This is the log that is repeating: ERROR (0384-1B84) [BrokerCertificateGeneration] Certificate Cycling error occurred: com/vmware/vdi/messagesecurity/Identity

This server is not operational - how to fix this?

The strange issue is that it happened on both versions of the connection server and they both filled the drive with logs similar to the ones you mentioned. The logs under c:\Program Files\vmware\Broker also had similar behavior. We tried to uninstalled and reinstalled but that did not work. We ended having to upgrade to the latest version and that appeared to resolve our issues.

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The VMware OpenAPI Generator is a python-based utility which, when pointed at a vCenter server, can read all of the available API metadata and convert them into OpenAPI specifications. This allows you and 3rd party vendors to take advantage of all the available OpenAPI tooling to create additional artifacts such as documentation, code generators, and more.

With a network traffic generator tool or network traffic simulator, IT teams can mimic network traffic earlier and in testing. These tools simulate stress or load to establish how much the network can handle. By doing so, they offer a clear understanding of what a network can cope with, where the areas of concern are, and at what point the network causes application performance degradation.

and adjust the ExecS* lines in your unit file to the new location. As far as i know the the systemd-sysv-generator is still active in TUMBLEWEED. If the vmware script is in /ect/init.d it will still generate a unit on the fly to /var/run/systemd/generator.late and this leads to the confusing output when you try to enable your own service. On a Leap 15.3 system the VMWare installer does create a second SysV-Init script vmware-USBArbitrator I do not know if this does exists on TUMBLEWEED too. If so you may need to create a second service.

I have an open case regarding the issue and I suggested that the link might be a good work-around (based on research into differences between /dev/random and urandom [e.g. -about-urandom/] but RH support are suggesting a hardware number generator. I've never used a hardware number generator but I suspect, in a non-vm environment, it is a straightforward to setup. I am, however, wondering if anyone has had experience in using one in a VMware environment with many guests per physical host? Can one hardware number generator feed multiple VMs?

Unfortunately, as simple as its definition is, (true) randomness is notoriouslydifficult to achieve. By nature, computers and their CPUs are highlydeterministic machines, which is quite the opposite of what one is looking forto obtain randomness. Random number generators thus must look for entropy(randomness, disorder) elsewhere.

I have been spending some time with VCF 4.5 and CB this week and I have always wondered if there was a way to convert to JSON format given an XLSX as the initial input. While poking around the logs, I noticed a reference to the following script /opt/vmware/bringup/scripts/ which is used by CB to convert an XLSX to JSON document.

Failed to create a compute (VMware) instance ERF42-5701 [Foreman::Exception]: The user-data template must be a hash in YAML format for VM customization to work.

The problem arise when I tried to install VMWare workstation. I follow the guide from this link:


Including compile modul from vmware-host-modules. The compilation was successfully, no error

But when i tried to check status vmware service, I got error and vmware service failed to run. modules are generated from the CloudFormation Resource Type Definition Schema or meta-schema. Vmware.vmware_rest modules are generated using the vSphere REST API. The schema generated by these APIs is fed as input to this tool to generate the content.

The cloud Collections that this tool can generate are and vmware.vmware_rest. Both these Collections are generated based on OpenAPI-based REST schemas. All the modules of collection use the AWS Cloud Control API to interact with the AWS services. This tool supports the generation of modules that are supported by the Cloud Control APIs. They follow the same code template the Content Builder scaffolds in a flash. The tool takes care of formatting the modules using Black. It is the same for VMware. VMware modules are based on the VMware vSphere REST API interface. Whenever a new version of the REST APIs is released, which may include support for new services for the platform, the Content Builder tool can be run to generate the new modules. Once the code is scaffolded, we can start with the automation almost immediately using the new modules.

Similar to, VMware modules can be generated by listing the modules in modules.yaml and using the appropriate actions (generate_all, generate_modules, generate_examples, and genrate_ignore_files). For the VMware collection, the schema files are pre-generated using -openapi-generator. The location of these schema files is provided to the content_builder tool by setting api_spec key to the respective value.

As VirtualBox software is also a free download, this comes very handy to just download the VM image and connect your RF Explorer spectrum analyzer and/or signal generator in a few minutes. This is also a good workaround if you want to run RF Explorer software in macOS Catalina which is not directly compatible as of yet. 0852c4b9a8

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