The program's name, a pun on the term widowmaker, was originally WindowMaker (camel cased and without the space) but a naming conflict arose with an older product called Windowmaker from Windowmaker Software Ltd, a UK company producing software for companies that manufacture windows and doors. A 1998 agreement between the developers of Window Maker and Windowmaker Software specified that Window Maker (in the X sense) should never be used as a single word.

Icons representing running applications appear at the bottom of the screen (the user can extend application windows to cover these). By default, the dock appears at upper right. Icons can be dragged onto the dock to make them permanent. The edge of an icon can be right-clicked to adjust its settings. A separate, dockable application called wmdrawer features a slide-out drawer which can hold application and file launching icons.

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The WPrefs configuration tool enables tuning of most Window Maker preferences. wmakerconf was developed to provide more configuration options, notably theme customization. Configuration files are typically stored in ~/GNUstep/. The background can be changed from the command line with wmsetbg -s -u [filename.jpg] (wmsetbg stands for "window maker set background").

The discontinuation of Windows Movie Maker has led to the appearance of scams abusing its name. In late 2016, a few months before the discontinuation of the Windows Essentials suite (including Movie Maker), a website named (no longer accessible) which offered a tampered version of Windows Movie Maker, appeared as one of the top results when searching for "Movie Maker" and "Windows Movie Maker" on Google and Bing, a scam only widely recognized as such in 2017.[30] It was identical to the real Windows Movie Maker, however, unlike the official and free Windows Movie Maker by Microsoft, it would not let users save a video without purchasing. Upon installing and executing the program, the user was greeted with a dialogue box explaining that it was a trial and a purchase was required. ESET also detected malware called Win32/Hoax.MovieMaker in the above-mentioned version. The fake will also restrict the installation of the WLE (Windows Live Essentials) Movie Maker by modifying the Windows registry.[31]

The user interface of macOS evolved from the style of user interface that Window Maker uses. There is a "dock" that contains applications icons that are "pinned" to the dock by the user. Also, the dock can hold special small applications called "dockapps", which run only inside the dock. By default, all applications run in Window Maker will have an application icon, which you can use to run a new instance of the application, hide and unhide all windows of the application, or kill the application. The application icon does not represent a window. Instead, if you minimize a window, a small icon representing the window will appear on the desktop.

Since version 0.8 of stalonetray, basic dockapp support for Window Maker can be enabled using the --dockapp-mode wmaker command line option. The following options should also be used: --slot-size 32 --geometry 2x2 --parent-bg --scrollbars none.

I was wondering if anybody has worked with Testors clear parts cement/window maker. I used it awhile ago for windows on a 1/48 He-111 and when it dried the membrane looked shriveled. I was just wondering what anybody else has experienced with it. I want to use it on my 1/48 B-17 but have already glued in the windows and glued together the fuselage and don't want to pop out the windows without knowing if the Testors stuff will work (I don't like the kit windows but will have to do if nothing else works). Any other techniques for making windows are welcome too....I'm all ears.

I have used both Testors window maker and Kristal Clear to make windows. I like Kristal Clear better. The Testors stuff didn't looked cloudy and I saw the same shriveling your subscibed. Kristal Clear on the other hand dried clear and did't have the shriveling. I also trust using Kristal Clear for other things more than I to the Testors stuff, such as attaching photoetch.

Similar to Robert Casey's answer, I converted the MP4 file to an AVI file using SimpleVideoConverter, which is a Java based wrapper for MEncoder. You could also convert the format to any other one Windows DVD maker supports.

Window Maker is a window manager, which is a software stack that controls the placement and appearance of windows. The difference between a window manager and a desktop environment is that a desktop environment is far more integrated than a window manager.

Windows can be in two states: focused, or unfocused. The focused window(also called the key or active window) has a black titlebar and is the windowthat receives keyboard input, ie: where you can type text. Usually it's thewindow where you work on. Only one window may be focused at a time. Unfocusedwindows have a light gray titlebar. Some applications have a special type ofwindow, called dialog windows transient windows or panels. When these windowsare active, the window that owns them (the main window) get a dark graytitlebar. As soon as the dialog window is closed, the focus is returned to theowner window.

Dialog/transient windows are always placed over their owner windows, unless theOnTopTransients option is disabled. Some windows have a special attributethat allow them be permanently over normal windows. You can make specificwindows have this attribute use the AlwaysOnTop window option or set it inthe Window Inspector panel.

In some rare occasions, it is possible for a window to be placed off screen.This can happen with some buggy applications. To bring a window back to thevisible screen area, select the window in the Window List menu. You can preventwindows from doing that with the DontMoveOff window attribute.

If you want to temporarily get rid of a window, an option for it'sminiaturization is to shade it. When you shade a window, the window rolls upto it's titlebar. You can do almost everything you do with a normal window withshaded windows, like miniaturizing or closing it.

Some windows will have a close button with some dots around it. These windowscan't be closed normally and the only way to get rid of them is by exiting theapplication. You should try exiting from inside the application (through it'smenus or buttons) when possible. Otherwise you can force WindowMaker tokill the application.

I pulled the windows (one at a time) and took them down to my woodshop and rebuilt the frames. It was pretty simple and allowed me the ability to give the wood a good couple of coats of poly and add to the weatherstripping.

I then examined the rest of my windows and found evidence of various stages of water leakage on all but a few. Those that did show rotting usually only needed the bottoms replaced. But again, while I had them out, I sanded, poly'd and improved the weather strippng to prevent water intrusion.

In my neihborhood all our houses were built from 1994 thru 2000 and MORE than 50% have had their windows replaced! Imagine the cost !!! The replacement windows are obvious from the street since the usual replacements are a bit smaller (to fit in the openings and minimize labor costs.

Mine are "Shelter" brand. (Now out of business... imagine that!) However, I have seen the same type of water intrusion damage on many other brands of casement windows. I urge all owners of casement windows to open them and look at the bottom rails for damage. Most will see some water damage beginning or well underway.

Why don't you get a free consultation from spam link removed? They can have a look at your windows and let you know if you need to rebuild the lower rail or go in for another spam link removed. I had hired them and I must say their quality and workmanship was excellent. Or if your current windows are old, it wouldn't be so bad to get new ones which are energy-efficient and will even increase the resale value of your house!

Most likely you have Crestline windows. They are nornorious for bottom sash rot through. If they were made after Jan. 2003, there are a number of web sites that will sell wood or aluminum clad sash replacements as well as hardware. I do not know of a source for pre 2003 sash replacement. Sorry.

Looks like about 20 year old Marvin's , I could tell better with a better view of the exterior glazing stops, but I'm 90% sure that's what they are, yes, you can rebuild the lower rail on these if your handy with a table saw, the problem with these windows and rebuilding the rails is getting the rail off with the glass intact, I rebuild many lower rails on many different brands with a high success rate, but with these particular Marvin's , I normally just order news sashes for my customers, because of the high probability of glass breakage. Unless their super rotted, like to the point where you can pull the wood away with your hand, your better off just ordering a new replacement sash, generally they run around 3-350, and this would come with new glass as well, just install.

Texmaker is a free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor for linux, macosx and windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application.

Texmaker includes unicode support, spell checking, auto-completion, code folding and a built-in pdf viewer with synctex support and continuous view mode.

Texmaker is easy to use and to configure.

Texmaker is released under the GPL license .

(Bloomberg) -- View Inc., a window-maker partly owned by SoftBank Group, filed for bankruptcy Tuesday with a proposal to turn itself over to lenders in exchange for reducing its $359 million debt load.

The company makes windows for commercial buildings that automatically darken and lighten in response to sunlight, eliminating the need for shades. The windows are installed in 50 million square feet of buildings like hospitals, airports and apartment buildings. 0852c4b9a8

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