Imagine having a job where placing spotlights and other directional lights is something you do alot - and then imagine you are designing a tradeshow stand with a rig and 50 spotligts attached to that rig. The spotlights are imported as blocks - which is good - but now you have to manually insert 50 vray ies spotligts. This is time consuming and the solution seems so simple yet it is not possible.

@Jacob_Thuesen @Nikolay

How about exporting the tradeshow lighting fixtures geometry along with the associated lights as a .vrayscene and then embedding the ,vrayscene into a block. I have tested the .vrayscene ability to save lighting information and it should work.

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At the bottom of Common tab,in "Assign Renderer", change Vray to scanline then switch back to vray.Now, don't change any vray settings (leave the settings default) & just press render and tell me if vray is rendering fine.Incase vray renders the image very dark,then use IR and light cache at their default settings.

i dont know if this happens on all 3d max. But if you want to see what you are doing on the MaxScript Listener, just click to create some vray object like a vray plane or camera or anything else but do not create the object

Hallo everyone, I have a problem!!

 I use, the new v-ray 3 for Rhino, and I want to render a mesh made in grasshopper with there simulated colors (out for example from Ladybug, Honeybee, etc), but when I bake into Rhino, vray render this geometry not with the default colors (from GH), but with the material colors of your own Layers.

 I wanna render objects on vray with their default color (out from Grasshopper).

 thanks for your help...

We need you!

 This site wouldn't be such a great vray material resource without the help of our community! People from around the world put there knowledge and love into their materials and uploaded them to our site to help and inspire others.

If you want to contribute to this site too just follow these simple steps:  Download our Sample scene for Vray and 3DSMax here sample scene  Load the scene and apply your material to the sample object. Adjust the material if necessary (for lighting and stuff) Render the image with the preset settings. Save your render with a suitable name that represents your material (e.g. dark grey concrete, fine red leather, brushed steel) Save your material as a single library, give it the same name  OR save the max file using the same name Send everything including all texture files, the sample render image and either the max-file or the .mat library file to this email address: 

as you've said > ''OCIO "profiles" attached to your EXRs (add the name of the OCIO transform to your file when exporting - daft, but works). '' I don't know really is vray attaching some infos regarding your statement, havent read about it actually, so don't know if guys from chaos group implemented that so to speak ( maybe I sound like total numb but haven't really had any need to deal with that aspect )

2) and as I said > havent been working with afinity but regarding renders looking exactly same like in vray-frame buffer > I'll guess that there it won't be a problem since in ''color mapping'' of vray settings is option to apply this setting only on color not gamma > and looked in renders dialog window ( during rendering ) file output gamma is :1.0 > so I guess it won't be a problem, but will see when I import renders in afinity i.e when I try program...

I don't know really is vray attaching some infos regarding your statement, havent read about it actually, so don't know if guys from chaos group implemented that so to speak ( maybe I sound like total numb but haven't really had any need to deal with that aspect )

1) when I import my exr render passes, and if they look like in vray frame buffer, and then I edit them, paint on masks, corrections etc... When it comes to export, to save them so I can upload them to portfolio service, and mainly they accept jpg's 8 bit, maybe png's > so, will they be darker like photoshop does ( emmbeds srgb gama ) or what?... just wanted to know because in ps it's giving me a headache...

@Frank Jonen yes, I've tried today just a simple composition with render passes, saved it as jpeg and looks exactly same as in vrayframe buffer! and yes they looked same when I imported them in affinity so no problems in that area

And as you've said yes it's pretty straightforward regarding formula's in user manual > linear dodge/add or linear dodge/add + multiply for advanced back to beauty and that is it, but since I was as you've mentioned in theirs ''magic circle''( adobe's ), and thing just weren't holding up in PS, and just could not get answers even from chaos group forums, I meant : ''hey, they made vray, gave user manual, formula's, they sure thought that maybe someone is not doing in linear space, maybe for other reasons people are doing compositing with jpeg's or png's, 8 or 16 bit but that was not the case...'' , so started to scrumble, dig around web but found only partial answers... and it was frustrating... but someone on their forum mentioned affinity and that got me intrigued > and voila everything is as it should be! Nice, neat, easy, clean, you know how it's meant to be > powerful but easy to use with no hassle! and that's it > man can go create and to be creative! 0852c4b9a8

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