be bundled together with the SOFT file into, .rar, or .tar archive using a program like WinZip; do not include any sub-directories or sub-folders in the archive. 

 Alternatively, where possible, it is acceptable to include raw data columns alongside the normalized value data columns within the Sample data table. However, your submission will be enhanced by provision of the original quantified data files as these can often be read directly by data analysis software packages and may contain additional information that is useful for reanalysis.

This page describes the soft delete feature and its uses.Soft delete provides default bucket-level protection foryour data from accidental or malicious deletion by preserving all recentlydeleted objects for a specified period of time.

When you create a Cloud Storage bucket, the soft delete featureis enabled by default with a retention duration of seven days. During theretention duration, you can restore deleted objects, but after the duration ends,Cloud Storage permanently deletes the objects. By updating the bucket'sconfiguration, you can increase the retention duration to 90 days or disableit by setting the retention duration to 0. The minimum number of days withsoft delete enabled is 7 days.

When you restore a soft-delete object, Cloud Storage creates a copyof the soft-deleted object in the same bucket the object was deleted from.The restored object's metadata is the same as the metadata of the deleted object at the time of deletion. At the end of thesoft delete retention duration, Cloud Storage permanentlydeletes the soft-deleted object.

When soft delete is enabled on your bucket, you cannot permanentlydelete a live or a soft-deleted object. When you delete alive object, it becomes soft-deleted. Soft-deleted object is permanently deletedafter the soft delete retention duration ends.

If you delete your project, Cloud Storage permanently deletes allthe buckets and objects within that project. In such a scenario, you cannotrestore objects and buckets using the soft delete feature. Therefore,it is important to take steps to limit access to project-level deletions,such as placing a lien on projects or backing up business-criticaldata to buckets in a different project.

For example, you have two objects in your bucket: Object A and Object B. You enable a soft delete policy in your bucket with a default retention duration of seven days. You delete Object A. After a couple of days, you change the soft delete retention duration to ten days, and you delete Object B. Cloud Storage continues to retain Object A until it has been protected for seven days, while Object B is retained for ten days.

The soft delete retention duration is measured in seconds; however,some tools, like the Google Cloud console and the Google Cloud CLI, allowyou to set and view retention duration with other units of time for convenience.The following conversions apply in such cases:

When you restore a soft-deleted object version, Cloud Storagerestores the copy of the soft-deleted object to a live version. If a liveversion already exists, the copy of the soft-deleted version replaces thelive version, and the pre-existing live version becomes soft-deleted. In sucha scenario, your bucket contains the following objects:

Cloud Storage also copies the metadata of restored soft-deletedobjects when replacing the live object. This means that object-level securitymetadata and settings like storage class are set to the last stateof that specific object version upon restore.

Soft-deleted objects are not permanently deleted upon bucket deletion. However,the correct bucket version must be restored before it is possible to restorethe soft-deleted objects inside it. To restore a soft-deleted bucket,contact Google Cloud Support.

When soft delete is enabled while using either or both of thesefeatures, you cannot delete live objects for the duration specified in theBucket Lock and Object Lock retention policy. After any of these locksexpire on the live objects, you can delete them. The object then moves tothe soft-deleted state and is retained for the soft deleteretention duration.

soft delete cannot restore the IAM policies onmanaged folders. If you soft delete an object and delete a managedfolder that grants IAM policies for the object, you might haveto recreate those IAM policies before you have the necessarypermissions to restore the soft-deleted object.

A soft-story building is a structure constructed before 1991 which has a large ground-floor openings (parking garage, store-front windows) with slender columns supporting the upper stories. Soft-story buildings are particularly likely to lean or collapse in an earthquake.

Effective January 22, 2019, City Council adopted ordinance No. 13516 that requires property owners to seismically strengthen these vulnerable buildings. Property owners of certain residential buildings identified has having a potential "soft-story" will be required to seismically retrofit their buildings. 

These look amazing. I love how you make sure definitely understand that these are huge AND soft haha I love it! It is true, chocolate chip cookies are such a classic, but there are so many recipes, they always turn out differently, it is a real treat when you find the perfect ones!..

x Motte

Question: my family will need way more than 12 cookies at a time. Doubling recipe okay? Or better to make multiple batches? Have been looking for a soft chip cookie recipe & ta-da you provided one.

Thank you!!!

I tripled the recipe using your 3X button on the recipe! Thank you for that! I made the cookies on Sunday and today Tuesday they are still delicious and soft. I loved your recipe. The only thing I did differently is to use unsalted butter, and just milk and semi-sweet chocolate chips. Nothing drastic, thanks so much for the softest chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Soft Matter provides a unique forum for the communication of significant advances in interdisciplinary soft matter research. There is a particular focus on the interface between chemistry, physics, materials science, biology and chemical engineering. Research may report new soft materials or phenomena, encompass their design, synthesis, and use in new applications; or provide fundamental insight and observations on their behaviour. Experimental, theoretical and computational soft matter approaches are encouraged.

This annually presented lectureship recognises early career researchers, typically within twelve years of attaining their PhD or equivalent degree, who have made significant contributions to the field of soft matter.

The purpose of a Review is to bring the reader up to date with research in a particular field. Since the readership of Soft Matter is wide ranging, it is essential that the Review is easily comprehensible to a non-specialist in the field. Authors are encouraged to identify areas in the field where further developments are imminent or of urgent need, and any areas (such as techniques) that may be of significance to the soft matter community in general. Please note that Reviews in Soft Matter may NOT contain any original research. 0852c4b9a8

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