teamspeak is they were forced to do a new client becouse most of user went to discord becouse privacy was not the point, just flashy surface and simple permission system and hundreds of bots which no one check.

Discord is collecting for data for big company like Google for exemple. And they make money out with Nitro membership with a animated profile, nitro boost. But Teamspeak, is teamspeak. Teamspeak is not collecting soo much data, they keep privacy more than possible. And they made money by paid hosting solutions. Like hosting from a MS Azure dedicated cloud services.

Free Download Teamspeak 3 64 Bit


I can get the test sound in teamspeak and the microphone pics up audio, but as soon as I connect to my server I loose audio but the microphone is working fine still. Then i loose the ability to hear the test sound in teamspeak as well, I had itunes playing music and this stopped as well until i exited from teamspeak.

If i exit and restart into teamspeak i can then get the test sounds again, i am using v3.0.18.1 of teamspeak and applied all updates for the software and fireware for my headset. Anyone able to shed light on this?

If I am on computer 2 and using my phone as a hotspot, and then using the teamspeak client on computer 2. using the external ip address 97.xx.xx.xx then computer 2 can connect to the teamspeak server on computer 1.

Heya! When I am playing with my friends, and talking in teamspeak, quite often my mic will just cut out and not work for a while. I am using a Blue Snowball and it is set to voice activation detection.

Well it is a stand alone wire mic so that is not the trouble. I have use some teamspeak servers in the past and you could be having pack loss to the teamspeak server. I can't remember how to check that. Does this problem happen on skype or discord.

Every time I try to join a TeamSpeak server it resolves the domain and a short time later the connection to the server fails. I have already turned off my firewall, reset my network properties and uninstalled teamspeak and installed the latest version. I am totally desperate and appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance

Now that we have multi crew aircraft, I need help getting Teamspeak working right. What I want to do is have voice activation to one or possibly more other clients, then push to talk to the rest of the channel. If anyone knows a mod for teamspeak that will do this easily can you please share.

What i would do is install DIAL: then search online how to install a low

latency kernel a basic desktop of your choice (Just to make life easier)

and virtual audio cables for linux teamspeak has a linux installation as

well.. Their are several sip phone clients available out their on the

market and you could probably setup what ever needed to link into your

allstar node.. As far as machine speed and other info well I would at

least have 2 gigs of ram at minimum and recommend at least 4 gb of ram

if you really have to use a windows program in linux look at wine.. I

don't recommend this always try to find a linux alternative.. If your

wanting to run this computer off of 12 for power fail-over and other

needs check out a pico power supply..

I am using teamspeak 3 without the plugin you have in the testing repo. i have stopped the one am using and tried the plugin but not allowing me to enable it i get an error after i try to enable it.

I have removed the plugin and it deleted my other teamspeak server lol but i got a backup of it, reinstalled and worked restored my server settings to the plugin and everything works.

also placed my licensekey.dat and all perfectly working. ff782bc1db

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