After some random amount of time, as far as I can tell, my host machine looses network connection and also cannot log into any shell/terminal after vmware-player is launched. Must power cycle to restart.

Windows 10 guest is a 400G virtual, 98G on disk VM converted from hardware with VMWare converter software. (VMware-converter-en-6.4.0-21710069.exe)

I allocate 32G RAM and 4 cores to the VM. This is how I setup the player and how I setup the conversion when going from hardware to software.

Free Download Vmware Player 4

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I can use the system for hours before running vmware-player. Once I start vmware-player and launch the Win10 VM, after some amount of time, host loses network, cannot open any host programs, cannot use a host terminal. Cannot Alt-CTRL to plain shell, those are just blinking cursors, no input.

Long time VMware workstation/player user. Had a laptop running a few different VMs, everything running super smoothly until about a year ago. Then started to notice a slowdown. Can't be sure of correlation - update Windows on guest, update to Win 11 on host - not sure. Problem made VM unusable as problem got 10x worse when on battery power. Basically, anything I tried to run would peg out the VM CPU and take forever to launch, then interface would be slow and stutter. Tried every setting related to power I could find, every setting overall. Tried re-installing windows clean on the host. Spent 40+ hours on it, couldn't get it figured out, decided to just install my software on host machine and be done with VMs for a while. The VM was basically my recovery plan - I run software that takes forever to install, and is very finicky with licensing, so my recovery plan was in the event of a computer loss/crash just carry an SSD with my VM on it for backup. Anyway, with that plan out the window, was running software on host, and sure enough, computer crashed.

So I bought a brand new laptop, i7 processor, 32Gb Ram, 1TB SSD. Installed player 17 on it, tried running my old VM. Same issue - unusably slow. So decided must be the VM itself. Created a brand new from scratch, Windows 11 VM.......and same issue! The brand new machine, assigned with 16Gb of ram, 16 processors (though for some reason task manager only shows 4),.....try to launch anything, and CPU pegs out on the VM, takes forever. Attached is a screenshot of just opening the Windows Store - 60 seconds of 100% CPU usage before it stabilizes. When idle, will sit at around 30% CPU, with some spikes. Meanwhile the host CPU is unphased - humming at around 20% CPU usage. What the heck is going on? How can a brand new machine, brand new install of VMware, brand new VM, and having all these issues? And they are the same as on an old laptop?

And this is the right answer. I cannot thank you enough for getting on here and posting this - it has made it possible for me to once again use VMWare. I don't know how this has gotten by - I know several other people that are also suffering with slow performance on VMware, and I am going to send this to them, because it has made ALL the difference! Note that since I am using player the path is indeed slightly different than in your post, just as you mentioned. So someone else reading this - if you are using player replace \VMware Workstation\ with \VMware Player\ and you should be good.

So, finally have a few free moments to try this, but unfortunately I can no longer find the VMWare Workstation installation package, and I can no longer download one from, because my trial has expired. Any other ideas? Or is there a public FTP server or something like that?

WE are thinking about new concept for Virtual PC central management and because Horizon Flex is not a case anymore, I am thinking If I will be able to have some dedicated administrators with Workstation Pro and then end-users with just player (to run centrally provided machines created via Workstation Pro)

I installed Ubuntu in the VMware player. You just right click, and click "Change Desktop Background", and click "all setting" at upper left corner. Click "Displays" and change the resolution to 2560 by 1600.

This setting comes with some performance issues as shown in your attached image. To improve performance, it is recommended to disable side-channel mitigations. This article shows the steps to perform this task: -to-disable-side-channel-mitigations-on-vmware-workstati...

First of all I have to say that it's a bit ridiculous to jump into a thread that is weeks shy of being 4 years old and make assumptions that VMware Player 2.0.4, which is what JustBiteMe2k was using on Aug 18, 2008 9:12 AM when this thread was started, executed the same command line arguments for the vmware-vmx process as it does today!

Secondly I can tell you as a fact that VMware Player 2.0.4, the product version of this discussion thread, did not execute the vmware-vmx process using -s RemoteDisplay.vnc.enable="false" and what RDPetruska said on Aug 18, 2008 10:52 AM was certainly more true then what you've said when put in proper context!

After the latest kernel update in the distro I use, which updated me to Kernel 6.5.4, Workstation 17 Player will not load. I get the message about needing to recompile the kernel with vmmon and vmnet (I think it was) but when I try to do this it fails. I went to the command line and ran the "sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all" which also failed. The only way I was able to get workstation to run was to revert back to Kernel 6.4.6. I checked for any software updates when it was running but there is nothing to update at this time.

If your CPU is not older than 8 years then normally it should work.

A list of system requirements is here: -Workstation-Player-for-Windows/16.0/

There's more requirements, like having sufficient RAM, sufficient free disk space and a reasonably performant disk to store the VMs on, but without a recent CPU that is all moot.

As you don't tell us your hardware or the error you had, it is not easy for us to give a better answer.

Hey all, I could use some brains to pick. Brand new Vostro 15. 4 cores, 16GB ram & i have both the "vT" virtualization options checked in the bios. I copied a known working VM from a similar spec Intel NUC i5 / 16gb micro desktop. This is to keep running an old Pagemaker publishing app on new OpSystems, while building the VM on Win7 with the old software. WIn7 was the last OS supported for this app, btw. 

When I Play the copied VM in VM workstation player 16, the mouse lags horribly to the point it's unusable. I've exhausted everything I know to try.

The Player window (the one with Create, Open, Upgrade, Help in the right part of the window) does not show the virtual machines in the left part of the window. I select "open", navigate to the virtual machine directory with the *.vmx file, select it and click open. The virtual machine does not appear in the left part of the screen. Also `$ sudo vmplayer` with the same steps doesn't work, as in, the virtual machine doesn't show in the left part of the player window.

i have been using player to run winxp pro and printing worked fine until this last update... i see it didn't install vmware tools after update so i manually downloaded and installed from the preVista .iso but still no option to turn on printing, i am missing a step some where ...can anyone help please

i have tried both those options but although i can map network drives and share files across the network i can't browse for network printers and my pdf995 printer program also has stopped working... is it possible to go back to player 16? it was doing everything i wanted

To answer my own question: After upgrading cinamon and vmware client to the newest version all works fine. Only a small loss of performance compared to native.

And vmware player is free for private use.

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 2004 (64bit) and likewise upgraded to Player V15.5.5. Since, all of my VM's have absolutely horrible, garbled sound. Long story short, I kept the new version of Windows, but downgraded to player version 15.5.2, and the sound is perfect again.

I am running vmplayer 3.1.0 on Ubuntu. The host machine has four ethernet adapters that are configured to run on four different subnets. I need to run four VMs each with a single ethernet adapter bridged onto a specific one of the physical ethernet adapters. Does anyone know how to do this? Am I simply exceeding the capabilities of vmplayer and have to go to one of the other vmware products, if so, which one.

This can be done in player, but it requires a bit of work and is probably unsupported. Here are the instructions for doing this in Windows, there is likely a better way to do it in Ubuntu, but I can't test it right now.

Not sure how to do this in player, or if you even can, but I know Oracle Virtualbox does it very easy and it's free as well. It basically is the same as VMPlayer, you are able to create new VMs, etc, but you can also create snapshots with Virtualbox.

Hi all, I used to use Keepass to send my password to VMWare 10 and everything worked fine, however I recently updated my linux environment (I was Linux Mint 17 with Cinnamon, and upgraded to Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 ) and I had to update also VMWare 12 (for kernel incompatibility) and now my password passes to the vmware guest without any Shift characters (if my password is MypA$$wOrd it would be sent as mypa44word).

I despise Necromancy, but I have yet to see anyone post a solution for this and the vmware community items are just as dead. This thread seems to be the one all my mates keep referencing in one way or another so if any of the original posters still need it the tool works.

I wrote a wrapper that acts as a buffer between KeePass and VMWare. The root cause on linux has to do with the way VMWare handles keymapping from xdotool which performs the autotyping.

When xdotool executes the type, vmware's shenanigans for keymapping and hotkeys basically fail to interpret an implied shift coming with capital letters and special characters.

There is a workaround, use 'xdotoolk key' with explicit shift characters.

As a proof of concept I wrote the wrapper and it's working well for me: 

I set it in my autotype to execute via the following: {DELAY 3000}{CMD:!/absolute/path/to/ {PASSWORD}!W=1,WS=H}

Known issues: Besides only being for a US keyboard currently, this does not handle passwords with ' and " characters currently; I didn't have an obvious way to escape those characters in the command call without altering the value of the password field in the entry which was undesireable.

Long term I may write a plugin or something to perform the autotype as an individual key call rather than a whole type operation as a selectable flag. 0852c4b9a8

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