Warning: It's important that Explorer.exe not be running when you delete the IconCache.db file. If explorer is running, it will simply write out the current (corrupt) icons the next time it is shut down (e.g. when you logoff, shutdown, or restart).

does that [1]. Possibly someone would create an utility to do just that; currently, using 7-zip and trying to modify file associations (for all users; without elevating permissions; which would fail and tell that operation failed) calls the notifications and rebuilds the icon cache.

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I ran into this same problem, something that looked like the text icon covered all of the icons on the desktop that were links. I tried ie4uinit but it didn't work. I didn't want to delete the icon database, and thought I'd wait for the next reboot: but I also had a couple of application updates waiting, so I installed one (it happened to be SumatraPDF, but I don't think that's entirely relevant). When I did that, the desktop icons reset and now look correct. This is not as wacky as it might sound; I have noticed in the past that installing an application often causes all of the icons on the desktop to be refreshed, especially if the application itself adds or changes an icon. This might not be the preferred solution, but it fixed the problem for me without having to mess with the database.

I fired my laptop up a couple of days ago and I noticed that the dropbox icon in the taskbar was missing. I checked task manager and dropbox is running theres just no icon and if I kill the task and double click on the dropbox exe it loads the app but does not show the Icon so I am unable to check my settings or anything else. Oddly enough it is still working fine on my main desktop.

In my case the dropbox icon was set to "on" and I toggled it off. After exiting the dialog, I had my dropbox icon back in the "show hidden icons" area. I repeated the above and toggled the dropbox icon back to "on" and now it is back in my systray where it belongs.

Solution: as of Sep 15 2018, right click on taskbar in windows, select "Taskbar settings," and scroll down to section "Notification Area," and select "Select which Icons Appear on the Taskbar." here you should see DROPBOX and can turn it on!

I'm having the same problem as above. I have been using dropbox for years untill this evening it pops up an error message about "permission", I have tried to follow the step in dropbox help page but not working, then I uninstalled and reinstalled dropbox for several times, during the installation process, it shows "installing..." for about 1 or 2 miuntes then it went off and the dropbox icon was not shown on the taskbar. Although i click on the icon shown on startup program, it seems not functioning at all! no starting, connecting or syncing as last time.

Once you've designed your app's icon, you need to create the icon files themselves. Because Windows supports multiple themes, display resolutions, and scale factors, you should provide multiple versions of your icon to make sure it looks great on every device, at any size.

Windows will display your app icon at a variety of sizes depending on where your icon is being displayed and the user's display scale settings. The following table lists all the possible sizes that Windows may use to display your icon.

When Windows displays your app's icon, it will look for an exact size match first. If there is no exact match it will look for the next size above and scale down. Including more icon sizes with your app means Windows will more often have a pixel-perfect match, and reduce the amount of scaling applied to scaled icons.

Apps should have, at the bare minimum: 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, and 256x256. This covers the most common icon sizes, and by providing a 256px icon, ensures Windows should only ever scale your icon down, never up.

Icons look best with a transparent background. If your app's branding requires your icon be plated on a background, that's okay too. However, you'll have to re-implement some theming functionality that transparent icons get for free. For example, you might provide a version of your app's icon plated on a two different backgrounds, one better suited to a light theme and the other to a dark theme.

In Windows 10 and 11, the AppList icon is your app's primary icon. It will be used in several places, including the Taskbar, Start pins, the all app list, and the search results list. Windows 11 selects an appropriate icon for the all apps list based on the current scale factor, but Windows 10 uses specific, explicitly defined icons if you provide them.

Separate files for all three theme variations (default, light theme, dark theme) are required, even if the icon is the same. If you do not provide these files, your icon will appear on a system icon plate to ensure a minimum contrast ratio.

Description of the issue:

Brave icon is not present on taskbar button to open brave browser. Instead it is a default icon of a blank sheet.

How can this issue be reproduced?

In Windows 10 the taskbar is not showing my custom-made icon. I am using the latest (at the moment of writing) 0.51.1 version of nw.js and the taskbar icon always defaults doesn't matter what I am doing. Even though the .exe icon is changing on the build and behaves as expected.Have anyone managed to solve this issue? I read almost all issues log on this topic on the official nw.js Github page but it doesn't help and seems like the issue still happens for some users.

The Notification Center is located at the right end of the taskbar. It contains icons you might find yourself selecting often: battery, Wi-Fi, volume, Clock and Calendar, and Notification Center. It also provides status and notifications about things like incoming email, updates, and network connectivity.

The notification area is located at the right end of the taskbar. It contains icons you might find yourself selecting or pressing pretty often: battery, Wi-Fi, volume, Clock and Calendar, and action center. It provides status and notifications about things like incoming email, updates, and network connectivity.

If you want to move a hidden icon into the notification area, tap or click the Show hidden icons arrow next to the notification area, and then drag the icon you want back to the notification area. You can drag as many hidden icons as you want.

Basic Windows stuff. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote and find Evernote.exe. Right click and choose 'send to desktop' (create shortcut). If you then right click the new icon you may be able to 'pin to start' or drag and drop the shortcut elsewhere.

I tried your idea already but I just get a generic Windows icon rather than the true Evernote icon. Please note, this is not a major problem and does not affect usability. It's just odd and my orderly mind would like it fixed.

Hmmn. It works for me... maybe that shortcut needs to be used so that the correct icon 'registers' with Windows. You could try uninstall / restart / reinstall to fix the issue, but if its no big deal, that seems an extreme response...

I'm getting the same issue and Daniel (Win10). About 2 updates ago the icon in the dock turned into a blank document icon. I was hoping the new update that just got pushed would update it. No luck. I'll uninstall and I guess that should correct it.

Thank you very much! This has been a little energy-taker for me. Every I want to navigate to one of my open vaults, I had to check in which obsidian icon it is grouped. Now that part is removed, and it saves quite some cognitive energy every day.

In sketch window 'idw' a dwg icon is shown not idw icon. In windows explorer the icon is correct.On some machines it's ok on others not. i tested 5 machines, 3 of them has the problem (the machines are totally fresh installed, windows + Inventor))

For instance, while poking around with this I created an Inventor dwg and an idw - wouldn't it make sense if I could tell from the icon which was which? "Ahh, but the default is dwg!" How does that help me? What does it really even affect? I have to go to my templates and pick the drawing format I need from the idws we have set up, they're going to open as idws, they're going to save as idws - what's the point of this little reminder that I didn't know that they changed the default default to dwg and don't know where to go to fix it?

We're having a problem with GP 4.0.6 and 4.1.1 clients on Windows 10 where the icon dissapears from the task bar. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it causes a fair amount of user frustration. With the 4.0.6 client, I could search for global protect and bring up the connect window. With 4.1.1, I have to kill the the GlobalProtect process, and then it pops back into the taskbar.

I haven't run across this issue with 4.1.1; but then again I think I only have a handful of people using GlobalProtect instead of AnyConnect. What happens if you close GlobalProtect and stop all of its services and then restart, do you get the icon back? It may be that one of the services enters a funky state occassionally.

Below are the different Dropbox icons in your taskbar (Windows). This is visible when the Dropbox desktop app is running on your computer. These icons show you the sync status of your entire Dropbox account, not just the status of one file or folder.

You can also see the sync status of your entire Dropbox account in the bottom left of the Dropbox app window. To open the Dropbox app window, click the sync icon you see from the table above. If your files are fully synced, the text in the bottom left corner will say Your files are up to date.

Like @Alex_8BitSkull says all you need to do is download the older version of IcoFX and make sure you disable Vista compression for it to generate Windows icons that work well with Defold. Make sure you make all of the standard sizes too.

If you are looking for the Alteryx file type icons used by Windows for YXDB, YXMC, YXWG, YXMD, YXZP, etc., you can find them in the ICO files located in bin\\RuntimeData\\icons within the Alteryx install directory. 0852c4b9a8

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