Insanity by Beachbody is a total body workout app that requires no gym or equipment. You exercise right at home, using your own body weight for resistance. The program is based on a fitness method called "max interval training." In traditional interval training, you exercise at a very intense pace for a short period of time, and then rest for longer periods in between. The idea is to increase your aerobic fitness level while burning fat.

There are 10 workouts in the Insanity program. Each routine takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, and you do them a grueling 6 days a week. Over the 60-day program, you change your workout schedule on a weekly basis.

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Before starting the second month, you do a week of recovery that includes a daily core cardio and balance routine. Although you will still sweat, this workout is less intense than those in the first four weeks. The idea is to prep your body for the even more extreme second month ahead.

Good for beginners? No. Insanity by Beachbody workouts are highly intense. They're designed for people who are already in good shape and are willing to work hard to get into even better shape. If you haven't been exercising, this program isn't a quick fix.

But you have to be in great shape already to tackle this high-powered workout. Do not attempt Insanity if you have heart disease or any heart disease risk factors unless your doctor says you can. There are more moderate workouts that can help you reach your fitness goals.

If you are pregnant, this is not the time to start Insanity workouts. If you are in top form, and your doctor approves, then you might be able to continue with Insanity by Beachbody for a time if it is already a part of your fitness routine.

INSANITY is the hardest workout ever created,

guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your

life in just 60 days. Through a combination of Max Interval Training and total-body conditioning, you will DIG DEEPER than you ever thought possible

to build the strongest, leanest, most ripped

body of your life!

There are nine INSANITY workouts in the program, and each will take you 30 

to 60 minutes to complete. The workouts are a pre-programmed sequence of

3- to 5-minute high-intensity sessions with short recovery breaks in between.

Essentially Zumba on steroids, Insanity fuses callisthenics (bodyweight exercises) with martial arts and plyometric work (jump variations) to make a series of short, high-intensity workouts. And its creator, Shaun T, claims it, "Turns old-school interval training on its head."

How so? He told us, "You work flat out in 3 to 5-minute blocks, and take breaks only long enough to gulp some air and get right back to work. It's called Max Interval Training, because it keeps your body working at maximum capacity through your entire workout.

A slick, well-marketed pitch, but does it work? We completed the Insanity workout below, which you can also try at home, then performed a strength and conditioning autopsy to see if there's any truth behind their claims of melted man boobs, solid six-packs and the general consensus that it's the greatest creation in sports nutrition and exercise conditioning since the invention of the dumbbell (ancient Greece, if you're wondering).

The Insanity Workout is good, but not as great as their marketing literature would have you believe. In 1991 the National Strength and Conditioning Journal stated, "Is there a single, perfect workout? A workout with the best weight training, plyometric, flexibility and endurance exercises? A workout with the precise number of sets and repetitions? A workout that tells the athlete exactly how much weight to use? The answer is "No".

Basically, there is no perfect workout plan. Of course the company behind the Insanity creation, the Beachbody Corporation, would beg to differ. With glowing testimonials and equally as impressive transformation stories, they claim it's, "Everything you need to get in the best shape of your life". But research shows the use of the word, "Everything" might be a stretch. Here's why.

Yes and no. But make no mistake - it's just High Intensity Interval Training and your body doesn't know the difference between a H.I.I.T workout on the treadmill and a heavily advertised Insanity DVD. Physiologically the result is the same. Working hard at a high intensity for short periods of time (between 30 to 80 seconds) followed by a period of low intensity training or complete rest (40 to 120 seconds) which you repeat (between 15 to 30 minutes) has been found by researchers from Laval University in Canada, to burn more fat compared to traditional cardio.

Insanity is part of the Beachbody On Demand series of training programs and was launched in the early 2000s. The workout is led by choreographer and personal trainer Shaun T. Overall insanity consists of a two-month program that costs around $140. Participants simply throw on the DVD and workout in the comfort of their home.

Insanity differs from HIIT in one fundamental way. While HIIT training is based on shorter bursts of activity, Insanity utilizes maximal interval training. This is where you are moving for at least 3 minutes at a time. Because of this, you are hitting the aerobic portion of the workout hard. Insanity workouts take between half an hour and an hour to complete. Training should be six times a week, and the two-month program will have you alternating between plyometrics, conditioning, and resistance training to torch some calories.

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. This type of workout has been a regular part of the modern athletes training for many years. The reason for this is mostly down to the sudden spurts of power and motion needed for sports performance. Swedish and Finnish runners developed versions of HIIT in the early 20th century. A few years after German trainer named Woldemar Gerschler developed interval training into something that more resembles what we call HIIT today.

Typically done in 30 minutes or less, you can utilize as many different exercises and movements as you want for a Tabata workout; however, the workout is 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds or 4 total minutes. With these quick bursts of work and short rest times, your heart rate increases quickly, and helps accelerate calorie burn due to EPOC the afterburn happening after a workout while your body recovers.

Efficiency is the key term here with high-intensity interval training. With workouts that can be completed in less than half an hour (and typically even 15-20 minutes), even people with the busiest of schedules can most likely find a way to work in a few of these workouts each week! Time is of the essence nowadays, and the convenience of a quick and effective exercise session is ideal.

Insanity is the brainchild of Carl Daikeler and Jon Congdon, co-founders of BeachBody LLC, an outfit that, despite its hammy name, had in the 15 years since its establishment seen meteoric success. Their first breakthrough came in 2003 with the launch of P90x, a ninety-day fitness program developed with workout guru Tony Horton. It combined resistance training and muscle confusion exercises and sold a million copies in its first season. Four years later, they looked to expand their line with an even more intense workout, one that could deliver the same results in just sixty days. It seemed they had a winner in high-intensity home fitness.

Penny Vieau, a Dyess Fitness Center Insanity instructor, teaches the new Insanity class at the Dyess Fitness Center Aug. 27, 2013. The Insanity class is a 30-minute workout session packed with maximum interval training.(U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Autumn Velez/Released)

Penny Vieau, a Dyess Fitness Center Insanity instructor, shows participants how to execute an exercise during the new Insanity class at the Dyess Fitness Center Aug. 27, 2013. The workout class is derived from the Insanity fitness program, which is traditionally a 60-day DVD led workout.(U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Autumn Velez/Released)

Many of the workouts follow the same basic formula: High-intensity exercises for 3 minutes, followed by 30 seconds of rest. This very short recovery time combined with such high-intensity exercise makes for very challenging workouts that quickly sneak up on you.

Following the 60-day program, users perform the 30 to 40 minute workouts on a six-day-a-week schedule. The workouts can be done individually or with a group, and allow users to tailor their output based on their fitness level.

In non-stop, circuit training style, the workouts run through a wide range of exercises including plyometrics, cardiovascular conditioning and core strengthening. Weights and workout equipment are not needed.

I have to assume if you got to this page, you are ready to get insane results! Well you are in luck. You found Insanity, the most ridiculous workout program on the planet, made by Shaun T. Insanity focuses on Max Interval Training principles to make you work harder than you have ever worked in your life, and get a workout even the best athletes can't finish without stopping.

Now that I have scared you, it actually isn't that bad. It's great! Many of my Beachbody Challengers have gotten amazing results with Insanity simply by following the Insanity Workout Schedule. I decided to chop them into two workout schedules so it would be easier to print, and put on your fridge! Make sure you make me your Beachbody Coach (It is totally free), try out some Shakeology, and get Insanity rushed to your house with a 100% money back guarantee!

Insanity includes 10 Insane workouts that will push you past your limits, breaking your plateaus and getting results. The Insanity Workout Schedule takes advantage of all of these workouts and always keeps your body guessing as to what's coming next.

And of course, because you are ordering from a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody will send you Insanity Fast and Furious. This workout is designed to help you get your workout done when you are short on time. A 20 minute crazy Insanity workout that will leave your body wondering what happened, and you will be done and ready to go about your day. 0852c4b9a8

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