The titlebar presents the name of the application, document or window. It'scolor indicates the keyboard focus state and type of the window. You can useit to move, activate, raise, lower and access the window commands menu.

Windows can be in two states: focused, or unfocused. The focused window(also called the key or active window) has a black titlebar and is the windowthat receives keyboard input, ie: where you can type text. Usually it's thewindow where you work on. Only one window may be focused at a time. Unfocusedwindows have a light gray titlebar. Some applications have a special type ofwindow, called dialog windows transient windows or panels. When these windowsare active, the window that owns them (the main window) get a dark graytitlebar. As soon as the dialog window is closed, the focus is returned to theowner window.

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Focus-Follow-Mouse, or auto-focus mode. In this mode, the focused window ischosen based on the position of the mouse pointer. The window below the mousepointer is always the focused window.

When you click in the client area of an inactive window to set the focus, theclick is normally processed by the application. If you find this behaviour alittle confusing, you can make the application ignore this click by using theIgnoreFocusClick option.

Dialog/transient windows are always placed over their owner windows, unless theOnTopTransients option is disabled. Some windows have a special attributethat allow them be permanently over normal windows. You can make specificwindows have this attribute use the AlwaysOnTop window option or set it inthe Window Inspector panel.

While you move the window, a little box will appear in the screen, indicatingthe current window position in pixels, relative to the top left corner of thescreen. You can change the location of this position box by hitting the Shiftkey during the move operation.

In some rare occasions, it is possible for a window to be placed off screen.This can happen with some buggy applications. To bring a window back to thevisible screen area, select the window in the Window List menu. You can preventwindows from doing that with the DontMoveOff window attribute.

If you want to temporarily get rid of a window, an option for it'sminiaturization is to shade it. When you shade a window, the window rolls upto it's titlebar. You can do almost everything you do with a normal window withshaded windows, like miniaturizing or closing it.

After finishing work in a window, you can close it to completely get rid of it.When you close a window, it is removed from the screen and can no longer berestored. So, before closing a window, be sure you have saved any work you weredoing on it.

Some windows will have a close button with some dots around it. These windowscan't be closed normally and the only way to get rid of them is by exiting theapplication. You should try exiting from inside the application (through it'smenus or buttons) when possible. Otherwise you can force WindowMaker tokill the application.

Clicking on the titlebar of a window with the right mouse button will open amenu containing commands that will apply to that window. The menu can also beopened through the keyboard with the Control+Escape key, by default.

This panel allows you to browse for, and update the mini-windowimage for the selected window, as well as setting the initial workspace.

Window Maker was written from scratch primarily by Brazilian programmer Alfredo Kojima as a GNUstep desktop environment and originally meant as an improved take on the AfterStep window manager's design concept. The first release was in 1997.[6] For a time it was included as a standard window manager in several Linux distributions and is also available in the FreeBSD ports collection.[7] Since the goal of the project has been to closely emulate the earlier, clean industrial design of the NeXTstep and OpenStep GUIs, further development has been light. In late 2007 the widely available, stable release version was at 0.92 from July 2005 with subsequent maintenance updates having been made to some distribution packages and ports.[8][9]

In late June 2008 a post on the project's website said active development would resume, noting, "...we are working very hard to revitalize Window Maker's presence on X Window (and perhaps beyond) desktops... We expect to once again provide the de-facto minimalist yet extremely functional window manager to the world."[10] There have been no further posts since then, although development continues on the mailing list as of April 2011.[11] On 29th January 2012, Window Maker 0.95.1 was released, making it the first official release in almost seven years.

I concocted this from a photo I took from me kitchen window using Gimp.Had a lot of fun trying to get the border frame to be a tad more browny pink and I am still not 100% satisfied with the colours but it will have to do. I fried me brain a little with trying out all the different options in Gimp and me eyes were struggling to notice differences in hues so I had to call it a day.

I think the problem is that I am trying to use a "Textured Gradient - Horizontal" for the window title bars. Originaly I made the two colour choices and they showed up in the wmakerconf gui as a pixmap and they seemed to show up in the config files. Now no matter what I do I can not get them to work or show up anywhere.Recon I need to make a graded pixmap so am searching for a way to do that.

Anyway, playing around with the buttons or whatever at the upper-left corner, now I only have the first one. I think I originally had the second one, the one that looks like a computer, and I'm not sure if I had the third one or not. I was messing around and deleted it. With the effects, it looked like it blew up into little pieces, and then it was gone!

Window Maker 0.95.3 was released on May 16th 2012. This release fixes aregression which would cause more than one instance of an application to start(under some circumstances) when using menu shortcuts. The window maximizationprocedures now have a more intuitive behavior with respect to remembering theold geometry and going back to it. Furthermore, there are some other smallfixes and cleanups.

Every once in a while in random places on the net (not here, that I can recall or find) I find mention of using other window managers with XFCE. My understanding is that XFCE is modular enough that XFWM can be switched to some other window manager, and back, as desired. I have seen screenshots of the following window managers used with XFCE: Fluxbox, Window Maker.

My question is, how is this done? Is this something done through XFCE itself, or is it some sort of kludge? I've not found a way to do the first approach. I imagine that a kludge would invite problems. Would this work only for certain window managers?

Mint now includes both Xfwm and Compiz(*) with it's Xfce-flavored version of the distro, and I believe that Compiz is "a little" heavier than Xfwm - so it's probably doable with most window managers.

Compiz works great with Xfce. I like to use that combination on my laptop, so that I can show Windows users just how much Linux can do on a laptop designed for Windows Vista, then ask them why Windows can't give them all these effects. I'm not trying to use the eye candy to lure them away from the Dark Side; I'm using it as an example of how much better Linux really is.

It's not the eyecandy as such that's the selling point. It's having four times as much screen real estate (or more, depending on how many workspaces you have) and the flexibility that it gives you. It also shows that people who think that Windows has more features and a better UI are wrong. Wobbly windows and the rotating cube are just ways to get their attention.

WMakerConf (short for Window Maker Configurator) is a configuration utility for the Window Maker window manager. Unlike the program included with Window Maker, WMakerConf uses the GTK+ graphics library.

Heart attacks can be deadly, and the widow maker is one of the deadliest kind. It can happen suddenly when a key artery that moves blood to the heart gets almost or completely blocked. Without emergency treatment, you may not survive.

You may survive a widow maker if the emergency room doctors can treat you quickly. The ER team races against time to unblock your left main or LAD artery within 90 minutes of your heart attack. Restoring the blood flow can prevent scars on your heart that can do permanent damage.

With Windows Movie Maker, you can quickly turn your photos and videos into polished movies. Add special effects, transitions, sound, and captions to help tell your story. Share the movie with friends and family.

As some older systems might not be able to run the new version of Windows Movie Maker, Microsoft also released an updated older version 2.6 for Windows Vista on Microsoft Download Centre. This version is basically the same as Windows Movie Maker 2.1 and included all of the old effects and transitions, but it excludes the ability to capture video. It can only be installed on Windows Vista and is only intended for use on computers where the hardware-accelerated version cannot run.[9]

After capture, any clip can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the timeline. Once on the timeline, clips can be duplicated, split, repositioned or edited. An AutoMovie feature offers predefined editing styles (titles, effects and transitions) for quickly creating movies.

Versions 2.x included in Windows XP includes 60 transitions, 37 effects, 34 title and 9 credits animations. The Windows Vista version includes a different set of transitions, effects and title/credits animations while dropping a few older ones. There are in all 49 effects and 63 transitions. They are applied by using a drag and drop interface from the effects or transitions folders.

Early versions (V2 onwards) of Windows Movie Maker had a flexible interface so programming custom effects and other content were possible via XML. The Windows Vista version supports Direct3D-based effects. Microsoft also provides SDK documentation for custom effects and transitions.[24] Since the effects are XML based, users could create and add custom effects and transitions of their own with XML knowledge. 0852c4b9a8

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