When i enable auto download all of my podcast channels start to download automatically even tho i just want few channels to have this feature so i have to disable them one by one .please add option to chose how many chances we want to include

I am stuck with a similar problem: I would like to have different auto download/delete options per podcast/category. I realized it is possible to select multiple podcasts in the subscription scene and to change auto download/delete behavior. But it seems like it is not possible to define these settings (e.g. keep max 5 episodes for podcast x but 10 for podcast y or auto download the latest 5 episodes for podcast A and the latest 1 for podcast B). Am I right that this is not possible or did I just not figure this out yet? If there is such an option, could somebody please tell me how to do this?

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I am also very interested in having this feature. I was digging down into the code in order to find a workaround. I hoped that by sending the mission count to QGroundControl directly it would trigger the download automatically, but the message gets lost in the Vehicle.cc and nothing happens.

Hi, new updates on Version 98.0.1 quite a hassle for me. It auto-download all my files even when I just want to view. Is there any other way to disable this feature? I opened Setting>Download but there is no disable button or checkbox for that. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

I have done this but when I want to only open a document (for example in Word or something) it automatically also downloads it to my pc. Previously it would only be a temp file and not stored locally on my computer. I do not like this since I often have to only look if a document has a specific info and I don't want it permanently saved... is there any way I can have the previous settings without having to downgrade ff?

Not working. These are my settings for downloading documents. There is a "Save Files To" field, but I can't just make it an empty field. Can someone explain how to set up the Download settings so .pdf files just open in a new tab, and are not automatically downloaded to my Downloads folder? What is going on with FF? This never used to happen.

Have followed the instructions provided in both above links, see my screen snip in my original post. I am still having FF download a .pdf file when I click on a .pdf link, and now, also launching the .pdf in a new tab. I don't want FF to auto-download to my Downloads folder, but I can't figure out how to stop that action, and JUST have the .pdf launch in a new browser tab.

Okay, if I make this "true" will this turn OFF the auto download? Seems like telling this command string "true" tells FF to auto download something. I want that feature to be turned off. Not sure why I cannot just do this in the FF Settings, without having to change coding string?? I just want a .pdf to launch into a separate tab (which it is doing), without also auto downloading the .pdf to my Downloads folder. FF never used to do this, I am perplexed.

That did the trick. Auto Download to my Downloads folder has stopped. Not super happy I had to manually go into the FF Config folder to override Settings, but sure glad this additional annoying auto download behavior has been halted. Much appreciated!

Just tested something, I had a mod installed and active and went to try to connect on official testlive server, after marking the option to auto download mods, it restarted the client with no mods and connected to official server.

So it works both ways, if you want to connect to a server without mods it also works!

The issue is, once a computer had downloaded a soft key, that computer will default to automaticaly download, even after the license manager had uploaded that key. Wouldn't be a problem, but we don't have c/i tools on those soft licenses.

Follow up; I have a personal issue with this as well, since I have 2 keys for my business, one for me and one for a fellow consultant. My key includes the cadimage package, hers does not. We keep swapping keys, without uploading/downloading. the auto download 'feature' is really screwing me and my clients over, and I need to find a way to road block that... only need to download a license when I need a license, not whenever AC decides to step in and "help out"

When you purchase a software key with a license, it is assigned to the Graphisoft id company administrator by default. If you and your colleague use the same (administrator) credentials for program activation, Archicad will (randomly) download one of the available software keys from the license pool. To avoid this behavior, the Graphisoft ID administrator must assign the corresponding software key to one of the Graphisoft ID company members, who should use his own credentials for Archicad activation. In this way, the license is "named" or assigned and can be used exclusively by your colleague.

Background information: In Archicad 25, Graphisoft introduced program activation based on Graphisoft ID. Based on the GSID profile of the logged-in user, Archicad automatically downloads the software key with the license from the online license pool if no local or network license is found.

Background information: In Archicad 25, Graphisoft introduced program activation based on Graphisoft ID. Based on the GSID profile of the logged-in user, Archicad automatically downloads the software key with the license from the online license pool if no local or network license is found.

Only license activation is automated, license return should be done by the user either from Archicad (Help menuUpload Software key) or with LMT. The process is independent of the actual license availability configuration (Admin only, Everyone, assigned to a specific user).

I agree this is a major issue. Is there a way to turn off this automatic license request feature? My coworker works from home one day a week. Several times now he will upload his key at home and then when he gets to work there is no key available because his computer has somehow downloaded the key again without his request. This automatic download without the option to remotely request an upload has caused him to have to go back home several times and work from there wasting time for him and our company. We have actually called tech support on this and were told that automatic downloads are not possible, but after reading this it is obvious that isn't true. Something needs to be changed ASAP because this is a serious waste of everyone's time and energy!

I've had exactly the same issue. Twice now, I've uploaded my license at home to the company license pool, then one of the machines in the office has automatically downloaded it so it's not available for me by the time I get there. There needs to be an easy way to turn this off, because it's been a huge time waster.

Hello everyone. I hope I'm posting in the correct place. Edge Dev notified me yesterday about The Great Suspender being flagged as malware. I disable it and removed it. But now every time I open the browser it wants to auto download a file. When I open "manage downloads", it lists it as a chrome extension. I've tried downloading it and deleting afterwards, hoping that it would no long auto download, but no luck. I also ran CCleaner thinking it would help but it's a dead end too. I'd appreciate any help or advice. This is getting annoying...lol. I'm not even sure if it's connected to me disabling The Great Suspender or if it's coincidence. Thanks in advance. Stay well.

Is there a way to automatically download all attachments received from the request to a local server. For standard plans the attachments disappear for old requests. Manual downloading would take a lot of time.

What automatically downloads to your Quicken file depends on what the financial institution makes available. That said, has this second account been connected the whole year? If so, are those check transactions reflecting in the brokerage side of the account, possibly in a format that Quicken wasn't able to automatically recognize and move over to the linked checking account? If Fidelity's website lets you download .QFX files, then you may be able to fill in those transactions by importing a .QFX file. [Edit - Corrected Typo]

One has to understand that the linked checking account is a "virtual account". It matters not, if there actually a checking account at the financial institution. All downloaded transactions go to the investment account. If you have a linked checking account in Quicken and the downloaded transaction is a cash transaction it will push it to the linked checking account. And it works like that in reverse, when a transaction like a buy is put into the register it will automatically transfer the needed cash from the investment account.

As you probably know, there is a place in the Options in Thunderbird where you can choose "Always ask" or "Save file." (Tools -> Options -> Attachments -> Incoming.) Since it is apparently impossible to add new file types to the Content Type list, you may want to try this workaround: Note that "when you click an unknown attachment type a dialog opens asking what program and offering to save that setting." (source: -US/questions/1016455) Turn off automatic saving overall, by choosing "Always ask me where to save files," and then download a few files of the target types (.txt, .png, and .jpg). Then you could go into that options screen and hopefully there will be new entries for your three target file types, at which point you could set them individually to "Save file."

Hello Aldo,

what Javier above suggest sadly cannot work if you plan to remove your messages from the server. IMAP and Exchange protocols will always synchronize with everything on the server.

I guess you meant downloading the attachments locally, but that cannot be done automatically at this time, unless you have a POP account that downloads all your messages with the attachements automatically. 0852c4b9a8

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