I would suggest using sACNView | sACNView, a tool for sending and receiving the Streaming ACN control protocol and/or The ArtNetominator - Free ArtNet DMX Monitoring and Troubleshooting Software on the visualizer computer to verify that you are getting these protocols across, and at what refresh rates. Please also make sure you are using a wired Ethernet connection between your ColorSource AV and visualizer computer.

Well....I went in and changed the fixtures on vision to universe 2, using Artnet. That worked. I have used the same laptop to run the visualizers with both an Ion and a Chamsys QuickQ so I know the connections are solid. So the fixtures in the CS AV are on universe 1 and the fixtures in Vision are addressed to universe 2. I dont understand it but at least it is working.

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I want to use the mmwave demo visualizer for my AWRL6432BOOST. Once I plug in my device and set up the serial ports in the demo visualizer, I see that it connects to 1 out of 2 targets and runs indefinitely. I also dont see the plots in the "Plot" tab. I have configured for flashing and functional mode too. Is there something which I'm missing out on?

The mmWave Demo Visualizer is not currently compatible with the xWRL6432BOOST. Please follow the steps detailed in the Out of Box Demo User Guide, under the section labelled Quickstart for xWRL64xx, to run the demo using the visualizer for this device.

I think the simplest option is to connect to a serial terminal emulator which will allow you to log the stream of UART data (e.g. PuTTY). Once you have that data saved you can run it through a script that you will need to write which parses the TLVs and saves the data in whichever format you wish. For information on the output data from the device please see section 12 of the MotionPresenceDetectionDemo_documentation.pdf located at /docs/. If you are interested in seeing an example of what the parsing script would look like, you can download the SDK for our older generation of devices (mmWave SDK 3.6) which contains a parsing script at /packages/ti/demo/parser_scripts/. Keep in mind these scripts will not work as is due to differences in the TLVs from previous generation devices to this device but it should at least give you the general idea of how it is done.

Alternatively, in the next release of our Radar Toolbox. The python based mmWave Industrial Visualizer will have support for this device. The visualizer will already have the capability of connecting to the device and parsing the data live. The source code for this will be provided as well. You would be able to take that and modify it to simply save the data you are interested once it has been parsed (in txt, csv etc...).

Check the About page in the Vectorworks Cloud Services desktop app, it should be on version 13.4.2742. If not, you should see a button to update. This restarts the app. After this, restart Vectorworks and the AI visualizer should work property.

@TomKen This feature is available with subscription or Vectorworks Service Select licenses. If you are using multiple logins maybe one of the logins is a VSS or subscription license? If not you would need to upgrade to use the feature.

Hello @cberg if the VCS app is shut down during the lifetime of the Vectorworks session you might get issues like that. Does restarting Vectorworks fix it? You can also try right-clicking and choosing the Reload menu item in the palette.

@cberg Next time you can try this, try getting to it from the Model menu AI Visualizer (might have to add to custom workspace, it's under recent changes 2024), there are alerts that will show when Vectorworks thinks certain things are not running or connected.

Ok, I'm jumping through all the hoops. I even realized that I had to add AI to my Workspace, despite the VW site saying it was "automatically adding in SP4." That is not even close to true. OK, so it is now in my menu. I try to use it. It says I have to "Enable this feature with VSS." I have already updated my VCS to 13.4.2742, but now I'm getting this new hoop to jump through called VSS. I clicked my only option: "More Info" which took me to some sort of VSS site which had no information as to how to proceed.

When you guys figure out how to add this feature so that it works in the same way as, say, the rectangle tool, CALL ME. This absurdly useless tool has wasted an hour of my life I will not get back. What a huge disappointment.

@MHBrown Based on your post, it appears that everything is set up for you to begin using this new feature. Please ensure that you are logged into Vectorworks with the license that has Service Select permissions, restart Vectorworks, and give it another try. If you encounter any further issues, let me know jalmansa@vectorworks.net, and I'll gladly connect you with one of our Tech Support Specialists for additional troubleshooting. Thanks

I am simply trying to view data from the mmWave Demo. So far I have identified two different methods of doing this (aside from buying a raw data capture board), and I have questions about both methods.

I downloaded a python parser from this related thread: e2e.ti.com/.../2681483 parser#2681483. However, I am not all that familiar with python and am having trouble using the parser correctly. Could someone explain how I can use the parser to view the data?

Is there anyway to do this? Clearly there is data being sent from the IWR1642 to the PC, after which it is somehow accessed by the visualizer GUI to generate plots. I'd like to know where on the PC the data is being stored such that it can be utilized by the visualizer GUI? Is there a specific folder the data is always sent to, and how can one view it?

Of the two methods, I would prefer Method 2 since it does not necessitate pressing the "Record Start" button every time I want to see the data. I should note that I am using an IWR1642BOOST (ES2.0) and SDK version Any help on this issue would be much appreciated.

The thread referred above provides information about the format of the point cloud data coming on the UART port. Then point cloud format is defined in the mmWave SDK docygen documentation. Please note that the data is not stored on the PC unless you want to save it using the Record Start button on the Visualizer. The Visualizer processes the point cloud stream coming on the Data UART port in real-time i.e. without buffering it on the PC if that's what you are looking for.

Further, you can download the source code for the Visualizer from dev.ti.com/gallery. Download the zip file and unzip it on your machine. Then look into the function process1 in file install_image_mmWave_Demo_Visualizer\mmWave_Demo_Visualizer\app\mmWave.js as shown below.

As to the beta version of the mmWave demo you mentioned in the previous post, I am having some trouble accessing it. Whenever I try to open the mmWave_Demo_Visualizer_Record_2.0.0 application on my desktop, it fails since it cannot locate the "launcher.exe" file. It seems like the package available for download is incomplete. Just to be sure, I checked the folder of the normal demo visualizer mmWave_Demo_Visualizer_2.0.0 (which is working) and saw that a launcher.exe file for that application indeed exists. For whatever reason the mmWave_Demo_Visualizer_Record_2.0.0 application does not install in full as it is supposed to. Perhaps this is something that TI needs to fix? I understand this could all be solved by using the online version of the visualizer that you linked to, but that is not an option for me given my admin privilege (or lack thereof) on the PC I'm using.

I click the website that you provide for the mmwavebeta. I can successfully reaching the cloud vesion of the demo visualizer which provide logstart button. But I can't use it to configure my IWR1443EVM. But I can use the offline vesion which is to configre my EVM.

Looking at the images you provided, you seem to have downloaded the standard version of mmWaveDemoVisualizer which does not support CSV logging. As mentioned in my earlier responses on this thread, you need to use/download mmWaveDemoVisualizerBeta which is available under dev.ti.com/gallery.

Please make sure to navigate to the second screen (using the right arrow button) on dev.ti.com/gallery as shown below then download mmWave_Demo_Visualizer_Beta. The offline version of mmWave_Demo_Visualizer_Beta does support SDK 1.2 as well as the CSV Log function. Please also refer to the GUI Composer 2 User's Guide if you plan to import the Visualizer in GUI composer for development.

Hey folks,

I really love using Postman with the dark theme. I was trying my hand at the visualizer and all I could see in that tab is a black screen, it took a while for me to realize that it was probably because of the dark theme. Once I changed the theme to the lighter one, I could see all the html elements with their expected styles under the visualizer.

I just wanted to discuss about the user experience. Every user who likes using Postman with the dark theme would have to switch to the lighter theme while visualizing. Is it possible to have the visualizer space with a white background?

The Postman Visualizer provides a programmable way to visually represent your request responses. Visualization code added to the Tests for a request will render in the Visualize tab for the response body, alongside the Pretty, Raw, and Preview options.

The Visualizer enables you to present your response data in ways that help to make sense of it. You can use this to model and highlight the information that's relevant to your project, instead of having to read through raw response data. When you share a Postman Collection, other people on your team can also understand your visualizations within the context of each request. 152ee80cbc

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