Adding an answer that exclusively uses the pandas library to read in a .csv file and save as a .xlsx file. This example makes use of pandas.read_csv (Link to docs) and pandas.dataframe.to_excel (Link to docs).

I am trying to convert *.sdltb file to *xlsx file through Glossary Converter (version 4.6.6231.26139). When Glossary Converter is launched, I receive error message saying "Can't detect MultiTerm, using tbx as termbase format instead". Then when the settings window opens, no MultiTerm is not listed. Is there any remedy for this? I looked through SDL Communities, but couldn't really find the solution.

I would appreciate it if you could either provide me with the solution, or point me to the right page on Communities.Thank you!

Free Download Xlsx Converter To Xls

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I used to upload a .csv or .xlsx file and it would auto convert to a native Google Sheets file which was great and worked perfectly. Now all of a sudden it keeps the .xlsx format and it's broken my workflow. I know I can `File > Save as Google Sheet` but then I have to do that and go back to delete the duplicate .xlsx version. Anyone else noticed this and is there a solution?

I've had to do this before. The main idea is to use the xlrd module to open and parse a xls file and write thecontent to a xlsx file using the openpyxl module.

Hi, I'm a beginner trying to create a power automate system where if an email comes in, it will detect the .csv attachment, download it to my one drive, have it convert it/create a new .xlsx which will then be sent to another set of emails.

Hello, you can export the data to a csv but with rows and columns.

Create a flow with a csv table and in the first column use the expression "concat" for all the items separated by ';'

Excel when opening the csv orders it as if it were xlsx

When I convert the xlsx, the xml does not have the default="true()" in the translation tag. (even if the xlsx has a default specified). And the order of translations changes every time I convert the xlsx.

The labels used in the buttons and prompts supplied by ODK-X Survey are defined in the framework_translations sheet of the framework.xlsx file under config/assets/framework/forms/framework.xlsx Simply add your language code and translations to this sheet of this XLSX file and run XLSXConverter on it to enable support of your language across all of the built-in buttons and prompts within ODK-X Survey.

From the example, we can see that plant_type_query_text is assigned the value provided by plant_type_query. The value of plant_type_query_text is then used on the next screen to assign a value to plant_type. The model worksheet for the visit.xlsx form shows that plant_type_query_text is of type string. The relevant portion of the model worksheet is provided.

So here's my question: what do you really want to do? Do you have an Excel (.xlsx) file? Does it have any Excel-specific "features" (such as formatting, column widths, coloring, graphs, etc.)? What do you really want to do with it?

So here are some suggestions. Let's assume your Excel file is called My Data.xlsx, and it has four sheets, Run 1, Run 2, Run 3, and Run 4. Note that I'm assuming you have the Report Generation Toolkit, which allows you to read and write Excel (.xlsx) files.

I tried calamine but the csv produced by calamine is not valid. I generated several csv files from xlsx files using the code provided by calamine in one of there examples but when I try to verify the resultant csv files using different online tools, these files were identified as having some error.

Actually, I wanted to manipulate some xlsx files using polars. Since polars does not support xlsx files manipulation directly, I will first convert these xlsx file to csv will do necessary manipulation and will than convert the modified csv files back to xlsx files.

Using cloud convert module to convert an xlsx to csv but can only convert the very first tab of the xlsx. How to convert additional tabs of xlsx file using cloud convert or another method?

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What is a way to convert a batch of .xlsx files to .xls format? I would prefer it to be a command-line solution, but anything is better than opening each manually, and manually saving in the new format.

I have 3 folders, inside those folders, there are 15 more folders. Each of those folders has 12 files in .xls format, and some other .R files and pdf files. Is there a way to create an exact duplicate of these 3 folders, inside which all the .xls are converted to .xlsx format?

libreoffice can take multiple filename arguments (the examples from the man page show this) so it would be faster to run as find . -type f -name '*.xls' -exec libreoffice --convert-to xlsx {} + - only needing to run libreoffice once instead of once per file

I haven't done this in a while, but I'm now trying to convert an .xlsx file to a .csv file. I need to have a .csv file to import a bunch of data into a computer system at work. I've done this before and it has never been an issue. Now I'm having a bunch of issues. The biggest problem is that my source .xlsx file contains cells with 10-digit codes and some of them start with one or more zeros. In the source file, I have these cells set to "text" formatting so that Excel doesn't wipe the leading zeros. I click "Save As", select ".csv", enter a file name and location, and click "Save". The system pops up a new Excel window with the newly created CSV file, and the data looks correct. However, when I close that new file and then reopen the file by double-clicking it in my destination folder, it opens Excel and shows that the 10-digit codes have been converted from text to numbers, and thus Excel sees fit to drop any and all leading zeros! I thought the purpose of a .csv file was to store information without touching the formatting. Now these codes are not only worthless, but dangerous, because if I accidentally imported them into my work system, it would corrupt a bunch of other information because it won't recognize the codes properly.

Ok, second issue I'm seeing is that my source .xlsx file has multiple tabs. I want to be able to create one .csv file for each tab in the .xlsx file. I open a certain tab and go through the process above to save as a .csv file. Excel pops up a warning that converting to .csv will drop formatting and will only convert the active tab to a new .csv file. I click "Ok" and then the newly created .csv file opens automatically (like I mentioned above). However, instead of seeing a new .csv file with only one tab (from the active tab in the source file), I'm seeing all of the tabs. If I close and open the file - which blows up my 10dig codes like I said above - all of the tabs are still there. I have no idea what would happen if I tried to import that new .csv file into my computer system at work... but I'm guessing it would be bad.

Our XML to Excel converter supports both the XLSX and XLS formats, allowing you to choose the option that best meets your specific needs. By default, the converter saves the data in the XLSX format, which is compatible with newer versions of Excel. However, if you need to open the Excel spreadsheet in an older version of the software, you can select the XLS format instead.

Since 2010, we have been using "State of the Art" Web Technologies to convert data online. Additionally, we have a large selection of online converters for different formats, such as documents, data, eBooks, audio, and video. We offer Custom Converter development and all of our storage is encrypted.

Second, I am having difficulty converting the .txt files to .xlsx files (This might be more related to this OpenSesame discussion board.). When I tried exporting all the results as .jrzip and clicked on "Convert OSWeb results to .csv/xlsx" in OpenSesame, most of the time nothing happened. When something did occur, it was the following error message, which I don't understand:

I also tried converting the .txt files using online converters as well as Excel, but it didn't work as intended. The end product looked like this, even for the valid data files that had "FINISHED" states: 0852c4b9a8

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